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Asperger Syndrome and autism in the news

Here is a mixture of news items relating to Asperger Syndrome and autism over the past few years. If you find any links that are no longer working, then don't blame me. It is because the newspaper who owns the website decides to take the news story off the Internet because it's out of date. Haven't they heard of archiving it instead? One good source for autism related news stories is Autismconnect, but as news stories are sometimes moved around, it is a good idea to check the website frequently. The National Autistic Society may have some autism news stories on its website, and the BBC News website has lists of news stories for both Asperger Syndrome and autism, many of them are available on this page. If you have any Asperger Syndrome or autism related story, which you think deserves to be included on this page, please email me and I will try to include it. Most of the news stories are chosen because the words “Asperger Syndrome”, or “autism” have been used in the report, as they were included in the search for these stories, so some stories may not have made the list because these words have not been used.

Boy Wonder - From the Sunday Times - News Review section - Sunday 12 July 1998

A child is reborn - From the Sunday Times - News Review section - Sunday 28 May 2000

The Lost Boy - From the Guardian - Wednesday 14 July 1999

How I found myself at last - From the Guardian - Tuesday 4 January 2000

Childhood in a closed world - from the Observer - Sunday 28 November 1999

LEA Syndrome - from the Guardian - Friday 16 July 1999

Was autism the secret of Warhol's Art? - From the Observer - Sunday 14 March 1999

Don't fail these children - From the Observer - Sunday 14 May 2000

BBC HEALTH - Ask the doctor - Asperger Syndrome

BBC HEALTH - Ask the doctor - Autism Spotting

Cartoonist plays host to young fan - from Hold the Front Page - Saturday 26 August 2000

High exclusion rate for autistic pupils - From BBC News Online - Monday 15 May 2000

Autism misdiagnosis "ruined a life" - From BBC News Online - Tuesday 27 June 2000

Why autism can't find a face - From BBC News Online - Tuesday 18 April 2000

Autism - Learning to understand Tom - From BBC News Online - Monday 24 January 2000

Boy and carer swept out to sea – From BBC News Online – Monday 27 November 2000 - This story is all about an autistic boy and his carer who both sadly met their deaths when they were swept out to sea on a Brighton beach. Very sad news indeed.

Asperger Syndrome - from BBC News Online - Monday 12 February 2001

The high-flying obsessives - From The Guardian - Tuesday 12 December 2000

Signal Failure - from The Observer - Sunday 20 May 2001

The Human Face - Expressions - from BBC Online

Autistic boy saves dying father - from The Birmingham Post - Thursday 14 June 2001. Don't forget to have a look at this page based on the same news story.

Action Man or autistic? - from The Times - Tuesday 3 July 2001 - The National Autistic Society said that this article written by Professor David Canter of Liverpool University was both “irresponsible and speculative”. No wonder with the comments he made about people with Asperger Syndrome. It's a shame that as I have Asperger Syndrome myself, I was misled by the article. I cannot remember having violent mood swings - in fact I hate violence. I gave the professor a peice of my mind a couple of days afterwards. This news article has been copied onto a webpage on this website because of problems on The Times newspaper website.

The psychology: Six personality disorders - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 3 July 2001

Criminal Crackers - from The Observer - Sunday 8 July 2001

Stronger voice for autism suffers - from the Nottingham Evening Post - Monday 9 July 2001 - The newspaper's website has no record of this story online, so the news story has been copied onto one of these pages from a microfilm copy of the news article. Notice a very familar blue background!

Possible autism test for newborns - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 25 April 2001 - Wouldn't it be even better if babies had an autism test while still in the womb?

How pupils drive teachers away - from BBC News Online - Saturday 20 October 2001 - Another irresponsible news article claiming that pupils that have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome misbehave in class. There were many pupils at school who misbehaved, but I was not one of them.

Disabled pupils 'inspire teachers' - from BBC News Online - Monday 3 December 2001 - Just the mention of Asperger Syndrome will be enough to be included on this page.

Sara Keays declares new war in court - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 6 January 2002 - It seems that if you want to know more about Asperger Syndrome - ask a Conservative MP. (Don't take that joke too literally - if you're a Labour supporter!)

Flora Keays wants to meet 'Daddy' - from BBC News Online - Friday 11 January 2002 - At least her "father" is still alive.

School of Thought – from Disability Now – September 1999

May in the Frame – from Disability Now – April 1998

Autism Exclusion – from Disability Now – June 2000

Autism Anger – from Disability Now – July 2001

'Telling his story has helped him a lot'. - from Disability Now – April 2001

MP fights for rights - from Disability Now - November 2001

Asperger Ignored - from Disability Now - March 2002

Course teaches people with Asperger Syndrome to find j0bs - from Autismconnect - Friday 16 March 2001

Boy with Asperger Syndrome kills baby brother - from Autismconnect - Thursday 13 February 2001

Scientists 'locate brain area' involved in autistic savant syndrome - from Autismconnect - Saturday 10 March 2001

Left in the dark - from Disability Now - March 2003

Losing out on benefits - from Disability Now - June 2003

NAS calls Times article on Dando killer "Irresponsible and Speculative" - from Autismconnect - Tuesday 3 July 2001

Child author with Asperger Syndrome acheives huge success - from Autismconnect - Wednesday 29 August 2001

Autism Awareness Year gets underway in the UK - from Autismconnect - Tuesday 29 January 2002

Autistic boy speaks first words after soccer psysio's treatment - from Autismconnect - Tuesday 19 February 2002

Special "autism service" at St Paul's Cathedral - from Autismconnect - Wednesday 20 January 2002

British minister promises more concerted approach to autism - from Autismconnect - Friday 11 January 2002

Teenager with Asperger Syndrome "stabbed friend to death" - from Autismconnect - Wednesday 21 November 2001

Autistic boy survives on nine pints of milk a day - from Autismconnect - Saturday 29 September 2001

Asperger Syndrome sufferer must remain in prison - from Autismconnect - Wednesday 8 August 2001

World's first web based autism course to be launched in Birmingham - from Autismconnect - Wednesday 20 June 2001

Mum's despair at taxi fare - from Disability Now - October 2001

Different Class? - from Disability Now - September 2002

Targets don't tell all - from Disability Now - January 2003

Losing out on benefits - from Disability Now - June 2003

Asperger Syndrome sufferer jailed for posing as subway inspector - from Autismconnect - Friday 30 March 2001

Parents of boy with Asperger Syndrome win round one of legal right - from Autismconnect - Saturday 17 February 2001

Suffering in silence no more - from The Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 15 May 2001

How Sammy joined our world - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 31 October 2001

'My boys are everything . . . the right help is crucial' - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 30 April 2002

Professor searches for Asperger Syndrome sufferers - from BBC News Online - Monday 6 January 2003 - Professor Digby Tanutm, for it is he, makes this special request.

