Carl 'Crusher' Creel
F) Un100/Ex20
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) Un100/Gd10
E) Un100/Ex20
R) Pr4
I) Pr4
P) Ty6
Health: 330/56 Karma: 14
Resources: Pr Pop: -20
Known Powers:
Avatar of Greithoth: While wielding the Hammer of Greithoth, Absorbing Man gains the following abilities:
-Alter Ego: The stats change as shown above
-Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical, Energy, Heat, Cold, Radiation, Toxins, Aging and Disease
-Slowed Aging: Un immunity to the ravaging effects of time. Greithoth only physically ages one year for every 100 years. He will age, just very slowly.
-Self-Sustenance: Greithoth doesn't need to breathe, he can survive in the vacuum of space
-Illusion Detection: +1CS intuition
-Material and Energy Absorbtion: Greithoth can take on the properties of any material he touches, giving him Strength, Endurance and Body Armor of rank equal to the material strength of the material touched, his health is also increased (not decreased for material lower than his normal ranks). The upper limit is Un. If the object hold energy he can also absorb it and hold it for 10 rounds, he is not hurt by this energy. He can also absorb shapes and sizs.
-Power Absorbtion: Un, but he does not gain the ability to control them and the target retains them,.
-Life Support: When parts of his body are severed he can reattach them by holding them in place when he return to normal.
Hammer of Greithoth: CL3000 material, The Hammer of Greithoth seems similar to Mjolnir in some respects. It gives Greithoth the following abilities:
-Greithoth's Fighting is Sh-Y and he inflicts Un damage. The Hammer of Greithoth can be thrown up to 10 areas.
-Automatic Return
-Worthiness: Only Creel was able to lift the Hammer of Greithoth. The Hammer is inscribed with runes that translate as "And he who shall be worthy will wield the Hammer of Greithoth."
-Transformation: When Creel lifted the Hammer, he was transformed into Greithoth.
-Force Projection: Mn Energy, 10 areas
-Dimensional Travel: Ty
-Flight: Am
Talents: Weapon Specialist: (Hammer of Greithoth), Crime
Contacts: Skirn, The Worthy