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Nerds - Geeks

After reading this thread I thought that there wasn’t enough distinction between geeks and nerds. So I took it upon myself to delve deeper into this, and get some research. In my research I found that this question of “what are nerds and geeks?” has been the topic of many forum debates, as many as the question of ‘trekkies and trekkers’, with no clear cut answer. So hopefully this will give a larger comprehendible insight into this topic.

To start of this I thought it important to completely understand what both a nerd and a geek truly are. So first off we look at their dictionary definitions. It is surprising to see that according to ‘Webster’s’ dictionary geeks are nerds, but with one additional attribute. The definition for a nerd is as follows:

1. A foolish, inept, or unattractive person.
2. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.

It is commonly perceived that it was in Dr Seuss’s writing ‘If I Ran the Zoo’, which was published in 1950 where ‘nerd’ is used as one of Seuss’s imaginary animations. The narrator Gerald McGrew claims that he would collect “a Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker too” for his zoo.

When we close our eyes and are asked to imagine a nerd we instantly think of the stereotype image of a ‘nerd’. A young man wearing thick bottle glasses (held together with tape), formal dress shirts worn with either shorts with his socks pulled up, or trousers tucked into his socks. Sometimes lacking in personal hygiene, and will either be extremely skinny almost malnourished or obese. Stereotypical nerds are socially awkward and incapable of social interactions, except with fellow nerds or on technical topics. They are the social outcasts and the subject of humiliation and ‘bullying’ from jocks. Nerds are thought to become deeply involved in academic areas such as math, computers, technology, science, and physics.

In today’s world “nerd” has developed distinct positive connotations when linked to ‘computing’ and advanced technology. We are all aware that the internet was the growth point for all nerds as it allowed them to excel into intellectual and technical nirvana.
A great example of this is which prides itself on this nerd phenomenon, using "News for nerds. Stuff that matters” as its catchphrase. This I thought was quite appropriate for this thread as it also has the introduction of ‘karma’ points. Other websites include showcasing “stuff for smart masses”, including sections on gadgets and computing”
Now that we have a broader comprehension of what we classify as a ‘nerd’, we can turn our attention to that of the geek. In addition to the classification of a ‘Nerd’ a ‘Geek’ has the third addition of being; “a carnival performer whose show consists of bizarre acts, such as biting the head off a live chicken.”

This adds a slight twist to how we commonly see geeks. This idea of a geek performing bizarre acts of eating is more appropriate when looked at in a specific light of say; a ‘computer geek’. Here the ‘geek’ will ‘eat’ computer bugs, and other strange virtual objects. The geek is seen as a less technically skilled nerd, although some factions maintain that "nerds" are both technically skilled and socially competent, whereas "geeks" are only technically skilled, and socially incompetent.
These definitions now explain what it is to be a geek and a nerd, but to understand ‘nerds’ and ‘geeks’ is to relate them into today’s society. As in most categories, there is never the clear cut black-white, nerd-geek. So to summarize this battle, I propose a level of combinations. Firstly we have the:

The Nerd:
As was described in the Red Versus Blue Forum by Y2KWrath, “a nerd is someone who knows practically everything about a specific subject or subjects and likes to flaunt his superior knowledge. Arrogant. Acne.” In not in complete contention with this assertion and from what I have previously described as a nerd I would like to propose that:

Nerds focus their attention more on scientific and logical reasoning. Such as math, physics, computing and engineering. Rather than focusing themselves on the irrational world that surrounds them they will delve into logical problems where there is a final and logical solution. This refined knowledge when used in specific settings such as a classroom will appear as arrogance, and self assertion, but under other circumstances (such as gym, art, etc.) where this knowledge is void the nerd will cower away and try to ascertain himself back into his logic, thus making them targets for those threatened by their thinking and usual lack of size.

Geeks on the other hand we know have the same qualities as a Nerd, with one additional attribute; the ‘Carnival Performer’ attribute. This we can compare to shall we say specific ‘cultural’ knowledge. Holding the same thirst for knowledge, the geek on the other hand practices more on the ‘creative’ side of his demeanor, working more on liberal studies, the arts, creativity and imagination. Playing on the ‘circus’ aspect the geek will play up to this divulging in the strange, mysterious and unknown. Staying away from the mainstream ‘geeks’ turn their attention to comics, RPG games, films of alternative type and genre, music, etc, and other non conformist mainstream categories. Thus, refining their knowledge in fantasy and fiction rather than logic.