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For More Information on ESEA/NCLB:

Journal Articles:

1. No Child Left Behind: The Mathematics of Guaranteed Failure, Educational Horizons 82, no.2, pgs. 121-130, Winter 2004.

2. The Standardized Testing Movement: Equitable or Excessive?, McGill Journal of Education 38, no. 1, pgs. 65-78, Winter 2003.

3. Is NCLB Leaving Special Education Students Behind?, Principal (Reston, VA) 83, no. 5, pgs. 26-29, May/June 2004.

4. A Content Analysis of the Curricular Philosophies Reflected in States' Alternate Assessment Performance Indicators, Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 28, no. 4, pgs. 165-181, Winter 2003.