Battling Millionaires Hints/Tips Page

200m Peanut Dash!
Make sure you are pressing the right and left arrow _together_ when your getting your energy up. Also, you don't have to press them faster and faster...just make sure you have a _consistant_ rythm. To make a 2x Back/Front flip, when you're running under the shadow, just keep pressing the right arrow then the left arrow. It doesn't have to be fast, just be like right....left...right.. etc. And right when you see a log press the up arrow, then the right/left arrow. It takes a couple of tries of getting use to, but it does work! When you see the peanut coming down, always jump, even if it is a straight jump, you get bonus points for catching it in mid-air!

Bumper Cars!
BE AGGRESSIVE IN THIS GAME!!! You only get points for hitting the other cars, so if you want lots of points, DON'T WAIT!!! I have found that waiting for the cars to start approaching you before you go up to hit them doesn't get you as many points and can get you into some nasty scrapes (example: your side gets bashed so you can't go strait)

the yellow car is the most aggresive car, red, always smashes itself against the back wall, if you start to go at it, and kills itself. i am always the blue car, the green car is pretty easy, the yellow car is harder and the red car is just nuttin, hope it helps! questions? i know all the cheats and secret links!!

I am usually the blue car, and what i will do is go out in the middle of the screen and press the up and one of the side buttons. It will spin u in circles and keep doin that over and over. The cars will run into u and u wont get much damage. Ive gotten to like level 10 with this.

Carnival of Terror!
The most common death that's occured to me so far is running out of time (2nd most running out of bullets). Now personally, I can't figure out what the clock is trying to tell you how much time you have left. But I do know that if it starts shaking, your running VERY LOW on time! If this happens, try really hard to get a time clock that comes floating down, but also use up your bullets as fast as you can for lots of points because you know that you might run out of time soon, so why waste perfectly good bullets? Also remember when trying to get lots of points that the pies give you the most points, then arms, then umbrellas and feet, then heads, then the rest of the chia. Also, if you get the feet of one, and it starts to shake in place, GET RID OF IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to avoid getting your health lowered one plus sign. Remember that the plus signs are for health, too. If you forget that, you can remember by linking the heath boxe's plus sign to your status bar's plus sign. Be really careful with the health because though its almost hard to lose it, it's even more hard to gain it back!

Alkenore 1,200 NP - Big Beefy 750 NP - Brain 1,050 NP - Brick 1,950 NP - Bubbling Blueberry 1,500 NP - Gooey Snot 2,100 NP - Honey 600 NP - Mutated 1,350 NP - Overgrown 2,250 NP - Peppermint 2,400 NP - Purple Spotted 900 NP - Quadruple Fudge 1,800 NP - Smoked Snorkle 300 NP - Spicy Juppie 150 NP - Triple Mustard 450 NP - Tyrannian Dung 1,650 NP -

Chomby and the Fungus Balls!
level1. Just take the fungus ball out and run. level2. Same as one. level3. This one is a bit tricky you have to wait for the right moment to go,don't go to fast at the begining or it will be nearly impossible. lelel4. The mushroom are the biggest problem they always turn right so never ever go left and go fast too but don't touch them. level5. this is easy if you look in every direction before you go to the star and back. level6. Before you go to the star wait for an opening then go. level7. You move as fast as you can until you can get the star look for the least crowded area then go that way. level8. Fungus balls are everywhere dogde them all and head for the exit if you dier near the exit press enter and try to move to the exit. level9. 1 of the stages i hate(more like 4th place ) this stage has a red fungus ball gaurding the exit so you have a 25%chance of beating it. level10. (5 more lvs) try to figure this one on your own (cause i don't know a solution.) level11. Go as fast as you can to the teleporters. level12. On the scale of 1 to 10 10 being the worst i'd give it a 900,000 the only way of getting the star is watching the fungus ball (the one gaurding the star)go in the one path that is next to the path leading to the star and wait for it to come out it needs to be a fast one sokill yourself until you get it 10% chance. level12-15. I cant write about since I cannot think of any tricks tricks.

