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The world is being over run by FIVE terrorists! They call themselves "CONCIL" You live by their rules or die. People are seperated in the communities by their wealth or non-wealth(in most cases). Mutants are the lowest on the todem pole. Most mutants end up in concentration camps where they wait to DIE. Some are lucky enough to be free as long as they wear "the Sign". The dangers for mutants are becoming more clear. Between Mutant Tracking Machines and MECS(upper-class police officers in machinary) the mutants must FIGHT or die. C4:Explosion was brought together by a mysterious voice to do just that, FIGHT. They fight for themselves, for each other, with each other, and for others. One holds the secret for the FUTURE and another is a Traitor! How long can they survive? You decide!

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Artists,Colorist,and Writers attention! Think you have what it takes to be part of a Comic Book? Send Some Sketches or Stories To: You may be just what U-Turn Productions is Looking For! So, get those pencils to work!

**All Art will be posted on the site but the decision is based purely on Staff at U-Turn Prod. It is not necessary for you to draw a C4 character but it wouldn't hurt**Characters on this Site are owned by

Any likeness to living or dead person's is purely Coincidental. U-Turn Productions, C4:Explosion, Rowdy,Rune,Legacies,Shot,Horde,Concil,Mecs, Mutant Tracking Machines, The Sign are a Licensed trademark