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Eric Gitter

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6

Health: 60 Karma: 18
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Tattoo Adaptation: Ink has the power to adapt to and gain powers of any tattoo on his body. For example:
-Bio-Hazard Symbol: He has a tattoo on his right palm in the shape of a bio-hazard symbol which gives him In ability to make someone extremely ill.
-Bands: The tattoo on his left hand gives him Am Strength. The lines look similar to the banding on Colossus' flesh when he transforms, indicating a toughening of Ink's flesh to give him In protection vs. Physical and Energy.
-Twin Lightning Bolts: The two lightning bolt tattoos on his head give him the ability to read minds with In ability, but can be blocked by psi-shields.
-Wings: The wings on his back grant him In Flight.
-Ink also has a symbol on his right bicep with abilities that are heretofore unknown, although he refers to it as "explosive".


Talents: Student

Contacts: Young X-Men

Ink's Last Costume