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F) Sh-X 150
A) Un100
S) CL1000
E) CL3000
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Cl3000

Health: 4250 Karma: 3060
Resources: Mn Pop: -900

Known Powers:
Fire Demon Physiology: The oldest being in all the realms, Surtur is the Lord of Muspelheim. His very body gives him the following:
-Resistance to Fire and Heat: CL3000, Surtur is made of fire.
-Body Armor: Sh-X, Surtur's fiery body protects him from Blunt, Edge, and Shooting attacks.
-Fire and Heat Control: Surtur can control fire and heat with Sh-Z ability.
-Phasing: Mn
-Shape-Shifting: Mn
-Invulnerability: Sh-Z resitance to Physical, Energy and Magical attacks
-Growth: (Permanent) Un

Twilight (Surtur's Sword of Doom): CL1000 material, Sh-Z Edge, Surtur can gain CL3000 Flame damage by Igniting his sword in the "Eternal Flame of Destruction".

Vulnerable to Cold and Water: Cold- and Water-based attacks gain +1cs damage.

Talents: Asgardian Lore, Weapon Specialist: (Twilight)

Contacts: None