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Captain Yuriko "Yuri" Watanabe

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Ex20

Health: 60 Karma: 60
Resources: Ty Pop: 10

Known Powers:

Costume: Wraith's costume provides her with the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Armband Blades: Gd Edge, up to 1 area away
-Face Recognition Tech: Am
-Computer Interface: Un ability to upload information to any TV, computer, and smart phone in range of broadcast.
-Gas Nozzles: Wraith's costume can be used to release an Un compound that causes fear, making the victim want to flee as fast and as far away as possible. The fear compound only works on animals and humans native to Earth. Those breathing it, or coming into contact with the compound must make an End. FEAT vs. Un intensity to resist its effects. If breathed, the compound takes effect immediately, if it is only absorbed through the skin, it will take 3 rounds before it takes effect. If the victim is effected by the compound, the victim’s Endurance decides how long the character is affected
--Fe-Ty Endurance: 150 rounds
--Gd Endurance: 100 rounds
--Ex Endurance: 50 rounds
--Rm-Am Endurance: 25 rounds
--Mn Endurance: 10 rounds
--Un Endurance: 5 rounds
--Sh-X-Sh-Y Endurance: 1 round

Talents: Law Enforcement, Guns, Detective/Espionage

Contacts: NYPD, Carlie Cooper, Spider-Man

Captain Yuri Watanabe