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Wolves....this beautyful animal that awakes hate and fear too many
people. What do I see in this animal you might ask, well. It started
when I was just 6-7 years old, we had dogs and I had decided that I
wanted to learn more about where the dog really came from. So I started
read about dogs and ther ancestors and found out that the dog came from
the wolf. This made me interested to know more about the wolf, and the
more I read the more I wanted to know. It took me a few years until I
realized exactly how deep my interest for the wolf really were and as
soon that I have notice that I made it a hobbie, the interest grew even
stronger. I have had a lot of interest in my life, but the wolf is the
only hobbie that have followed me all of the years. I wanted to know
how a animal could bring so many different feelings. The dog seems to
bring out a few feelings, like "I donīt like dogs" or "I fear dogs" or
"I truly love dogs" and so on. But the wolf seemed to be so hated and
it made so many people scared, they spread bad rumors about the wolf...
how many children have been warned about the wolf? Pretty many I would
say, but how many children have been warned about dogs? Not so many.
When I was walking our dogs children sometimes run towards my dogs and
wanted to pet them....and the parents didnīt say a thing! And sometimes
when I told the children that they shouldnīt run towards dogs, because
the dogs could be scared and bite, the parents told me to mind my own
business. These times I always replayed that my dog actually were my
business. I think that people wouldnīt let their children run towards a
wolf, like they does to dogs.

For me the wolf stands for so much good things. It stands for pride,
beauty, family, loyalty and nature. This is only a few things that the
wolf stands for according to me. How many out there know that then a
wolf found a mate, they are mates for life?

Now I think there is some people that are going to be mad at me, but I
donīt really care about it. Because I have the right to say what I want
Some hunters (not all!! I donīt think that all hunters hate wolves or
wants the wolf to be killed, I have meet hunters that thought that the
wolf also had the right to live in this world) seems to think that the
wolf takes the preys that they want to have. I havenīt heard of any
hunter that usually shot a prey that has an injury or is to old to run
from the danger, of course there is hunters that shot this animals too,
but not for meat. The wolf usually kills animals that is old or have
some injury, this means that the wolf really lets the strongest animals
live and this means that it will only be the best deers or elks that
are mating. And most important, wolves donīt hunt because they think
itīs funny nor do they enjoy to kill other animals, they hunts and
kills for food, nothing else. Which means that the wolf kills because
they has to, if they donīt hunt they will not have any dinner. We humans
donīt really need to hunt, we can go to any store we want and buy meat.
I said we, because I like to eat meat from elk and other wild animals,
and I donīt think that we should stop hunting. I just think that we
humans should accept that the wolf are part of the nature and itīs not
right that humans are trying to kill every wolf that exist.
About wolf that are taking sheep or other domesticated animals for
dinner. I will start this with a guestion, if you got the chance to eat
your dinner at a fancy restaurant or had to hunt your meal for a couple
of hours before you could eat it. What would your choice be? My choice
would be a restaurant, and this is what you can say that the wolf have
done. Wolves that takes domesticated animals are often lone wolves,
they donīt have a pack that could help them find food so they take the
easiest way to have a meal, just like we humans would.

I could fill with page with reasons why we humans should let the wolf
live, but I will not do that. I will just say some things that I want
you all to think about....
At first, the wolf came to this world long time before the humans did.
And next, why canīt we live together with the wolf when we can live
with there cousins, the dogs?
And third, the Native Americans could live together with the wolf and
with Mother Nature, so why canīt we do so now? Is it because we have
lost the respect for the nature?


Text and graphics: copyright Carola Ottosson