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F) Rm30
A) Un100
S) Mn75
E) CL1000
R) Mn75
I) Mn75
P) Un100

Health: 1205 Karma: 250
Resources: CL1000 Pop: -30

Known Powers:
Magical Ability: Dormammu is one of the most powerful magic-wielders to ever exist. He may use any listed power as a spell, subject to the limitations of Personal and Universal energy restrictions. Being a Dimensional entity, he is able to generate these energies himself. He uses these abilities at the Mn level, unless otherwise notes as Power stunts. In addition, Dormammu regularly uses the following spells:
-Telepathy: Dormammu can telepathically contact anyone he wishes throughout the dimensions at CL1000 ability.
-Eldritch Beams/Bolts: Mn Force or Energy Missile weapon, Mn range.
-Counterspell (Dimensional): Dormammu can cancel out or tamper with the magical spell of others at Un ability. He must make a FEAT roll against the intensity of the spellcaster he wishes to affect.
-Dimensional Aperture (Dimensional): Un, Creates an opening into and permits passage to and from another stated dimension
-Transformation (Dimensional): Un, Dormammu can transform himself or others into another substance, retaining the target's own shape. He can also endow another individual with new powers, or enhance old ones.
-Flames of Regency: When Dormammu is ruling the Dark Dimension, he receives a +1CS on any power he uses.
-Immortality: If Dormammu's Health is reduced to zero his body dissipates and begins to reform elsewhere over a period of 2-20 months.


Talents: Occult Lore, Mystical Background.

Contacts: None

Dormammu's Last Appearance

Mindless Ones

Mindless Ones

F) Rm30
A) Pr4
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Fe2
I) Fe2
P) Fe2

Health: 64 Karma: 6
Resources: N/A Pop: N/A

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
Eye Beam: Ex Force, 1 area, can be fired once per round
Mindlessness: Though illusionary powers work on them, other mental powers that attack or affect the mind, such as Confussion, Fear, Mental Control and Mesmerism, do not
Environmental Independence: Do not need to eat, sleep or breathe, it is unknown if they age or ever die
Inexhaustible: If defeated, they will lay as dead for 3 rounds, then rise up and begin fighting again. Karma is granted as normal for defeating them


Talents: None

Contacts: Dormammu