We Came To Protest On Behalf of (The Untitled)

These are the thoughts of Tami Brad Pitt:

ME? I am who I am. HIM? I'm very suspicious of a WHOLE LOT of VERY SUSPICIOUS THINGS about him! Plus, he stinks! I don't think he's EVER even heard of a... hellooOOOooooo.....razor, comb or brush! They're everywhere these days! *silly giggles* i'd love to buy him one! He might get insulted by that though. And he always has a lot of bags with him! GrrrRRRrross! If he ever (even accidentally) touches me, LIKE, OH - MY - GOD! I will die! No, first I'll scream until zits pop up on my face, then, I'll die! Ugh. I swear, as soon as I find someone else who will help me get the word out about my extreme naps... I'm going to replace this bum. Til then I have to work with him. If I keep my conversations short, and talk to him with sloooow, measured... carefully worded, non-confrontational subjects... maybe, just maybe I can get through this.I think....Duh!.....I KNOW he's just one of those crazy-hobo-hippie types who are only into the so-called "unity for the people" to meet women! Ugh! Yuck! I'll have to warn everyone I know about him. He's not going to use my inspirational zine to influence anyone! I can't stand the way he always talks to me like he's making sure he doesn't tell me too much!

As if I can't be trusted. *sigh* Who cares what that anti-social 'wanna-be dread-head' book nerd thinks. All I care about is moving into my new apartment. That gives me a great idea! *debutante-style silly giggles* I know a good way to let him know just how little I care about being trusted by him! I'll wait until he's within earshot of all my closest friends, then I'll make a loud, big spectacle of personally inviting everybody to an open house party at my new place! I'll even insist out loud that certain friends of mine show up. i'll invite everybody I see. Everybody except HIM! *debutante-style giggles* Wow! this'll be fun! I haven't done anything like this since I was 16! He's probably too stupid too even notice that he's being left out. Or 'dissed' as he would say! *debutante-style silly giggles* Hmmm, Just to make sure he notices, I'll personally invite all my friends, THEN, I'll walk over behind him slowly, with loud footsteps, while he's writing something in his usual way, look at him (as if I'm actually considering inviting him) then go over to him like bambi... ...and just make stupid small talk, maybe something inspirational like "you're doing such a good job"... but no invitation! That way he definitely notices that I KNEW he was there, I JUST DELIBERATELY CHOSE to NOT invite him! SUPREME! I deserve a cookie! Oh, then, to make doubly sure he notices, I will walk away, afterwards, and yell a big super-duper friendly "Bye Marcus"! Actually, I'm not being mean. Its just for...uhhh, safety reasons. I really don't know him all that well. I've only known him a couple months. Plus my roommate...oh well, any excuse will do! *debutante style silly giggles*

Hopefully, I can can avoid any type of rediculously absurd racial type incidents. I could JUST SCREAM!!!!! I 'm not into this "nap club" nonsense! Just wonderful, peaceful, beautiful NAPS! MMMMmmmmMM. It would make the world better. "Nap Club" makes it sound like my dear nap enthusiasts are into billy clubbing people! Stupid 'Nap Club'!!!!!! Not 'Club'! Just Naps! But I'll do it to bring exposure to my "L- X -Treme Naps" Zine! ....hmmmm, I wonder if there's a shoe sale at that new shoe store I saw?

No need to be alone

These are the thoughts of Marcus Edward Norton:

Me? i be who i be. i know she's very suspicious about me. Screw it. Somebody is always suspicious about me. If its not cuz' of all my paperwork and food i carry around with me in my duffel bag and book bags, its my race. If its not the race, its my anti-grooming habits. If I were kowtow to the multi trillion dollar cosmetic industry, which is just another corporation that brainwashes the people with advertisements, and fools them into putting their little money to selfish vanity and fashion instead of sustenance and food for the people who are suffering, perhaps I would be accepted. Maybe I'll do that. NOT!!!!!! I don't think she's EVER even seen the inside of a homeless shelter with homeless children! They're everywhere these days! I'd love to schedule her to volunteer at one, then buy her a bus ticket to go to one so she can see the reality-side of life. Hmmmmmmm, She'd probably take that the wrong way. She's always talking to me like I'm a retarded kindergarten student and she's the special ed teacher. Or like i'm the wild beast at her zoo. Can't hate her for that though. So many parents are raising their kids to be selfish little yuppies these days. *happy laughter* i sure hope she doesn't bump into me... ..might infect me with the "selfish whisperer" disease! I don't think she'll ever get tired of whispering to her friends about me! i can actually imagine her sitting huddled, with the yuppie squad.. sayin', "B E W A R RRRRR E......". *happy laughter* I used to actually think she was cool. *sigh* That seems like lifetimes ago. Wow. Before I heard her whispering EVIL crap about me. Not just silly high school crap either.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Whats so strangee is that i continuously tell everybody that I am 50% blind. you would think that they would know that when you whisper evil crap about someone who is 50% blind, that you better be at least THREE rooms away wheen you do it!!! I thought it was common knowledge that a person loses 50% or more of one of their senses, that their other senses become AT LEAST 150% sharper! Thts why people who have absolutely NO EYESIGHt at all, are able to hear 5 and 6 rooms away from them. But no, T.B. starts whispering about me two rooms away from me, and me, two rooms away from her, well.... for better or for worse... I can hear EVERY UNBELIEVABLY EVIL "MARCUS IS SUSPICIOUS AND HERE"S WHY..." SINGLE WORD SHE'S WHISPERING AND GOSSIPPING ABOUT ME just like she's sitting beside me. i have to continuously check myself to stop myself from hating her guts. Continuously. Hatred is purely self-corrossive. No matter where hatred is, or who feels it, for no matter what reason... .. it can only bring harm.

It's the strangest feeling wheen you hear someeone you thought was cool just go on and on wwhispering evil gossip about you. You just sit there in TOTAL disbelief. You're in denial. You try to lie to yourself. You try to find reasons to justify it. You try to put yourself in their shoes and tell yourself that you would have done and said the same evil, whispering gossip crap. But if you are not a gossipping whisperer, thats the EXACT moment when you wake up from denial and teell youself "No, I'm not a whispering, gossipping skank like T.B."

Know what it feels like to find out with your own ears that one of the few people you thought was cool is TRYING to paint a negative image on your positive goals? It's like ssomeone
SpLaShInG you in your face... with two a handfuls of ice cold... ...diamond studded SCALPAL blades! Your streaming tears intermingle with the blood of your face's shredded flesh. You sTuMbLe, blinded, with your hands over your face, and unknowingly stagger out into the grim streets of rush hour traffic. And when the blood of your anguish stops pouring, and dries up, and the dark red stains of disbelief are washed away... ...the wound disappears but the scars remain. <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> But there is good news: When you regain your eyesight... and painstakingly stumble back up onto your feet... ...YOU ALWAYS SEE LIFE A WHooooOOOOOooooLE LOT CLEARER. I must focus my vision and love on trying to help those who are starving and suffering FaaaAaaaR worse than me in my little "violin-soundtracked pity party", rather than to get sidetracked by those who cause me to suffer.

