The new batarngs are quite sleek and as effective as the old ones.
So far razor edged
ones and explosive ones have been effectively used against Curare
and the one that emits an highly concentrated electric charge
was particularly effective against the Golem and Inque.
Batcar:The new batcar is a sleek surface-to -air crime
fighting vehicle. It has an advanced on board computer directly
linked to the Bat Suit's computerized circuitry. Besides this
it is equipped with a variety of weapons.
Batsuit: The Batsuit has neuromuscular amplification
capable of increasing the wearers strength 10 times over. Besides
this the gloves shoot out CO2 stars and have retractable climbing
claws. The suit can also cloak itself to blend into the surrounding
(like the predator). It also fires grappling hooks. Batarangs
are fired from compact housing in the wrist. It has magnetic rocket
boosters in the boots. The Bat suit is equipped with retractable
wings for short distance flight. The fingertips come equipped
with microphones for eavesdropping and the gloves
include sensors for instant chemical analysis. Also the cowl has
a visor which besides providing Bruce Wayne with a bird's eye
view of what's happening also provides batman with a variety of
modes ranging form infra-red to binocular magnification to view
the surroundings in. The suit is bulletproofed against small caliber
weapons and moderate laser attack.
Earlier, in Batman The animated series Batman used a sleek powerboat,
the Batboat while pursuing criminals on the water. In the future,
The batcar with it's hovercraft like properties, can pursue anything
on the surface of the water, but it can't go under water. That's
where the Batsub comes in. Sleek and equipped with the sate of
the art electronics and weapons, the Batsub is the perfect solution
to tackle crime under water. It is linked to the batsuit in the
same manner as the Batcar.