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Pestilence II

Pestilence II


F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Rm30
R) Pr4
I) Ty6
P) Gd10

Health: 48 Karma: 20
Resources: Fe Pop: -30

Known Powers:
Disease: Pestilence has the ability to carry disease within herself and pass it to others. She is immune to all diseases. She infects a target by hitting them with a Green Fighting FEAT.
Infection usually results in an immediate -3cs reduction in all abilities, with an equivalent drop in Health. If any ability rank drops to 0. The character falls unconscious. After the reduction takes effect, the victim must make an End FEAT using his lowered level of Endurance. Characters whose powers include healing or a high resistence to disease receive a +2cs to their Endurance for this roll. Success indicates the process has been halted; otherwise the character falls to 0 and the character goes into a coma. Comatose characters can still make End FEAT, but failure indicates death. Medical help can stablize a comatose characters and Karma may be added to prevent death. Full hospitalization can reverse these effects.

Power Suit: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy, raises Strength and Endurance to Rm, but Health does not change.

Talents: None

Contacts: Apocalypse, Horsemen of Apocalypse