Pension fraud father freed - from the Liverpool Echo - Thursday 17 April 2003

Freed - to a life of constant torment - from the Liverpool Echo - Thursday 17 April 2003

Einstein and Newton had autism - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 30 April 2003

Why we might abandon our autistic daughter - from the Liverpool Echo - Monday 12 May 2003

Autism centre of excellence opens - from BBC News Online - Friday 16 May 2003

MMR Research Timeline - from BBC News Online - Friday 13 June 2003

Mother's plea over autism - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 13 May 2003 - I think that the John Peters mentioned here, appeared in a documentary on autism that was first seen on BBC Four. I was amazed at his collections of different things he had in his garden shed! I must congratulate him on being a grandfather as most of us in Aspergerland have difficulty even becoming fathers.

Holiday home for autistic children - from BBC News Online - Monday 12 May 2003

Autism sufferers missing out - from BBC News Online - Sunday 11 May 2003

GPs unaware of autism needs - from BBC News Online - Friday 21 March 2003

Autistic miss out in benefit system - from BBC News Online - Sunday 11 May 2003

Rock concert for autistic society - from BBC News Online - Monday 17 February 2003

Autism centre appeal banks £1m boost - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 12 Feburary 2003

Parents win autism court battle - from BBC News Online - Thursday 30 January 2003

Coroner criticises autism services - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 15 January 2003

Fresh fears over child vaccines - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 14 January 2003

Green light for autistic boy's dream - from BBC News Online - Monday 13 January 2003 - It seems ironic that Benjamin comes from Melksham in Wiltshire as that is where one Andy Park lives who celebrates Christmas 365 days a year. No diagnosis has been made there, however...

Autistic boy needs 'better understanding' - from BBC News Online - Friday 10 January 2003

Not a Laurie Laff – from the Observer – Sunday 6 July 2003 - This is supposed to be a review of Channel Four’s documentary of the same week involving how the late comedy performer Rod Hull met his premature death by swapping his Emu for a television aerial. At least with his fake Rastafarian arm he could have easily have died in a show business sense and lived to tell the tale on Michael Parkinson’s chat show. If only he had just signed up to ntl just like myself, he would have still been alive today. Why is this listed on this page, you’re bound to be asking? I still do not know how Asperger Syndrome fits in to this literature, but read for yourself and you can see that it does…

Perv(ert) Posed as a Pilot to Abuse Girl of Seven – from the Daily Record (Scotland) – Friday 20 June 2003 - Thanks to Luke McDonnell for pointing this article out to me – he managed to send me a cut and paste of it on an email, but I also managed to find the online link on the actual website as well!

School tells autistic child to leave - from BBC News Online - Friday 18 July 2003 - And there was me thing that schools accepted pupils whatever their background happens to be...

Why my autism is a g1ft - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 30 July 2003 - Luke Jackson talks about the positive aspects of having Asperger Syndrome, in preparation for a special BBC 2 documentary, My Family and Autism to be transmitted later the same evening. Don't forget the review of his excellent book, Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome.

Medics slam 'distorted' MMR drama - from BBC News Online - Monday 15 December 2003

Autistic school given go-ahead - from BBC News Online - Thursday 6 November 2003 - For those of you who take phrases and things too literally (and let's face it, many people who use this website actually do), the school itself is not autistic. It is the pupils who attend the school who are. I'd just thought that I would clear up that one straight away!

Pioneering autism school plan - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 4 November 2003

MMR 'does not increase autism risk' - from BBC News Online - Sunday 2 November 2003

MMR row expert urges jab take-up - from BBC News Online - Friday 31 October 2003

Q&A: Fears over MMR - from BBC Online - Friday 31 October 2003

Parents urged to opt for MMR - from BBC News Online - Friday 31 October 2003

Autistic school plan prompts objections - from BBC News Online - Thursday 30 October 2003 - I said that the school doesn't have autism!

Tests for double MMR dose boy - from BBC News Online - Friday 17 October 2003 - Incidentally I spent a week in Cumbria in August in 2003. It's a nice place although if you visit the Penrith branch of Woolworth's, be sure to wear a hard safety helmet if you go in there as it's a fairly accident prone place. I have been there to prove it!

Teen's tale wins children's prize - from BBC News Online - Monday 6 October 2003

Parents' fears in search for missing spendaholic - from the Liverpool Daily Post - Tuesday 14 October 2003

Woman addicted to spending is safe - from the Liverpool Daily Post - Friday 17 October 2003

Curious incident of writer's literary hat trick - from the Grauniad - Thursday 13 November 2003 - Excuse me for sounding a bit of a Neophiliac, but I think that Mark Haddon could be the the new JK Rowling. (Go on, Private Eye - publish that, if you dare!)

Doctors 'fail Asperger patients' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 10 September 2003 - Good old Angela Browning, a good old common sense Conservative MP!

Broadmoor knew risk in holding Asperger Syndrome patients - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 9 November 2003

Piers is not a criminal and he's not insane: so why is he in Broadmoor? - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 2 November 2003

Broadmoor knew risk in holding Asperger Syndrome patients - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 9 November 2003

Letter to the editor - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 16 May 2004

The crime of being - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 17 November 2003 - Barbara Wilson writes ironically from Angela Browning's patch in Honition, Devon.

