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Update By: RapidFire
Update Time: September 2nd, 2002
Attention! Getting your ass kicked in games? well i got the answer visit this sites and the word of getting stuck will not exist.I highly recommend it

Update By: RapidFire
Update Time: September 1st, 2002
Hey.New updates for the page will be added shortly New poll of the week POTM are hard to find so it might take a little longer but many new options would be available soon.

Update By: Sha456dow
Update Time: August 31th, 2002
Hi this is Sha456dow or RapidFire just testing ;)

Update By: USSR2003
Update Time: August 30th, 2002
News Flash! I just got great news! it turns out the WW is working on the Beta for Generals W00T! heres the full article:

Q: What are you plans for the beta?
A: We're looking at the scope right now; we want it to be worldwide. As for closed or open beta, we're going to have a limited number. We are going to get the discs in the hands of people to actually play. We don't have a time yet, definitely more in the next 45 days. We've actually hired on extra people to ensure that the beta happens.


Update By: USSR2003
Update Time: August 29th, 2002
It's me again :P and i JUST finished installing windows XP pro sooo... im excited and it looks so kewl! ^_^ anyway we NEED some recruits for XtaZy so c'mon guys visit the How to Join page if your interested.

Update By: USSR2003
Update Time: August 29th, 2002
Hello all this is the official opening of the XtaZy website! Although we have hardly even started the site will be completly done by the 1st and I garantee that!


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