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My Home Page

It's time for the News told by me

This is going have a subliminal message. Today in the news we have some fire that killed people, do drugs, some weather with a chance of parcipitation in the world somewhere, hail satan, someone died of an uncurable disease or by gun fire, Bush managed to get stupider, listen to rock music, Mike Martz continues to suck as a coach, Nigaas keep dyin yo, and of course Dr. Flogenstein hopes to play football soon. Have a good day.

Damn republicans!!!! They got my brother supporting them. Oh well, C'est la vie.
My brothers website.

This is a message that I think we've all felt towards someone at sometime.
"I could die in front of your perfect body and you wouldn't even know I had existed."

Look at it burn.

Put your mouse here.

Thats it!