How doctors turned Julie into a twitching, bloated wreck - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 16 November 2003

The drugs do work - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 23 November 2003

Great physicists 'had Asperger Syndrome' - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 1 May 2003

Teenage hacker 'closed US port' - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 7 October 2003

Property heir who lived as mute woman denies murder - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 24 September 2003

Child of the forest - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 21 September 2003

Dear Tony, your policies have caused my family nothing but misery and heartbreak - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 6 July 2003

The boy who could not tell a lie - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 18 May 2003

The gender's not for bending - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 4 May 2003

How to choose when choice is even harder!! - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 17 February 2003

Autism in the blood - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 21 January 2003

Autism clue from Taylor and Burton - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 10 September 2002

'At times I feel as though I come from another planet' - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 10 August 2002

Help! is at hand - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 12 June 2002

Boy's fear of falling prices – from BBC News Online – Thursday 20 March 2003 - We have here a prime example of literal interpretation where one little boy is frightened of the “falling prices” in the Asda stores as interpreted in television commercials in the UK.

Brilliant minds linked to autism - from BBC News Online - Thursday 8 January 2004

Son accused of killing girl at party is an 'easy target' - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 10 January 2004

Haddon takes Whitbread book prize - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 28 January 2004

Curious tale about dog wins prize by a whisker - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 28 January 2004

Girl, 6, expelled twice - from BBC News Online - Monday 2 February 2004 - A little girl is being badly let down by her local education system. Mine let me down badly as well, as I can recall...

Banned from two schools - aged 6 - from the Birmingham Sunday Mercury - Sunday 1 Feburary 2004

A journey to shock and enlighten - from the Grauniad - Thursday 29 January 2004 - Ironic coming from a newspaper that is only read by so-called "normal" people who don't give a hoot about people like myself.

'I'm flattered, amazed, deeply moved and sometimes a little dizzy' - from the Grauniad - Monday 2 February 2004 - Mark Haddon doesn't have Asperger Syndrome himself of course.

Ministers told child harm theory was flawed - from the Observer - Sunday 25 January 2004

Curious incident of the children's book which won South Bank award - from the Grauniad - Saturday 24 January 2004

Story of autistic boy's life wins over judges - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 7 January 2004

Teenager guilty in torture and dismemberment case - from the Grauniad - Thursday 4 December 2003 - Another criminal is "named and shamed" as having Asperger Syndrome, making decent people like myself look more out of place in society.

Youth cleared of crashing American port's computer - from the Grauniad - Saturday 18 October 2003 - Did I read the G-word in that report? (and I don't mean the name of the newspaper) Once upon a time, those who were diagnosed had problems forming relationships...

Hacker attack left port in chaos - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 7 October 2003 - Lovesick???!!! If you are a so-called "lovesick" person with Asperger Syndrome, please let me know...

Plots, puzzles and a punctured poodle - from the Grauniad - Saturday 4 October 2003

Disabled Minister - from Disability Now - July 2003

Is billionaire a ruthless killer or just a misfit out of luck? - from the Observer - Sunday 28 September 2003 - One that not even Morse, Ironside or even Columbo would make up!

Give me the child... - from the Observer - Sunday 21 September 2003

An unlikely triumph for the autistic kid from Swindon - from the Sunday Times - Sunday 1 Feburary 2004

Asperger Syndrome - from the Tony Martin Support Group forum - Monday 3 November 2003 - A first for this page: This one is not a news article, but a thread from a forum, so this link may be gone before any of the others on this page. This thread came from the Tony Martin Support Group forum, set up in support of Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who shot dead a burglar on his farm in 1999. I have debated this on this website as early as a few years ago, (see three quarters down the page). A week later this thread was made. But here is a poignant observation whether not Mr Martin may have been diagnosed or not...

Firm slated for "Retard" advertisement - from BBC News Oniine - Tuesday 23 March 2004 - Absolutely no excuse to do that just to sell a few mobile phones, is there?

Gene 'increases risk of autism' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 31 March 2004

City hosts autism conference - from BBC News Online - Friday 26 March 2004

New autism support scheme set up - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 9 March 2004

MMR researchers issue retraction - from BBC News Online - Thursday 4 March 2004

Mother sheds light on autism - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 3 March 2004

Autism projects given £2m boost - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 3 March 2004

'I had to become an autism expert' - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 2 March 2004

UK autism research 'is lacking' - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 2 March 2004

Go-ahead for autism centre - from BBC News Online - Friday 5 March 2004

Jail threat for care protestor - from Disability Now - January 2004

'I don't see an autistic child: I see Brett' - from Disability Now - February 2004

Youth sex programme launched - from Disability Now - March 2004

Michelangelo 'linked' with autism – from BBC News Online – Tuesday 1 June 2004 - This news story was also strangely listed on the entertainment news page on BBC Ceefax on that day. (Isn’t 500 years a bit too late for a diagnosis?)

Experts challenge autism 'myths' – from BBC News Online – Monday 17 May 2004

Call for autism training – from BBC News Online – Thursday 20 May 2004

Empathy finding offers autism hope – from BBC News Online – Wednesday 12 May 2004

Autism link to male sex hormones – from BBC News Online – Monday 19 April 2004

Autism centre trust folds – from BBC News Online – Thursday 15 April 2004

Mother wants school place for son – from BBC News Online – Tuesday 13 April 2004

Call of the Wild - from Disability Now - April 2004

Families with autistic adults need more help, says charity - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 17 May 2004

'The truth is, I'm exhausting to live with' - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 26 May 2004

Talking of Michelangelo - from the Grauniad - Thursday 27 May 2004

What Asperger Syndrome has done for us - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 2 June 2004 - This article also has a poignant observation of (slightly controversially) Undiagnosed Celebrities. Cliff from Cheers? Lisa from The Simpsons? I suppose that as I hardly watched the series that they both appeared in, I would have never associated them with any kind of diagnosis and wouldn't have known them from Adam.

