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The Digidestined

Welcome to my fanart collection of Digimon 02 characters. Expect some abnormaly colored-haired people and much randomness of themes^-^ Also, click on the color-coded small pictures to see the original picture. Enjoy!


This is Miyako Inoue, here at your service! If ya don't like Miya/Yolei Inoue, then this ain't the place for you. 'Cuz I support the Digidestined of Love, Purity, and Sincerity! I also support Kenyako.^_^ With that said, enjoy^^

It's the laconic little boy of the group actually showing emotion! *ahem* 'tis noble Iori/Cody Hida, the Digidestined of Knowledge and Reliability. Heed his word folks!

Joe Blue

Hee, hee, this be Joe Kido, another weird colored-haired person, the Digidestined of Reliability (Faith). The style of the first picture reminds me of those Final Fantasy games...don't know why.

First was Faith, then was Hope...
I present to you TK Takahashi, the Digidestined of Hope. Yes, I know, a blond Japanese kid. I don't make the cartoon and believe me he isn't the first.

And I saw the Light!

Behold! It is Hikari Yagami, the Digidestined of Light!

This little hindu girl is Mina, one of the international digidestined encountered by Kari and Izzy on the Digimon World Tour in India. That would be her digimon Meramon in the background. ^_^

This is another international digidestined. Catherine is the charming French Digidestined girl saved by Tai and TK on the Digimon World Tour. This pic was drawn as an introduction to my oekaki comic, French Vanilla Skies.

This little boy blue genious is Ken's older deseased brother Sam (Osamu) Ichijouji. His death is what caused Ken to snap and become the evil digimon emperor. Well, not exactly, but still...I have yet to read a bad Osamu fanfic. This dead guy is just popular. O_o

Another watercolor pic. This one is a Christmas pic of June(Jun)Motomiya, older sister of Davis, the leader of the 02 digidestined. A lotta people don't like her, but I found her quite funny. There's something endearing about a girl who dares to wear her hair in a spikes.