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Hawkeye the Marksman


Clint Barton

F) Ex20
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 80 Karma: 22
Resources: Ty Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Enhanced Vision: Rm

Bow: 3 arrows/round at 7 areas range.
Arrows: Hawkeye has the following types of arrows that he uses in combat:
-Acid: Mn Corrosive, range 3 areas
-Adamantium: Ex Edge and pierces up to Un material, combined with Mn Electrical arrowhead
-Aerated Polymer: Create fall cushions that absorb up to In fall damage
-Airbag: Contains a rubberized bag that automatically inflates upon impact. It can be used to soften an impact (acts like Rm body armor when determining fall damage), or as a shield from an explosion or collision between objects or individuals
-Antarctic Vibranium: Ignores all metallic armor, including Adamantium. Inflicts Ex damage
-Blunt: With a rounded point, this arrow attacks on the Shooting column and inflicts 15 points of damage, but Kill results are treated as Stun results
-Bola: Rm ensnarement
-Boomerang: Computerized, self-returning arrowhead, may be added to other arrowheads
-Bomb-Sniffing: Detects explosives with Ex ability and can steer the arrow towards detected explosives. Can be used with other type arrows
-Boxing Glove: this arrow attacks on the Shooting column and inflicts 0 points of damage, but Kill results are treated as Stun results
-Buzzsaw: Able to cut through Gd material
-Cable: 2 area-long cable of ln material
-Camera: Containing a small spy camera, it can record and/or broadcast back video images in a 5-area range. Additionally, it can be wired into a security system to create a video loop
-Can-Opener: Able to cut through small amounts of Rm material items (i.e., doors, containers, etc.)
-Circling: This arrow can turn up to 360 degrees to hit targets around corners or behind the shooter; it inflicts 15 points of damage
-Clamp: The tip consists of two prongs that snap closed upon impact, gripping whatever is between them with Gd strength
-Constrictor: Constricts target with Rm material cable
-Diamond-Tipped: Can penetrate extremely resilient surfaces, such as bullet-proof glass (up to Rm material). Can be used with other arrow tips
-Electrical: Am, range 5 areas
-Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP): Causes a variable rank EMP that affects all electronics in the target area. Consumer Electronics must make a Red FEAT roll or be shut down, custom electronics (battle suits, weapons, etc.) must make a Yellow FEAT using either their Endurance rank or Material Strength
-Entangling: Upon contact, the arrowhead explodes, surrounding the target in a net of Rm material
-Explosive: damage can be adjusted from Gd to Am Force
-Fireworks: Causes Rm intensity brightness, anyone in the target area must make an Endurance FEAT or be blinded for 1–10 turns
-Flame: As this arrow streaks through the air, it bursts into flame, emitting Gd Intensity Heat for 5 turns. It is often used to ignite combustible materials
-Flare: Rm intensity Light in 2-area radius for 10 turns, Rm Heat to target, target must also make an Endurance FEAT or be blinded for 1–10 turns
-Foam: A fast-expanding, quick-drying aerated polymer, it can be used to soften falls like the airbag arrow, acting as Rm Body Armor
-Grappling Claw: Can grapple targets with Rm Strength or be used in conjunction with cable arrows to provide a line for swinging or climbing
-Grease: Covers target area with slippery grease, causing all in target area to make Agility FEAT vs. Ex rank or be unable to move without falling
-Grounding: Shorts out electrical power (or targets that emanate electrical energy) up to In rank
-Heat-Seeking: May be added to other arrowheads
-Hypodermic: The victim must succeed at an Ex Endurance FEAT or be knocked out for 1–10 turns
-Ink-jet: Dispenses black ink over the target, causing blindness for 1–10 turns. Can also be used to write
-Knock-Out Gas: Knock-Out gas fills 1 area. All those in the area must succeed at an In Endurance FEAT or be rendered unconscious for 1–10 turns
-Laser: In Energy attack to target
-Magnetic: In adherence. May carry cable or another arrowhead
-Parachute: Provides a parachute (Ty material) that allows an individual to fall without damage from any height