Asperger artist opens first show – from BBC News Online – Thursday 17 June 2004

Row over autism link to vaccines – from BBC News Online – Tuesday 8 June 2004

'Fidelity gene' found in voles – from BBC News Online – Wednesday 16 June 2004

Row over autistic boy's education – from BBC News Online – Friday 18 June 2004

Special school gets autism award – from BBC News Online – Thursday 24 June 2004

Gene "lets infants bond with Mum" – from BBC News Online – Friday 25 June 2004

Gearing up for change - from Disability Now - June 2004

"Quick autism cures must end" - from BBC News Online - Sunday 27 June 2004

Boy’s “voice” stolen by thieves – from BBC News Online – Friday 2 July 2004

What Janet and John did when they grew up - from the Observer - Sunday 4 July 2004

Study to probe causes of autism – from BBC News Online – Wednesday 7 July 2004

Autistic boy to get “voice” back – from BBC News Online – Wednesday 7 July 2004

Treating your boy as tough guy only makes him weak - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 7 July 2004

Scientists investigate MMR jab – from BBC News Online – Thursday 8 July 2004

Court hear “exorcism” death case – from BBC News Online – Thursday 8 July 2004

Medical Notes: Autism – from BBC News Online – Thursday 8 July 2004

Ask the Expert: My Childcare Woe – from BBC News Online - Thursday 8 July 2004

Can we be sure that Lenin died of syphilis? - from the Grauniad - Thursday 22 July 2004

Tilt test spots early Asperger Syndrome - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 27 July 2004

Project to research autism gene - from BBC News Online - Monday 19 July 2004

Computer "voice" delight for boy - from BBC News Online - Thursday 22 July 2004

Swing test could spot Asperger Syndrome in babies - Tuesday 27 July 2004

Judge a book by its cover - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 28 July 2004

School kicks out slap boy - from the Birmingham Evening Mail - Wednesday 28 July 2004

Picture of a rising star - from the Birmingham Evening Mail - Monday 16 February 2004

Vaccine scrapped over autism fear - from BBC News Online - Saturday 7 August 2004

Scrapping of mercury jab welcomed - from BBC News Online - Saturday 7 August 2004

America has got Asperger Syndrome - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 25 May 2004 - Offensive, I hear you say? Well, here was Simon Baron Cohen's reply to the newspaper article, while this was the the National Autistic Society's reply.

Put your autistic children into a primary school or we'll prosecute, families are told - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 8 August 2004

Asperger Syndrome sufferer set to be released from Broadmoor - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 2 May 2004

Asperger Syndrome man is released from Broadmoor - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 8 August 2004

'Teachers suggested I was exaggerating'- from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 10 August 2004 - Ms Becky Logan's interesting insight into what it is like to be diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.

A home without hugs or family meals - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 10 August 2004

School Worries - from Dsability Now - August 2004

'Now Becky is excited about life' - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 10 August 2004

Leading Lady - from Disability Now - September 2004

Can't move on - from Disability Now - September 2004

Too few social activities for kids - from Disability Now - September 2004

Study backs safety of MMR vaccine - from BBC News Online - Thursday 9 September 2004

Q&A: The MMR Debate - from BBC News Online - Friday 10 September 2004

'I'm a pretty good actor' - from the Grauniad - Friday 10 September 2004

Autistic teenager “denied grant” – from BBC News Online – Wednesday 15 September 2004

Asperger Syndrome abuse inquiry pledged - from BBC News Online - Saturday 25 September 2004

Bestseller helps parents fight accusations of child abuse - from the Observer - Sunday 26 September 2004

Hospital autism detention "wrong" - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 5 October 2004

Family's landmark autism victory - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 6 October 2004

Sentence reduced for autistic man - from BBC News Online - Thursday 7 October 2004 - Before any of you ask: Yes, I have been diagnosed, but no, I do not have a criminal record, nor do I intend to commit crimes in order to obtain one. Asperger Syndrome is not the criminal record syndrome or the anti social behaviour syndrome that some people make out, so let's get our facts right here and now.

Coronation Street star donates libel money - from BBC News Online - Friday 8 October 2004 - Who says that soap operas have nothing to do with autism? I take that back!

MMR report 'not denial of autism link' - from the Observer - Sunday 10 October 2004

Ban for man who left dog - from the Nottingham Evening Post - Monday 11 October 2004

Our lives have been ruined - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 12 October 2004

Happier in a special school - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 12 October 2004

Council payment to autistic youth - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 13 October 2004

Girl was smothered in play fight - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 13 October 2004

Young witness found girl on bed - from BBC News Online - Thursday 14 October 2004

Party chase 'ended in murder of girl, 10' - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 14 October 2004

Young man accused of killing girl 'had struck before' - from the Grauniad - Thursday 14 October 2004

Boy tells how he found Rosie May dead on bed - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 15 October 2004

Boy witness confused over Rosie - from the Grauniad - Friday 15 October 2004

'It's getting worse for vulnerable parents' - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 19 October 2004

Accused 'tied girl up on a bed' - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 19 October 2004

Brothers deny fishing trip murder - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 19 October 2004 - This time the person with Asperger Syndrome is sadly the victim.