Pop ups: Flag- Half raised will increase your health meter partly, fully raised will heal you 100% Treasure Chests-go after them, they get you 75+ worth of treasure points Coins- Some don't give much, but they can be quite handy. Crates- Grab them as soon as you can- unless you only have like a few squares left The Dudes: Cannon- slow, but still avoid them Myncis- are okay to deal with in the lower rounds, but then they get annoying in level 2 Techo- These guys seem to have a mind of their own! They follow you most the time and are much faster than the other pirates, watch out when you get two at once! Sword- This helps you a lot! When you're in a situation where you're cornered (with something like techos or if you have a low health meter for example), follow it around for a bit... or you can just take your chances and run through the guys. Levels: Round 1: These don't really matter because you can back step without messing up a block, so just go through these as fast as you can to get the time bonus, Round 2: Level 1: go in a spiral around the pool in the center, try not to back step Level 2: go around the two outer rows (go in a spiral) when you get to the bottom right of the inner part (diagonal of the water), mover left, left, up, up, and just follow the cross until you end up where you came in it, then just follow the cleared path to finish Level 3: The Easiest!(as long as a guy or crate doesn't mess you up) here's the exact directions to not have to back step: up(to the end of that row) left, left, down(6 times) right, down, left, left, up (3 times), left, down (3 times), left, up (6 times), right, right, up, left, (all the way to the end of the row) down (6 times) right, down, left Level 4: is just weird... that one you have to back step, but when you do... most likely in many situations, the best way to still get spaces swabbed is by a two steps forward, one step back kinda situation, there's many things you can do here- it just gets confusing from there... That goes for the same in the other levels, try your own techniques and see how far you can go! :)

Dubloon Disaster!
This is a very simple game if you know how to play. When you begin go forward without getting the Dubloon. Doing this makes the boat go faster. Then go get the Dubloon, then another. Take the longest route everytime avoiding the Heat Activated Bombs. Every two Dubloons, get in the middle of the bombs and wait for them to approach you. When they get closer you move forward making them go an extra distance in which they get closer, and closer to each making themselves explode on contact. Do this every two and see how for you get. Remember that you get double the Neopoints in this game.

Extreme Herder!
After each level, and before the beginning of the next level, get to the upper left-hand side of the screen (where balthezaar enters each level) the pet-pets will stay away from that area and will therefore be harder for balthazaar to get.

If you need to take a short break, get all the petpets in the pen EXCEPT ONE. As soon as you pick up that last petpet, Balthazar will return to the corner and stay there as ong as you keep holding the petpet.

Evil Fuzzle!
1) Shoot as many in a row as possible.

2) Only upgrade your gun to level 4. Even on 6, you’ll still have to shoot the black ones twice. At least this way, you save money. 3) Buy the complete set of droids - then, when you are damaged - you get repaired quickly. 4) If you know you won’t have time to shoot a particular fuzzle, collect the bonus. You’ll still get loads of points! 5) Only get the bombs that are coming directly towards you. The rest won't touch you - and there’s a risk of missing, and losing your bonus.

Faerie Cloud Racers!
The best players are Meekins, Floud, and Dark Faerie. Try to close yourself on the down/top half of the game screen. Also TRY to close all gaps that separate you from the down/top half and the bottom half. Just scroll around until your opponent hits the wall. Dont play on easy mode at all. Medium is fine, but hard is the best, it give you more points. Your score is doubled into neopoints here so you can make alot of money!!

Always choose the floud. It is not too slow and not too fast. Also, it has good reaction time to when you press the key on the keyboard. The first thing you should do is get a line all the way across. That way, your opponent is trapped on the other side. After that, try not to have too many spaces between your lines. hug the corners very tightly to prevent spaces. Good Luck!!!

Well i think in a game of Gormball you need luck & maybe a bit of skill. The best character to play with is 'Thyassa the Chia' He is ranked #1 in the world, And this might be true i think 70% of the time you might win. plus you will never get knocked out on the first go. Secret: Pick a character then start playing. when its your go to enter how long you want to hold the ball. enter 1 second and hit throw. When the new screen comes up, hit the back button and enter in 5 seconds. do this everytime on your turns. What this does is the computer thinks your opponents are holding the ball for 5 seconds and you only hold it for 1. may help you win. i'm not that certain but hey give it ago.

