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This story revolves around Son Goku a strange 11 year old. What's strange about Goku is that he has a furry
tail. The story begins in a forest. Goku is coming home from his fishing trip when a strange animal attacks him.
Thinking that the animal was about to steal his fish, he beats the animal with his *tongkat hikmat*. Then a young
girl emerged from the belly of the animal. (actually the animal was a car. Goku has never seen a car, so he assumes
it's an animal) The girl shot Goku, but Goku was uninjured. She then explained to him that she was no monster.
She tells him that she too, was a human being. Well, Goku lived his whole life in the jungle with his grandfather,
Son Gohan, so he has never seen a female before. The girl introduced herself, saying her name was Bulma and she
was from *Bandar Barat*.