Girl tells murder trial of party attack - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 20 October 2004

Teen denies killing girl at party - from BBC News Online - Friday 22 October 2004

Death of Rosie had nothing to do with me - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 23 October 2004

Teenager denies killing girl, 10 - from the Grauniad - Saturday 23 October 2004

"I would not smother her" - from the Nottingham Evening Post - Saturday 23 October 2004

Parents deny son went "missing" - from BBC News Online - Monday 25 October 2004

Jury out to decide murder charge - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 26 October 2004

I tried to save Rosie May's life - from the Nottingham Evening Post - Tuesday 26 October 2004

The gap years - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 27 October 2004

Young man guilty of girl's murder - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 October 2004

Rosie killer had attacked before - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 October 2004

Family torn apart by murder - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 October 2004

Terrible end to a happy event - from the Nottingham Evening Post - Thursday 28 October 2004

Rosie's killer gets life - from the Grauniad - Thursday 28 October 2004

Family party that ended in murder - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 29 October 2004

The dream that can never be fulfilled - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 29 October 2004

Young man jailed for murder had attacked other girls - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 29 October 2004

'Our innocent son was an easy target' - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 29 October 2004

Repeat attacker, 18, is jailed for Rosie murder - from the Grauniad - Friday 29 October 2004

Secrets that led to tragedy - from the Nottingham Evening Post - Friday 29 October 2004

Mumps v MMR - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 2 November 2004

Mumps hit Universities - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 2 November 2004

Corrections and Clarifications - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 2 November 2004 - Look at the third paragraph on the page. The so-called "woolly liberal" rag tries to correct a mistake they made about the recent Paul Smith case.

I Think it's all Over - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 2 November 2004 - And I thought that not many people diagnosed liked football...

Parents "driven to suicide pact" - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 5 November 2004

Suicide pact theory in sea death - from BBC News Online - Friday 5 November 2004

Father dies in couple's Tenerife suicide pact - from the Liverpool Echo - Friday 5 November 2004

We could see no other way out of the mess our life had become - from the Liverpool Daily Echo - Friday 5 November 2004

Life in jail for murder brothers - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 9 November 2004 - A vulnerable gentleman is killed just because he wanted to relate to the girls a bit more. I think that the Whitehead's crime is absolutely disgusting.

Stars strip for charity calendar - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 10 November 2004 - Warning! The news report contains nudity.

Parents say killer is "innocent" - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 9 November 2004

Dad could be buried as pauper - from the Liverpool Echo - Tuesday 9 November 2004

Parents say killer is "still innocent" - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 10 November 2004

'Suicide pact' couple left note - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 10 November 2004

Suicide note of couple 'abandoned' by NHS - from the Liverpool Daily Post - Wednesday 10 November 2004

Only way out for us is to end our lives - from the Liverpool Echo - Wednesday 10 November 2004

Suicide pair's girl 'heartbroken' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 11 November 2004

Couple's daughter refused suicide - from BBC News Online - Thursday 11 November 2004

Calls for Tenerife tragedy inquiry - from the Liverpool Echo - Thursday 11 November 2004

My heart is broken - from the Liverpool Echo - Thursday 11 November 2004

Vickers relishing short trip to Orient - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 12 November 2004

Wife in suicide pact returns home alone - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 14 November 2004

Ministers press public on health - from the Grauniad - Monday 15 November 2004

Brain inflammation link to autism - from BBC News Online - Monday 15 November 2004

I wish I was dead too - from the Liverpool Echo - Monday 15 November 2004

"We'll fight to bring Paul home" - from the Nottingham Evening Post - Tuesday 16 Novemebr 2004

Course helps hatter myths - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 16 November 2004

Suicide pact mother on lonely journey home - from the Liverpool Daily Post - Tuesday 16 November 2004

Suicide pact wife back in Merseyside - from the Liverpool Echo - Wednesday 17 November 2004

Suicide pact widow returns home - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 17 November 2004

Suicide pact mother talks of pain - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 17 November 2004

I can't go to his funeral - from the Liverpool Echo - Thursday 18 November 2004

I asked my Lisa to kill herself - from the Liverpool Echo - Thursday 18 November 2004

Mother tells of despair that led to suicide pact - from the Grauniad - Friday 19 November 2004

The tales of Hoffman - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 19 November 2004

Strain of caring for frail relatives makes people ill - from the Observer - Sunday 21 November 2004

Police to quiz suicide pact widow - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 24 November 2004

Police question suicide pact wife - from BBC News Online - Friday 26 November 2004

Does society take care of its most vulnerable? - from the Liverpool Daily Post - Tuesday 23 November 2004

Police to question suicide widow - from the Liverpool Daily Post - Thursday 25 November 2004

I'm innocent, says wife in Tenerife suicide pact - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 27 November 2004 - To bring people back on track in case you think that this news report is off-topic, it is Mrs Ainscow's daughter who has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.

The African anarch v the anoraks of cricket - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 28 November 2004

Transport rethink call - from Disability Now - December 2004

News for rock critics: no one is listening to you - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 1 December 2004 - The report contains very strong language in irrelevant parts of the page. However look at the final paragraph where it mentions a diagnosis of Craig Nicholls of "The Vines", a rock band that I have never heard of before.

Suicide pact husband laid to rest - from BBC News Online - Monday 6 December 2004

Man driven to suicide buried - from IC Birmingham - Tuesday 7 December 2004

Don't judge victim of sea suicide pact - from IC Cheshire Online - Tuesday 7 December 2004

Tragic husband is laid to rest - from the Liverpool Echo - Tuesday 7 December 2004

Council 'failed autistic patient' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 8 December 2004

Revealed: how Britain put the spin on Neptune – from the Observer – Sunday 12 December 2004 - Another scientist seems to have the diagnosis treatment.

The modern Hogarths - from the Grauniad - Saturday 18 December 2004 - A look at the first 25 years of the adult comic Viz. Asperger Syndrome does get a mention of course, and some of the language mentioned seems to be a bit "top-shelf" as well. If you are offended by the bad language in this news story, then please complain to the Grauniad and not me!

Just time to snap up one of this year's favourites for bird-watchers, time-wasters and television retuners - from the Observer - Sunday 19 December 2004 - One of the longest titles of the year, this one is about a book review of a satirical and political novel about a Prime Minister dagnosed with Asperger Syndrome! Are they trying to say something about Mr Major, methinks?

