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Maximus Jensen

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 180 Karma: 26
Resources: Ty Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical, Energy, Force, Heat and Acid attacks.
Charging: Mammomax can move up to 2 areas in a round, but only in a straight line. He receives a +2CS when charging and his armor provides him with Un protection against any damage he might take.
Truck: Use as additional arm, an extra attack with Rm Fighting. Able to lift objects with Ex Strength
Tusks: Rm Edge
Digestive Acids: Rm corrosive, Mammomax is able to produce and spit digestive acids with the same area


Talents: Martial Arts B, E

Contacts: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants