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Okay, well sorry the other way didn't work out for you, but here it is...

Right click on these words and select "SAVE TARGET AS..."

Here comes the tricky part...

Because the server I have the file on doesn't allow the download of files with a ".EXE" extension on them, I had to hide the program in an MP3 file. It's pretty simple though. You will need to save the file to "C:\Program Files\Install Files" but you have to do 2 more things:
1)type in the following for the filename: "JasonDecodeDVD43.exe"
2)under the filename, change file type to "All Files"

Now run the program and install the files wherever the program suggests. The program should (and hopefully WILL) automatically reconfigure the MP3 data into the installation files.

Pretty Slick, huh? ;)

The Decoder should now be installed and will start every time you start Windows.

If you have any more questions, just call me.