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Apocalypse's Ship

Apocalypse's Ship

Control: Ex
Speed: CL1000
Body: In
Protection: Ex

Known Powers:
Ship: The memory banks of the ship's computer has access to obscure information on galactic cultures not known to Earth. Its Reason should be considered Mn for purpose of general information.
Anti-Mutant Field: Apocalypse's ship will prevent entry of any non-mutant. It has Force Fields at all entrances that provide Am protection against any non-mutant attempt to enter.
Self-Repair: Apocalypse's ship has the ability to repair 1 rank of lost Speed, Body and Control per day, until it reaches its maximums
Outer Defenses: All defenses are considered to have Rm rank in determining whether it has hit the opponent. It has the following outer defenses:
-Battering Ram: In Charging damage, 2 areas
-Blaster Cannon: Am
-Grappling Claw: In Grappling, 2 areas
-Boring Attack: Rm Edge, 2 areas
Inner Defenses: All defenses are considered to have Rm rank in determining whether it has hit the opponent. It has the following inner defenses:
-Blaster Cannons: In, 3 areas
-Grapplers: In Grappling, 2 areas
-Containment Unit: Only used in emergencies. If the ship is attacked by a lethal entity, it must first score a successful grappling attack and then will put the target in a containment unit that inflicts Mn damage until the target is dead.
In combat, the ship will have 5-10 weapons active at any time.
Rearrangement: The ship can alter its inner layout, producing beds, shuttlebays, etc. when needed.