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F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Am50
I) Ex20
P) Ex20

Health: 46 Karma: 90
Resources: Mn Pop: 80 (in Egypt)

Known Powers:

Ultra-Diode Ray-Gun: Allows him to use Mind Control at Rm ability with a 5 area range
Robot Warriors: During his time in Egypt, Rama-Tut created robotic soldiers to do his bidding:
F) Ex A) Gd S) Gd E) Ex R) Pr I) Pr P) Pr
Health: 60
-Body Armor: Gd
-Force or Energy Weapons: Ex, 2 areas

-Control: In
-Speed: Sh-Y
-Body: In
-Protection: In
Rama-Tut uses a slightly modified version of his ancestor Nathaniel Richards' original time machine. In can travel from any era to another era and is capable of CL1000 travel in space. It is larger on the inside than the outside and can disguise itself as any structure the size of a house or larger

Talents: Engineering, Temporal Physics, Repair/Tinkering

Contacts: None