-Phosphorous: Ex intensity Light in 2-area radius, Am damage to target, can be used underwater
-Putty: Rm adherence to rough surfaces, may be used to stop exposed machinery
-Pym Particle Growth: Causes the target to grow up to In rank (10x original size)
-Pym Particle Multi-Arrow: Using Pym Particles, this arrowhead contains 50 normal arrows that rains down on the target area, making it impossible to dodge. All targets are automatically hit with 1-4 arrows. Can fire 3 arrows simultaneously, covering 3 entire areas
-Net: In ensnarement
-Pym Particle Shrinking: Causes the target to shrink up to Rm ability (down to 1% original size)
-Radiation Absorbing: Can absorb up to Rm Radiation, reducing any damage caused by the associated amount of ranks
-Razor: It inflicts 25 points of damage on the Shooting column with a Bullseye result being treated as a Kill result
-Razor-Wire: Entangles target like constrictor arrow, but also causes Gd Edge to target
-Rocket: Boosts range by 1 area, may be added to other arrowheads
-Rusting Chemical: Causes rapid decay (-1cs to material and associated body armor per turn) of metallic material
-Safety Foam: Uses a flame-retardant foam to extinguish to reduce the intensity of flames by 6 power ranks on the target
-Scrambler: Shuts down electrical devices that it hits for 6 minutes
-Smoke: This arrow fills 1 area with Ex intensity smoke. All FEATs in the smoke-filled area suffer a -2cs penalty
-Sneeze-Smog: 1 area coverage; those in the area must succeed at a Gd Endurance FEAT or suffer – 3cs to all FEATs for 1–10 turns due to sneezing
-Sonic: Ex noise in each area. Endurance FEAT or be Stunned 1–10 turns
-Stink: 1 area coverage; those in the area must succeed at a Gd Endurance FEAT or suffer -2cs to all FEATs for 1–10 turns
-Suction Cup: Rm adherence to smooth surfaces
-Suction Pulley Cable: 2 area-long cable of ln material. Combined with a reel, it can pull up to 500 lbs
-Sunburst: Causes Rm intensity brightness, anyone in the target area must make an Endurance FEAT or be blinded for 1–10 turns. Also causes Rm damage to those affected by sunlight
-Target: This arrow is commonly used for target practice. It inflicts 15 points of damage on the Shooting column
-Tear Gas: 1 area coverage, those in the area must succeed at an Ex Endurance FEAT or suffer – 4cs to all FEATs for 1–10 turns
-Thermal: Rm Heat
-Tracer: Places a small tracking device on the target that enables tracking up to 10-mile range
-Turbine: Generates a constant electrical charge for powering equipment (Ex Electrical generation).
-Two-Prong: Similar to target arrow, but with two heads. Causes Ex Shooting
-Vibranium: Must have supplement Magnetic, Putty, or Suction Cup arrowhead to stick to target. Can deaden Rm Energy or Force at target
-Vibration: Ex Force
-Water: Covers target with water, can be used to snuff out (up to) Gd Flames, or if blessed, used against those affected by holy water.
-Acetylene Torch: Used to cut through metal (up to Am material), can cut through small amounts due to the limited fuel (1 turn). If used against a person, causes Mn Fire
-Adhesive Bandage: Similar to the bola arrow, it is used to entangle opponents using a 6” wide bandage coated with super-sticky glue (various material strength)
-Cryonic: Causes variable rank cold damage to target or can freeze up to 1 area of water
-Extinguisher: Uses a flame-retardant gas to extinguish up to Rm Flames in 1 area
-Rain Arrow: Containing “cloud-seeding” material, when fired into the sky, it can create a rainstorm in a 2-area radius of the targeted location
Wrist Crossbow: Hidden under his arm guard, fires up to 3 areas. Fires the following bolts:
-Mini-Arrows: Gd Edge
-Knockout Dart: Gd potency
Katana Swords (x2): In material, Rm Edge

Talents: Leadership, Survival, Marksmanship, Thrown Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Bow), Arrow-Head Design (Ex Reason)

Contacts: Mockingbird, The Avengers, WCA

Clint Barton

Hawkeye's First Costume

Hawkeye's Second Costume

Hawkeye's Third Costume

Hawkeye's West Coast Costume

Hawkeye's Costume during "The Crossing"

Hawkeye's Heroes Reborn Costume

Hawkeye's Thunderbolts Costume

Hawkeye's Costume before his "death."

Hawkeye's Last Avengers Costume

Hawkeye with Shades

Hawkeye without Shades

Hawkeye's Last Costume