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Anne Frank Conquers the Moon Nazis

This is all from the above-mentioned comic i'm currently (and slooooowly) working on. It's about how Anne Frank is cloned by modern-day Nazi sympathizers working in Area 51...but then she busts out with the help of a friendly handy-man (Max Fleischer), and hilarity ensues.
Watch for it at your local comic shop, in, ohhh...2025.

Max repairs Anne's brains

Max "rescues" Anne by stuffing her head into the hole in his chest. (it's a long story...)

Max Fleischer plays videogames with his bigger, more socially-inept brother (Dave).

After Anne realises that everybody she's ever known has been dead for over 50 years, Max tries to lift her spirits by taking her to a fancy dinner. (Smooth move, Max.)

This is the body Max rigs for Anne while they plot to sneak back into the lab at Alamagordo...

I've been too drunk to draw. Please come back later!

"How the hell do you people DRINK this stuff??"

Anne battles a Moon Nazi (finally)