For the Love of the Gundam

Disclaimer: not mine.
Pairings: you'll see...
Warnings: abuse of stuffed animals, humor, yaoi, language, mentions of other anime (speficically, Magic Knight Rayearth - PLEASE NOTE: NOT a cross-over fic!!)
Notes: this was a challenge... the rules are listed below!


- 1+2, 3+4, 5+(?)
- Mentions of:
o A beat up road cone
o A Nuriko doll
o 3 pink elephants
o Chocolate moose or pudding
o Tight zebra pants with front lacing
o At least 1 drunk pilot
o 5 references to one other anime
o 1 popular quote from another anime
o 2 references to a video game

- Contain the following lines
o “How do they make it green?”
o “Tuna is good, but this is gooder.”
o “If I had a dollar for every time that’s happened to me, I’d have… two dollars!”

Frat Party Gone Wrong
by Veste Notus

The weather was fair that Friday night. It was late October, and frost covered the campus, yet strangely, it wasn’t all that cold out. Of course Heero had no intention of ever enjoying this lovely evening. Regardless of what day it was, he was much happier typing on his laptop, as he always is. At a quarter past seven, the bathroom door of his and Duo’s dorm room opened.

Heero caught the wonderful scene just in time. His secret crush stood in the doorway, amidst the steam from his shower and heat from blow drying his hair. He stood up in an elegant and graceful (and definitely intentional) pose with one hand on his hip and the other through his long hair. Heero’s jaw dropped, but he closed his mouth quickly before Duo noticed he was staring.

“Brush you hair?” Duo looked at the stoic pilot in surprise. True it was only three words (not even the right three words!), but the fact of the matter remained: unprompted, Heero Yuy spoke to Duo without even calling him “baka” or saying “omeo o korosu.”

“Hey sure Heero! Thanks a bunch! It gets so tangled after I dry it!” Duo grabbed a Tupperware from the fridge in their room and then sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Heero to come and brush his hair. Heero grabbed Duo’s favorite brush (the one with a Makona painted on it) and sat down beside Duo just as the braided pilot began to eat the contents of the container, which Duo lovingly named “his dinner”. As soon as Heero put the brush to his head, Duo stopped eating and relaxed considerably. Heero, the observant boy he is, noticed and gave Duo a questioning look.

“Baka, what’s the matter.”

“Nothin’! Just don’t stop!” Heero naturally turned all shades of red. That last line didn’t sound right. Duo realized that and tried again. “Tuna is good, but this is gooder.” Heero cringed at the grammatical error.



“Tuna is good, but this is better.” Neither Heero nor Duo could believe those words just came out of the Wing pilot’s mouth.

“Can I quote you on that one?” snickered the braided one. A grunt and a warning glare was all Duo got before shutting the hell up and letting Heero finish the task at hand.

“Duo, gather your thoughts before you make words.” Heero finished brushing and braiding the American’s hair. He gave the braid a little tug to let Duo know he was done.

“All set? Thanks Heero.” Duo paused. “Hey Heero, ya wanna come to this party with me?” Heero actually stopped to consider what other options he had. “C’mon Heero! It’s Euro-Trash Night!” Before Heero had a chance to say no, the braided boy nearly tackled him with a pair of tight zebra pants, which, Heero was soon to learn, laced up in the front. //Tonight’s lesson: do not give Shinigami the chance to act on his word.//

Duo quickly attacked Heero and his own drawers to find a black, buttondown shirt. Like that’s hard to find in Shinigami’s wardrobe. He forced the size “small” shirt onto the resisting Wing pilot and left the buttons half done. //Step back and smile!//

“Perfect! You’re the trashiest of the trashy, Hee-chan!” Duo’s voice sang. Heero was shocked he hadn’t killed Deathscythe’s pilot yet. “Wait for me!” Duo dug through mounds of clothes before putting on a pair of tight European black pants and a red vest with nothing underneath, which he chose to leave open to emphasize the European-ness.

Swinging a blanket around him like a cape, he posed in front of Heero saying, “Don’t I look just like Lantis?”

“No.” Heero started. “And you should stop obsessing over all those comic books.” The saddened look on Duo’s face told him he’d done something wrong. //You’re resourceful, Yuy. Make him happy!// “You look more like Marth.”

“Pot calling the kettle black! You’ve gotta get off that game, Heero! Fire Emblem’s gonna take over your mind at this rate!” Duo chuckled.

The party was held at a frat house, and when the two boys got there, it was in full swing. It wasn’t long until either of them found their beloved college and Shenlong Gundam pilot, Wufei…Drunk as a mule and swingin’ like it was 1999. His European-ness was more of a “wear as few clothes as possible”, leaving Wufei with a pair of spandex red pants that rivaled Heero’s shorts. Heero and Duo ducked down so Wufei wouldn’t see them and ran to a nearby booth, out of site.

“He’s drunk as doorknob, isn’t he?”

“Well, this is a frat party. Wufei’s just getting in the mood…I think you could learn from him, Heero.” And with that, Duo picked himself up and moseyed on down to the dance floor, leaving Heero’s mouth gaping. //Learn from Wufei?...Wait what?//

Heero shrugged and helped himself to the bar where a death glare to the bartender was more than helpful in obtaining the beverage sought after. Heero never drank in too much excess, but he let himself go a little tonight – not nearly as much as Wufei. Heero drank until he was tipsy, but he more or less had control of what he was doing…He just tended to act on his impulses a bit more…

Heero began concentrating on the dance floor. The mood of the party and the alcohol left him needing to see a certain braided pilot. He tried hard to focus. When he let his eyes relax, Heero would see three pink elephants dancing around on the floor with the crowd. //Alcohol does straaaange things…Very strange things.//

Taking a sip of his cold one, Heero noticed a cute blonde dancing with someone who looked to be Trowa, and by dancing, he meant grinding like a pair of fervent monkeys. The alcohol must have severely slowed down his reaction time, for Heero had just managed to swallow his drink before it hit him – and made him choke a little. Yes, against better judgment, innocent little QUATRE of all people was grinding with Trowa! He didn’t know about Trowa’s state of alcohol intake, but he was pretty sure Quatre was a smidget tipsy, as evidenced by the fact that he kept slumping to one side every now and then, and shouting something about his love for his (nonexistent) dog, Hikari.

It wasn’t two seconds later that Wufei came bounding to Heero, tripping over as he went. Under his arm he carried a Nuriko plushie.

“Hey Heero.” Wufei slurred.


“Like yatameet my date.” With that, Wufei held up the doll. “Isn’t she beautiful?” Heero rolled his eyes and gave Wufei a nod before leaving the insanity. He glanced over to find Wufei making out with his doll. Shuddering, Heero began looking for Duo.

After a couple gropes to his person, Heero finally found Duo.

“Hey Hee-chan! You loosen up a bit?” Heero smirked and pulled Duo to the side.

“I was thinking…Escudo would be a nice addition to our gundams…”

“Err… Heero…?” It didn’t take long for Duo to realize a few things. One, Heero was somewhat drunk. Two, Heero was somewhat drunk because Duo told him to “loosen up”. Three, Heero was so drunk, that he was providing incriminating evidence to the fact that he snuck a peak at Duo’s comic books after all. Duo decided to play a little with Heero’s drunken state. “Having a good time, sexy?”

“I guess. Wufei’s so drunk that he’s making out with a doll.” Yep. Reaction time was slowed. //Time out…he called me sexy?!//

“Whooow boy! If I had a dollar for every time that’s happened to me, I’d have…two dollars!” Heero had to think about that one before understanding that Duo’d made out with a doll twice.

“What doll?”

“Excuse me?”

“What doll have you ever made out with?” Suspicions confirmed: Heero was drunk…and Duo planned to take full advantage of that.

“Well, my first offense was a Ferio plushie.” Duo said with a grin. Slowed reaction time was grossly overestimated. Heero realized quite quickly that Ferio was a guy…Duo was a guy…Duo made out with a guy…Heero was a guy…Fun ensues.

Heero took two seconds to press his mouth against Duo in a demanding way that either reads “I’m drunk, humor me” or “I’ve wanted this all my life”. Duo’s mind believed it was the first, but his heart wanted to believe it was the second. Either way, Duo ‘humored’ him…and boy did he! In a manner that would put the drunk Quatre and Trowa to shame, Duo and Heero danced in lip lock in the dead center of the room. A few cat calls and shouts were vaguely heard as the two boys soared on cloud nine.

Heero and Duo left the party early and set out to their dorm room. The two were bashful to one another as Heero’s senses started coming back to him. Heero kept himself busy by casually and half-heartedly kicking the beat up road cones that lined the pathway to their dorm. Once inside, Duo went to the good ol’ icebox in search of an icebreaker. His method of choice – dessert.

Duo pulled out some chocolate pudding and some leftover green jello. “Pick your poison.”

Heero tentatively reached out and took the jello from Duo. That brief moment of hand to hand contact almost made him jump. True, he’d spent the last hour and a half pulled flush up against Duo, but he was drunk then! This was different…and incredibly awkward.

“How do they make it green?”

“Duo…it’s dyed.”

“Alright, destroy the magic of it why don’t you!” Duo was feeling more than awkward. He knew Heero knew what happened when he was drunk. Duo’s heart hoped against hope that Heero had in fact “wanted that his whole life”. Duo wasn’t sure whether or not he should cozy up to Heero. If Heero had been drunk, Duo could risk losing his best friend to a stupid pickup line. But if Duo was callus to the boy and Heero did want to kiss Duo, Heero might think Duo was only humoring Heero with that kiss…that it meant nothing to him. Duo definitely thought differently.

During that introspection, Heero had been idly chatting about Crono from Chrono Tigger. Heero was trying to worship Crono a little more than necessary to give Duo the same hint he’d given Heero. Duo’s introspections kept him from realizing that Heero was trying to imply what was now obvious: he liked guys, specifically the guy standing in front of him.

“Crono’s hair’s kinda cool, but I think he’d look so much sexier with a ponytail in back…” Heero was going above and beyond the call of subtle duty to get Duo’s attention. He got it. Of course, Heero didn’t notice, so he took it a step further. “…maybe even a long braid…”

And that’s all it took. Duo closed in on Heero. He stopped about an inch away from Heero’s face.

“Heero, it meant something…”

“I know.” And with that, both boys knew that they’d never be lonely again. They had always had each other, and now both knew that they always would have each other.

The next morning, Wufei woke up with a throbbing migraine amidst many, many Nuriko plushies, Trowa bought Quatre a dog to cheer up is hung-over lover, and Heero and Duo woke up in the arms of one another, happier than they’d ever been in their entire lives.


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