Autism group paedophile 'disgust' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 22 December 2004 - Just as we were about to celebrate Christmas lo and behold, there just happened to be a negative news story about someone taking advantage of Asperger Syndrome and also an autism social group as well. Anthony Peter Luckwill as he was known, was jailed for just two years for various offences including paedophilia and claming to have Asperger Syndrome. I think that many people believe that the sentence should have been a lot longer. Our “Mister” Luckwill has been busy prior to his sentence, mostly with his own website, where I doubt that he will be unable to update it for a very long time to come. Meanwhile those opposed to his actions have produced their own website. If Luckwill had been diagnosed, then why was he writing offensive emails like this? It’s probably the most offensive thing said about Asperger Syndrome since Hans Asperger gave his name to the condition in the 1940s. A mention should also go to Lampeter Today, for being crowned “the newspaper that cannot spell”. They seem to have a very nasty habit of having a number of alternative spellings of the word Asperger Syndrome. In this newspaper article of the Luckwill case they give their mention of Asberger’s [sic] Syndrome, whereas here, they refer to the condition as Spurger’s [sic] Syndrome. All I can say to the staff at the Lampeter Today newspaper is buy a spell checker!

Forged jab results doctor jailed - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 22 December 2004

Doctor jailed for faking MMR blood test results - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 23 December 2004

Doctor jailed for faking children's jabs blood tests - from the Grauniad - Thursday 23 December 2004

MMR parents win legal victory - from the Observer - Boxing Day 2004 - I actually thought that the Grauniad and the Observer were not published on Boxing Day (well, not both on the same day of course! The Grauniad wasn't published anyway because December 26th in 2004 fell on a Sunday!)

Albert's great loves: women and physic - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 29 December 2004 - The final news story of 2004.

Prayers for missing quake teacher - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 4 January 2005

Officials fear parent revolt over new baby vaccine - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 5 January 2005

Autistic boy inspires poetry book - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 5 January 2005

Even a GP can miss her son's autism - Wednesday 5 January 2005

Faith v fact - from the Grauniad - Friday 7 January 2005

Autistic Liberation Front fights the 'oppressors searching for a cure' - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 9 January 2005

Travelling with an autistic child - from the Grauniad - Saturday 8 January 2005

Portraits of a serial killer? - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 12 January 2005

Dodgy mobiles? Don't hit the panic button - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 13 January 2005

Autism nursery opens its doors - from BBC News Online - Thursday 13 January 2005

Why autistics need our help - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 16 January 2005 - The newspaper's letters page. Have a look a third of the way down the page for contributions from Lady Astor of Hever (not to be confused with Britain’s very first female Member of Parliament) and Clare Sainsbury (as in the supermarket chain that Jamie Oliver advertises on television). Of course, “being left alone” has two different conceptions: the first one is a positive one; to be left alone away from someone you cannot get on with or someone who hates you for who you are. The second one is a negative one; where one cannot get on with general society even if one wants to and so people leave you alone as a result. Apologies for the literal interpretation, but you cannot have you cake and eat it with Asperger Syndrome.

Oh come on, can't we recognise a little harmless mischief any more? - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 16 January 2005

What they said about Prince Harry - from the Grauniad - Monday 17 January 2005

Civil rights fears over mental health reforms - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 19 January 2005 - Our Conservative hero Angela Browning speaks out for us again. I knew that Rosie Winterton was a health minister, but I didn't know that she was mental!

Autism centre 'shows way forward' - from BBC News Online - Monday 24 January 2005

Interview with Vernon Beauchamp, Chief Executive of the National Autistic Society - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 26 January 2005

No Laughing Matter - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 26 January 2005 - The Grauniad is a newspaper famous for its spelling mistakes (or should I say anagrams) of words. Was it any wonder, when I saw the initial “NSA”, I thought that it was a spelling mistake for “NAS”, the National Autistic Society’s initials, but I was obviously wrong. If any town, city or county beginning with the letter N wishes to set up a local autism branch, then they have to be careful with initials. That is why, presumably the Northamptonshire Society for Autism chose the initials NSA. To avoid confusion with their national counterparts, they put the words “autism” and “society” the other way round. If you think that’s interesting, then here in Nottingham (yes, that also begins with the letter N as well), we have NoRSACA, an acronym for “The Nottingham Regional Society for Autistic Children and Adults”, which is a bit of a mouthful, but it is unique and cannot be confused with anything else.

'More than four in 10 teenage girls have now considered cosmetic surgery' - from the Observer - Sunday 30 January 2005 - Rather plausible title for an autism news story, don't you think?

This much I know - from the Observer Magazine - Sunday 30 January 2005 - What exactly does he enjoy about being diagnosed Asperger Syndrome, I wonder? I can say here and now that I don't enjoy being diagnosed with it at all.

Tired, totally beaten, and frightened... now I've quit' - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 2 February 2005 - Thank goodness that there are not too many Aspergerphobic headteachers out there. Look three-quarters down the page - it seems that this headteacher doesn't know much about Asperger Syndrome herself, otherwise she wouldn't have treated one of her pupils the way she did...

In the forest of the soul - from the Grauniad - Saturday 5 February 2005

Dr Spock advises new generation - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 5 February 2005

John Sutherland's column - from the Grauniad - Monday 7 February 2005

Why left-handers may not see the wood for the trees - from the Grauniad - Monday 7 February 2005 - Just for the record, I am right handed.

A Family Destroyed - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 9 February 2005

Letters page - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 9 February 2005 - An interesting point made by Julie Cutts of Iver, Buckinghamshire. (See the second letter down).

Autism link to allergies and asthma - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 9 February 2005

A Genius Explains - from the Grauniad - Saturday 12 February 2005

On the Edge - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 16 February 2005 - Contains strong language.

Family's bid for autism tuition - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 15 February 2005

Blair challenged on special needs - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 16 February 2005

Mother tackles Blair over autism - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 16 February 2005

Minister defends special needs school policy - from the Grauniad - Thursday 17 February 2005

A kid needs his mum. But not till his real friends have gone home ... - from the Observer - Sunday 20 February 2005

A roaring mouse - from the Observer - Sunday 20 February 2005

Bird-watcher rescued from Marshland mud - from The Journal - Sunday 20 February 2005 - Nothing to do with Asperger Syndrome or autism, but here is one of the ASFTHM regulars Andrea Alterman, who has had a little bit of bother, while doing a spot of bird-watching near her home in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. Her younger brother Jeff, who has Asperger Syndrome, has called her stupid for getting into the mess in the first place!

