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Welcome to Feng Shui Direct's Homepage

Today science and modern technology develop rapidly, we all unquestionably live on the assumption that new is better than old. There is fewer and fewer people appreciate ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui which originated 4,000 years ago. These people feel this is nothing more than a myth and superstition.

One of the main reasons why people would have this assumption due to too many people claimed to be able to perform this form of art and start providing services for others for money. Many of them have no form of training and experience. They think they are well qualified after reading a few books and finished so-called instant courses. This always led to a serious, sometimes fatal, consequent. That also portraits Feng Shui a bad image.

In fact the art of Feng Shui is far more complex and we would able to appreciate. Most of the publications try to explain this subject in much more understandable manner that does not suggest anyone can perform the act as a result of that. It takes years of study and practices.

Man-Ho Kwok is the foremost Fen Shui master working in Europe today. He studied and practiced for over twenty years in the Taoist tradition, divination in particular, and is one of a few people in the West with the wisdom and ability to calculate the Chinese calendar.

He is now in considerable demand as a consultant on Fen Shui to the Chinese business communities in London, Manchester, Liverpool and other major cities. He became well-known after he was called in to help with the design of London's docklands. In 2000 Man-Ho Kwok worked as Fen Shui consultant for the construction of the biggest Chinese Archway in Liverpool Chinatown. The Archway instantly claimed public award for its design and is acknowledged the biggest Chinese Archway outside Mainland China.

We are here to combat the general misconceptions of Fen Shui and portrait an image of the subject. It is hope that it will achieve what it was intent to: to gain wealth and happiness. If you have any questions regarding Fen Shui and related subjects, you can contact him here.

Good luck and have a prosperous time!




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