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F) In40
A) Ex20
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Ty6
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 120 Karma: 36
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Density Manipulation: Bruiser can shift his center of gravity to any point of his body, allowing the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical
-Kinetic Amplification: Bruiser can focus all his body weight behind his punches or kicks to inflict In damage. With a Power FEAT roll on In, he can accomplish this instantly, otherwise using this power counts as one action/attack for that round in addition to the attack itself.
-Leaping: By shifting his mass while running, Bruiser can leap with In ability (40 feet up/across, 60 feet down). With a Power FEAT roll he can quickly shift his mass to his feet/legs and deliver a Groundstrike or Shockwave on landing.
-Unmovable: Bruiser can shift his center of gravity to make it more difficult to move or throw him. His Endurance increases to Am rank (no Health change) against attempts to Slam (but not Stun), throw, flip or tackle him. This FEAT also makes it harder for opponents to find leverage and Bruiser gains a +1cs to any Wresting rolls. With a Power FEAT roll on In, he can accomplish this instantly, otherwise it counts as one action/attack for that round


Weak Points: Shifting his mass puts intense strain on Bruiser's bones and any opponent with Weakness Detection or similar powers, including Daredevil's enhanced senses and radar can focus on and strike the point of maximum stress, potentially breaking his bones. If the hero can detect the right place to strike and make a Yellow Fighting FEAT, Bruiser would need to make an Endurance FEAT against the hero's damage rank +3cs or his bone is shattered and he is incapacitated with pain.

Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Wrestling

Contacts: Hydra, AIM, Serpent Society, The Maggia, Secret Empire

Bruiser's Last Costume