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F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Mn75

Health: 18 Karma: 95
Resources: N/A Pop: N/A

Known Powers:
Empathy/Emotion Detection: Animus is an empath who can read or register the surface emotions of others. Contact with willing targets, or those targets whose Intuition is lower than Animus' is considered automatically successful. Targets of equal Intuition require a Yellow FEAT and those with Emotion Detection powers a Red FEAT. Individuals of higher Intuition, those unwilling to be read, other empaths, or those with Emotion Control powers are Impossible FEATs. A successful FEAT not only reveals the target's emotional state, but also its cause. In this sense, Animus could be considered a telepath who can gain access to the surface thoughts of an individual through the emotions rather than the mind.
His empathic range is 20 areas (1/2 mile). He also has the Emotion Detection power at Un rank and range (60 areas or 1 1/2 miles). He can pick up subtle psychological clues which indicate whether a person is under stress, lying, or worried. A successful FEAT roll indicates that Animus has detected the target's emotional state, but not the cause of the emotion. Those trying to conceal their emotions use their Intuition as an intensity rank to determine the type of FEAT required.
Emotion Control: Ex, acts upon the subconscious fears and attractions of an individual. Though this power can be used to modify any emotion, Animus is only interested in producing intense hatred. Targets must be in the same area as Animus and may make an Intuition FEAT to avoid the effects. Those who fail this FEAT are affected for 10-100 rounds (1 to 10 minutes). The effects of this dose must wear off before another can be administered. Robots and non-living beings are immune to the effect of Emotion Control.
Absorption Power: Am ability to absorb hatred and seems to be nourished by energy generated by the emotion of hatred. The amount of hatred any person is capable of generating is dictated by their emotions which are tied to their Intuition (Strength of Will tied to Psyche could also be used). If Animus were in the presence of five individuals, all of whom had an Intuition of Gd and all of whom either through Emotion Control or their own emotions were experiencing hatred, he would be in the presence of 50 points, or Am rank, hatred per round. Animus can use this hatred to heal any existing damage or to temporarily raise his Health by the power rank involved to a maximum of 400. Using the above example, and assuming Animus had suffered no previous damage, his Health would be raised to 68 after the first round of exposure. After eight rounds of exposure, Animus would be at his maximum Health of 400. Absorbing hatred this fast would be the equivalent of bolting his food and Animus would much more prefer consuming hatred at a slower rate of, say, ten points per round for thirty-eight rounds. No known amount of hatred can damage Animus, but if in the presence of more than fifty points of hatred, he can redirect the excess toward opponents in the next round. Simi larly, he can release hatred which he has already ingested at an Am rate per round. Such released energy must be deducted from his Health score.
Levitation: Pr, can move up to four areas vertically in a single round.
Shape-Change: Mn ability to change form and duplicate the appearance of any human being.
Disappearing: Through an unknown means, Animus can disappear. This is not thought to be Invisibility, but rather some sort of Movement power such as Teleportation. His corporal form seems to fade away when he uses this ability.


Talents: Skilled Orator

Contacts: Sons of the Serpent, HYDRA