Reckless abandon - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 1 March 2005

Mainstream successes - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 1 March 2005

'No link between MMR and autism' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 2 March 2005

Lingering fears of MMR-autism link dispelled - from the Grauniad - Thursday 3 March 2005

MMR is not linked to autism, say Japanese - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 3 March 2005

MMR study prompts research demand - from BBC News Online - Thursday 3 March 2005

Professionals, or parrots? - from the Grauinad - Tuesday 8 March 2005

Mother's stand for a school and a life - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 8 March 2005

Special needs schools save money - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 9 March 2005

Human shields on the hustings - from the Grauniad - Thursday 10 March 2005

Parents suffer stress over autism - from BBC News Online - Monday 14 March 2005

Autistic schoolboy 'denied place' - from BBC News Online - Monday 14 March 2005

The X factor, and why the sexes are so different - from the Grauniad - Thursday 17 March 2005

Family wins autism tuition ruling - from BBC News Online - Friday 18 March 2005

Pre-school autism study to start - from BBC News Online - Saturday 19 March 2005

Autism film tells a nation's story - from BBC News Online - Monday 21 March 2005

Major autism conference is staged - from BBC News Online - Monday 21 March 2005

Warning for students as mumps cases soar - from the Grauniad - Friday 25 March 2005

Escape by numbers - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 25 March 2005

Any Questions? - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 2 April 2005

Never far from a mirror - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 3 April 2005

Autism mother may become a Conservative Member of Parliament - from BBC News Online - Thursday 7 April 2005 - Good on you Mrs Hutchings! I am a member of my local Conservative Party, so I certainly believe in giving vulnerable people a chance. Let's make sure that these Labour cretins are not elected for a third term. We need more representation in the House of Commons.

Disability bill gets Royal Assent - from BBC News Online - Friday 8 April 2005

Autism help for county's schools - from BBC News Online - Saturday 9 April 2005 - The same day that Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall got married.

What's for tea? - from the Observer - Sunday 10 April 2005

What not to feed your child - from the Observer - Sunday 10 April 2005

What your children should eat - from the Observer - Sunday 10 April 2005

'It's wonderful news for children with epilepsy' - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 12 April 2005

Officials deny MMR jabs scarcity - from the Grauniad - Saturday 16 April 2005

Care wife in second suicide bid - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 20 April 2005

Do you know what the 13th root of 8368956688236956939837328662225645224 7267804664938366774973575581573035075 7040896252880238578315683768029349382 0105634336385559593151445041514949070 9419097704449305660268402771869624155 688082648640933 is? - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 24 April 2005 - I actually thought that there was a problem with the search engine when I saw this title. The question is, could you remember every digit listed here?

Board 'will fund autism therapy' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 April 2005

Disabled feel 'sexually excluded' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 April 2005

Blame teachers for bad behaviour - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 1 May 2005

Asperger Syndrome boy enters Mastermind - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 3 May 2005 - "Anorak" is not really an appropriate word to use here, but "clever" certainly is.

Special autism unit set up - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 4 May 2005

Why it's time we faced fats - from the Grauniad - Thursday 5 May 2005

Hope over blood test for autism - from BBC News Online - Thursday 5 May 2005

The unselfish gene - from the Grauniad - Friday 6 May 2005

Move towards autism test at birth raises fears - from the Grauniad - Friday 6 May 2005

Extra access puts everyone in credit - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 7 May 2005

Britain in grip of mumps epidemic after missed jabs - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 13 May 2005

Mumps crisis warning as cases rise 15-fold - from the Grauniad - Friday 13 May 2005

MMR jab not linked to Crohn's, says study - from the Grauniad - Friday 13 May 2005

Praise for help for autistic son - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 11 May 2005

Autism office to support families - from BBC News Online - Thursday 12 May 2005

Autism linked to difficult births - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 17 May 2005

Call for wider autism awareness - from BBC News Online - Saturday 21 May 2005

Charity pleads for tolerance as autistic youngsters face Asbos - from the Observer - Sunday 22 May 2005

"Sarcasm" brain areas discovered - from BBC News Online - Monday 23 May 2005

Highest functions of brain produce lowest form of wit - from the Grauniad - Monday 23 May 2005

Go forth and multiply - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 24 May 2005

'He was lucky to be walking' - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 26 May 2005

Project will help autistic pupils - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 31 May 2005

Drawing on autistic licence - from the Grauniad - Thursday 2 June 2005

Stuck with a world in bits and pieces - from the Grauniad - Thursday 2 June 2005

Every child is special - let schools be, too - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 5 June 2005

Bilingual book tackles Asperger Syndrome - from BBC News Online - Monday 6 June 2005

Conservatives fight to save special schools - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 7 June 2005

Disabled 'suffer worst exclusion' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 8 June 2005

Warnock U-turn on special schools - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 9 June 2005

'Missing link' between madness and genius - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 11 June 2005

Support or segregation? - from the Grauniad - Saturday 11 June 2005

No thanks, ma'am - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 15 June 2005

Are people with Asperger Syndrome disabled or "different"? - from Disability Now - June 2005

Class Acts - from the Observer - Sunday 26 June 2005

Girls' autism 'under-diagnosed' - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 28 June 2005

Architect of special needs inclusion calls for policy review - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 29 June 2005

New measures to protect Asbo witnesses - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 29 June 2005

Looking for autism answers - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 30 June 2005

Was Dr Dolittle autistic? - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 3 July 2005

Stuck in the land of Thomas the Tank Engine - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 6 July 2005

University students told to get MMR jabs - from the Grauniad - Monday 11 July 2005

Study reveals parents' MMR views - from BBC News Online - Saturday 16 July 2005

Artist says Asperger Syndrome's aids work - from BBC News Online - Sunday 17 July 2005

Vital lesson - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 19 July 2005

"Gene test" for autism in sight - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 19 July 2005

Alert cards for autistic people - from BBC News Online - Thursday 21 July 2005

School apology as boy left behind - from BBC News Online - Saturday 23 July 2005

Parents don't have to be helpless - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 28 July 2005

Police called after girls scuffle - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 July 2005

Time for last orders - from Disability Now - July 2005 - Hang about, I know what the initials ASBO should really stand for... It stands for Asperger Syndrome? Bugger Off!