With as much love as I can muster up in my heart I say: IT WOULD BE BEST IF SHE SAID NOTHING TO ME EVER AGAIN. I'm sure we could continue to work independently in the same room, in a civilzed manner, without me having to hear her 2-faced pleasantries like: "Hi" , "Bye" , "You're doin such a good Job"... ..."Go To H---" *happy hobo laughter* Well, she never told me to actually "go" anywhere. But still. I'm sure if we chose to simply say nothing to each ever again in life we could still work together harmoniously. The animals of my beloved forest and jungle do it extraordinairily well! *happy hobo laughter* If she tries to talk to me, she might try to hit me with some stupid excuse/apology for the way she treats me. Probably tell me how her and her friends have had 'safety issues' in the past (((((YEA, EVERYBODY KNOWS ALL ABOUT THE SERIOUS PROBLEMS IN THE PAST WITH THOSE OTHERS))))) with other people who resemble my "profile". As if I GIVE A FLYING DUCK *qwak qwak* about any reason you come up with for the DUCKED up way you talk crap about me! My "profile", huhn? *exhale, staying calm* But lets all PRETEND that "racial profiling" and "gender profiling" and "class profiling" have NOTHING to do with it! Oh NOOoooooo! Let me ask you: If I pursued my positive goals in the same way that I do, BUT I LOOKED LIKE A-BARBIE-CLONE... ...would ya; be whisperin' evil crap about me? But because I DON'T look like Barbie you feel that you are TOTALLY justified in subjecting my life and all that I do to your scrutinization and "safety precaution" ASSUMPTIONS! kNOW WHAT? yOU GET ALL 3 OF MY MIDDLE FINGERS!

Once upon at time, people could simply dismiss a gossip because there was very little effect that a gossip could have on your entire life. However, now that our goverment has created inhumane laws and "acts" which take away our constitutional rights, a gossip must be taken seriously. The best example I know is about a movie i saw called "In The Name Of The Father". This was a true story movie about an innocent homeless man who was given a life time prison sentence, and his ENTIRE family and friends were thrown in jail, including his 14 year old brother, all for a crime that the man didn't even commit. But, just like here in the U.S.A., his country had just created new inhumane laws and "acts" which take away a person's rights. And here it is relevant to the serious trouble that gossips cause: Do you know why the government locked this homeless man AND his entire family and friends up? IT WAS ALL because some big mouth gossip started running his mouth about "how the homeless man seemed 'SUSPICIOUS' simply because he had a lot of money for once in his life!" Based on that gossip's "suspicions" that homeless man, his friends and family were tortured and some of them murdered and eventually died in prison during long jail terms!

And remember thats a true story!

SO BELIEVE ME, when i hear anyone, start judging me by my appearance, and start running their gossiping mouth about me, I take it very seriously, IMMEDIATELY!

I gotta' be sure to keep my conversation to a MINIMUM around her. Nothing worse, OR MORE DANGEROUS, than narrow minded people who have too much information about things they couldn't, AND DON"T WANT TO, understand. i gotta' warn everyone in my band not to say too much around her. Hopefully, i can avoid any type of stressful or tense convos with her. STRESS!!!! Whats stressing me out is the name "nap club"!!!!! What kinda' CRAP is dat'?!!!!! Not "naps"! Sounds like the name of some geriatric nursing home tea party get-together for lazy, selfish, self-indulgent sleepy-head napmiesters!!!!! And NOW, I'm a part of it! MOTHER Fffff....fudge. Woooo. Got to calm down. Woooo. Not "nap club"! Not nap! Just "club"... for a group people of all races and backgrounds united against our oppressors!!! United... and protesting without a title, or specified cause.. which only DIVIDES the people!!! On the bright side... having her around will help unite all the people, including the yuppies and the baby boomers who only trust people who have that traditional I-was-born-to-do-whatever-I-must-to-fit-in-with-the-crowd appearance. Hopefully, I'll find someone else to fill that role.. who doesn't stare at me so intensely! Someday there'll come a time when everyone, regardless of their appearance, will be accepted...and not treated like riff raff by corporations and politicians. Til' then... i must put up with her lookin' at me like i'm a wilda-beast... *happy laughter* ...so we can get more people united!!! Only love and unity will make this world better. Hmmm.... sure hope they're serving spaghetti at Sisters of the Road cafe, and some tuna fish sandwiches that i can take with me... ...for dinner later! Thank God they take food stamps!

Why be alone