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F) Un100
A) Ex20
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Rm30

Health: 320 Karma: 50
Resources: Ex Pop: 50

Known Powers:
Asgardian Physiology: Thor is an Asgardian, who's very body gives him the following abilities:
-Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical, Energy, Heat, Cold, Radiation, Toxins, Aging and Disease
-Slowed Aging: Un immunity to the ravaging effects of time. Thor only physically ages one year for every 100 years. He will age, just very slowly.
-Self-Sustenance: Thor doesn't need to breathe, he can survive in the vacuum of space
-Illusion Detection: +1CS intuition
Odin Power: CL1000, The Odin Force enables him to tap into the practically infinite resources of cosmic and mystical energies of the dimension Asgard exists within, enhancing all of his abilities in turn. He has the following power stunts:
-Immortality: Doesn't age
-Illusory Duplication: Thor can send out a image of himself within a CL3000 range.
-Invulnerability: In Asgard, CL3000 resistance to Aging, Disease, Fire, Cold, Corrosives and Toxins.
-Dimension Travel: Un
-Enchantment: Sh-Z ability to gift a target with Un powers.
-Energy Bolts: Sh-Z Energy, 10 areas
-Regeneration: Sh-Z

Mjolnir: CL1000, Thor's Fighting is Sh-Y and inflicts Un damage. Mjolnir can be thrown up to 10 areas. It can also perform the following power stunts:
-Illusion Detection: +1cs intuition
-Automatic Return
-Flight: Am
-Deflection: Rm protection vs. Physical, Energy and Magic attacks
-Weather Control: Mn lightning, even w/o a storm
-Air Control: only a pure and noble person can pick up the hammer (Ex Strength and 1000 Karma)
-Unfetted Might: Sh-Y damage,(Sh-Z with Belt of Might) Unless he is wearing his special gauntlets, this attack causes him 40 damage & half his Karma
-Power Absorption/Reflection: energy up to CL1000, but must be reflect that round
-Light Emission: In
-Magic Detection: Gd
Bloodaxe: Un material, Am edged damage
-Dimensional Aperture: the executor could cut through dimensional barriers and also let through the heat of the Sun(CL1000) or the cold of the Void (Mn).
-The Axe could disrupt magical disguises and illusions.
Gauntlets: CL1000, Sh-Y protection vs. contact powers
Belt of Strength: +1cs strength. (for 24 hrs., End. is -2cs if taken off)

Talents: (As Thor) Asgardian Lore, Swords, Weapon Specialist: Mjolnir, Medical (Rm)

Contacts: Odin, Asgard, Warriors Three