Grundos Gym!
Work your way up to level 5 trainer. When you are at level 5, do all the exercises extcept one. It doesn't matter which one though. Then go away and come back in 24 hours. The level 5 will start over and you can get all the paychecks (each 100np) for the exercises again!

Ice Cream Factory!
- Make sure you have an eye out for the yellow scoop of ice cream! (except the levels that have yellow ice cream scoops thrown at Adee) - Collect the scoops that make Adee smaller and avoid the ones that make him larger! - Collect the scoops that make the game faster. They are more beneficial since it ends the round quickly! As far as getting through the warehouse, make sure you first clear a path to get to the door! In the higher warehouse levels this will be more complicated, so before you go to collect purple boxes you need to find a way to get to the other side first. One way or another, there are ways to get to the purple boxes or the exit. You just have to strategize. You should only sacrafice a life when you are seriously stuck and there is no other solution. It's important to keep track of your Lives since they will help when the warehouse levels get tough, so while dodging the ice cream scoops be on the lookout for Lives!

MAGAX: Destroyer!
Play the game on Medium or Low quality, since the game tends to get choppy on later levels making it a lot harder to move around. The easiest way to control Magax is to go forward for a second and then turn around for about a half-second to keep your speed down. Don't hold down the arrow key though, or it'll take you longer to slow up. It takes a little practice, but you'll get used to it. Always attack the Chia ghosts first, they spit slime globs that are tough to avoid. Save the JubJub ghosts for last, they split up into 3 smaller ghosts which are hard to hit and harder to dodge. Don't shoot a ghost if it's near a health orb, your shots destroy the orbs too. Hubrid Nox will do one of three things when he shows up: set you on fire (lose a little health), freeze you (Can only go in a straight line for a few seconds), or make all the ghosts on the lever larger. Hubrid uses the freeze attack a lot, so try to get to an empty part of the level when he shows up. Don't bother trying to shoot Hubrid, you can't hit him. There's a bug in the game that might show up after level 8: sometimes a blip will get "stuck" on your radar, and you won't be able to go any farther even after you've gotten rid of all the ghosts. This is fairly rare, but if it does happen the only thing you can do is either let Hubrid kill you with his fire attacks, or close the window and start over. This isn't a terribly difficult game once you get the hang of the controls. If you have the patience to play it for a while, it's worth an easy 3000 NP a day. :)

Meerca Chase!
I don't know how many people have realized this, but have you ever noticed the broken spaces in the Meerca's tail on Meerca Chase on the Hard setting? If you time it right, you can pass through your tail. I've done this a couple of times now.

1) Play it on the fastest speed you can bear it. You get more points. 2) Take your time. 3) Take the long way round to collect the neggs - it’s safer. 4) Try to stay away from the walls. 5) Play it on the lowest quality - it’s less jumpy. (The same goes for all flash games.)

Poogle Solitare!
29-17, 22-24, 17-29, 31-23, 32-24, 24-22, 26-24, 33-25, 24-26, 21-23, 16-28, 14-16, 9-23, 28-16, 7-9, 27-25, 18-30, 20-18, 11-25, 30-18, 13-11, 10-12, 3-11, 18-6, 1-3, 3-11, 12-10, 5-17, 17-15, 4-16, 15-17,

I'v played this game a lot, and it's a Great game.When you begin the game move the Pteri up a little so you won't get hurt when the Grarrl comes up.And try to collect ONLY 1 color of Gun if you keep on changing then you won't get a higher level of gun.My Fav. Gun is the blue gun beacause it's powerful and they shoot anything in front of you.Now, on level 6 watch out for the blue birds because they come form the sides. Here are they number of Colored rings you have to get in a row to get the ultimate of that kind. ~Blinking White/Red Gun:3 IN A ROW ~Red:5 IN A ROW ~Blue:5 IN A ROW ~Green:3 IN A ROW First,Try ALL of the Kind of guns there are and see which one you like!

