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Cassandra "Cassie" Lang

F) Ex20
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 42 Karma: 36
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Adjustable Growth: When obvious mobility keeps her from growing to full size, Cassie grows “not-quite-so-large” in these stages:
-Stage 1: 10 feet tall, S) Gd10 E) Gd10, Ty Body Armor and Health: 32
-Stage 2: 15 feet tall, S) Ex20 E) Gd10, Gd Body Armor and Health: 42 (+1CS to attack)
-Stage 3: 20 feet tall, S) Rm30 E) Ex20, Ex Body Armor and Health: 62 (+1CS to attack, -1CS to dodge)
-Stage 4: 25 feet tall, S) Rm30 E) Rm30, Rm Body Armor and Health: 72 (+2CS to attack, -1CS to dodge)
Shrinking: In, Down to 1/2 inch. tall. While small, she is +2cs to fight larger opponents and is -2cs to be hit by them. While small, she is +2cs to fight larger opponents and is -2cs to be hit by them.


Talents: Student, Martial Arts B

Contacts: Ant-Man II/Scott Lang, Young Avengers