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Nicholas Powell

F) Gd10
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Gd10

Health: 80 Karma: 70
Resources: Ex Pop: -5

Known Powers:

Ankle Jets: Gd airspeed
Wrist Blasters: Chance has a blaster on each wrist that contain the following weapon systems:
-Laser: Rm Energy, 4 areas
-Concussive Blasts: Rm Force in open areas, In Force in confined spaces.
-Acid Darts: Ex intensity acid, 2 areas and each wrist blaster contain 30 darts.
-Cellular Telephone: A radio telephone is contained in his bracelet and is connected to his home computer and answering machine.
Cybernetic Helmet: Chance's helmet contains a veriety of sensors and display screens. What look like goggles are actually a variety of video screens and instrument displays.
-Circular Vision: 5 video camera's feed the monitor screens giving Change a 360 degree view.
-Infrared Vision: Gd ability to see thermal emissions or to see in the dark.
-Radar: Gd radar gives basic position of obstacles up to 10 areas away.
-Systems Monitoring: Displays within the helmet inform him of the status of ammunition, laser charges and power level.
-Protected Vision: While wearing the goggles, Chance is immune to most sight-based attacks unless such attacks can be controlled by television.
Power Pak: The pack conveys the power through cables linking the pack and helemt If these cables are damages Chance suffers an electrical shock that stuns him for 10-100 turns unless he successfully makes a Red End. FEAT roll.

Talents: Acrobatics, Marksmanship, Weapons Design, Gambling

Contacts: None