Scarab 21!
63363 combo -- 250 pts, three 5's and two 3's --200 pts, 5 of a kind -- 100 pts, 20,19,18,17,16 -- 100 pts, jack and ace of spades -- 50 pts, 2 blackjacks in a row -- 50 pts

Scorchy Slots!
On Scorchy Slots, you can set your keyboard to repeat just like on dice-a-roo. When you first go to the game, press the button that reads,"click here to play" and then immediately push and hold down enter. Just be aware this game costs more, 5 np for each time you push enter. So you may want to set yourself a limit. It may be worth it, as you can win faeries and map pieces from this game, in addition to the jackpot.

Start out with small words at first but as you get on to higher levels look for bigger words. It is best not to use words bigger than four or five letters. Save your change-letter boxes until last and your little V.2 neopet boxes (the little boxes with that green figure in it).

Tower Of Turnips!
1.The base need not be bigger than the top portions. 2. In fact it is better, thatway the points will be divided by less and the score would be more. 3.Preferably make the base of 1 turnip and increase the no. of turnips as you go up.(These will not fall as these are special neopian turnips) 4.This is a game of pure LUCK. It can fall at any stage. 5.Lots of times, the tower falls on the 8th row.

Thinkway Toybox Escape!
Plan your route before you move. Think like, if this goes here then that thing will die or if I dig or burn here I will die. Take your time you have 3 mins. There are 20 levels but you only have to complete 5 of them at a time to get a password. A couple of levels you may have to think very quickly and if you don't press something quick enough you will die. You may have to try these levels a few times so that you know what is happening and know what to press very quickly.

Codes: 6= LTRZ1N13 ........ 11= ZFRR60SP ....... 16= ZFTP0QO3

Volcano Run!
Ok this game can be fairly hard if you don't you don't know what to do so I am going to help you :): To move your Scorchio through the volcano u have to click on the screen. The shorter clicks you do the more forward he will go. Short clicks is useful when you are coming very close to a fast moving fireball etc.. The longer clicks you do the Scorhio will glide more. Gliding is partically useful for going through a tight squeeze. Use the spacebar to help you slow down or avoid blocks. But I do not suggest this to beginners because I find you are more likely to crash. Avoid the red walls, fireballs and fireblocks. Gradually as you continue the Scorchio will begin to fly faster so be aware of what is coming towards you! ALWAYS try to collect the blue sheilds it will protect you continuely UNTIL you touch the wall, fireball etc... Dont bother trying to get the sheild though if it puts you in danger of crashing Try to always collect the crystals they give extra points but remember if it puts you in danger of crashing it wont hurt to leave them behind. Try to always stay central of the volcano but when you become to the large areas of space it is smarter to go high!

Whack a Staff Member!
Strategy: For this game, try to hit the staff members in the order they pop up. This gets harder as you move up in levels, but it's the eaisest way to score in the first few. Those of you with tablets and know how to use them might find it easier if you use your pen as the mouse in this game... Playing: This is a great game for if you get mad at the Neopets staff- just whack 'em on the head! When you play, try to remember who is worth the most points. The females (Donna and Snowflake) are worth the most, 10 and 8 points. The male worth the most points is Mr. Ro-boto- 6 points. Incase two staff members pop up at the same time, try to go after the more valuable one. Scoring: Remember that you have to get 75 points PER ROUND. This doesn't mean that on round 2 you have to get 150 points (well, unless you get a perfect 75 on round one). As I've said, the females are worth the most points. Also Snowflake tends to pop up more than Donna...
This is a great tip I found out for zurroball. When you first come to the screen where you get the choose the ball you want, click on the little badge the Grundo is wearing. Then you will be sent to the game where the ball is the grundo. Make sure your volume is up! Then wait until the grundo drops close to the bottom. If you hear little beeps, this is good! Keep ding this until you want to collect you points. Then just hit the ball over the red line. This is an easy way to get the 500 points you need for the 1000np.

I know I have missed some games but that are all the tips I could get. If you have any tips please let me know! Neomail me at yogi_138, or u can email me at Thanks!

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