Autistic man in sex crime appeal - from BBC News Online - Friday 5 August 2005 - A man with autism who has probably suffered severe social and sexual isolation for the best part of his life. Autistic people have, as near to normal a sex life as a non-autistic person, yet the difficulty is that they lack the skills to have relationships with the opposite sex. Nowadays it seems to be taken for granted that if you’re single, you are homosexual which is complete rubbish and makes matters worse. In this modernised liberal world we live in, it probably won’t be long before he gets named and shamed by the News of the World…

Asbo-lutely farcical - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 10 August 2005

Drama tells story of 'supermum' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 12 August 2005 - The old woman who lives in a shoe springs to mind here. (Not that I'm calling Jacqui old of course...)

Education minister questions his own department - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 14 August 2005

Doctors face legal action over unlicensed MMR jabs - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 16 August 2005

How a novelist's twist sparked academic feud - from the Observer - Sunday 21 August 2005

A masterly performance? - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 23 August 2005

IPCC probe over Asperger Syndrome arrest - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 23 August 2005

'We should have been warned' - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 24 August 2005

Autistic boy dies after US therapy visit - from the Grauniad - Friday 26 August 2005

Desperate families search for autism's 'magic pill - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 26 August 2005

Autism boy dies after alternative therapy - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 26 August 2005

Autistic boy, 7, wins four-year fight to attend special school - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 28 August 2005

How social services can seize our children - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 30 August 2005

Hunting for a miracle - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 31 August 2005

Child mental disorders unlikely to fall - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 31 August 2005

Child mental illness 'now stable at one in 10' - from the Grauniad - Thursday 1 September 2005

Autism linked to parents with high level of education - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 1 September 2005 - Sounds like a Grauniad-type story. I can vouch that from family experience there is a lot of truth in the article!

'Cheap' care offer angers mother - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 6 September 2005

Autistic boy's story sparks offer - from BBC News Online - Thursday 8 September 2005

Science throws new light on why teenage Kevin finds life so unfair - from the Grauniad - Friday 9 September 2005

Don't take it out on Kevin the teenager, his brain is being rewired - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 9 September 2005

Couple deny abuse of caged children - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 14 September 2005 - The first "Berliner" news article.

Support for parents of adult sufferers 'almost non-existent' - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 24 September 2005 - Yes, it mentions Down Syndrome, but it also mentions autism as well. Therefore it deserves to be listed here.

Finding the vital spark - from the Grauniad - Saturday 24 September 2005

'Devoted' mother admits killing her Down Syndrome son - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 24 September 2005 - Again, it also mentions autism.

Finding Harriet - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 25 September 2005

When smoke gets in the mind - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 27 September 2005

Special needs parents face care 'lottery' - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 28 September 2005

I discovered I was autistic at 41 - from the Grauniad - Saturday 1 October 2005

An ethics girl's dilemma - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 2 October 2005

I'm being driven out says second expert to link autism and jabs - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 2 October 2005

Butter wouldn't melt - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 3 October 2005 - They don't call it the N-Asher-nal Autistic Society for nothing, you know!

I'm being driven out says second expert to link autism and jabs - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 4 October 2005

Family with violent son to receive £60k compensation - from the Grauniad - Friday 7 October 2005

Payout over autism care failings - from BBC News Online - Friday 7 October 2005

GP who gave MMR warning faces sack - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 9 October 2005

Clampdown on chatrooms after two strangers die in first internet death pact - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 11 October 2005

Child commissioner attacks 'baby Asbos' plan - from the Grauniad - Friday 14 October 2005 - If the people who are employed at the Grauniad as columnists are so well educated as they say they are, then why have they spelt the autistic condition incorrectly as "Asberger's syndrome?" [sic] Perhaps they were about to spell ASBO, but changed their mind at the last moment, who knows?

Special needs 'under-resourced' - from BBC News Online - Friday 14 October 2005

Bank grant helps autism families - from BBC News Online - Sunday 16 October 2005

Study gives MMR vaccine the all-clear - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 19 October 2005

'MMR fears were unfounded' - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 19 October 2005

Justice system 'ignores' autism - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 19 October 2005 - If one looks at some of the news stories on above on this page, one obviously doesn't need to reminded that the British legal system has let vulnerable people down too many times.

The MMR is safe - what other scare stories are nonsense? - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 20 October 2005 - Written by Spectator editor and Henley MP, Boris Johnson.

Temple Grandin: 'I'm an anthropologist from Mars' - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 25 October 2005

Inquiry into pier-fall incident - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 26 October 2005

Abuse sparks audit of learning disability care - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 26 October 2005

Does it work? Dolphin therapy - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 31 October 2005

Special centre offers day places - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 1 November 2005

The MMR sceptic who just doesn't understand science - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 2 November 2005

Mother who killed son with Down Syndrome gets suspended sentence - from the Grauniad - Thursday 3 November 2005

Autism link to 'extreme male brain' - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 4 November 2005

Autism 'extreme male brain' clue - from BBC News Online - Friday 4 November 2005

Hell of the carers driven to breaking point - from the Observer - Sunday 6 November 2005

Who has the biggest brain? - from the Observer - Sunday 6 November 2005

Dangerous assumptions over MMR vaccine - from the Grauniad - Monday 7 November 2005

Not so much a choice, more a battle of wills - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 8 November 2005

The case against me boils down to smear and evasion - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 8 November 2005 - A Daily Mail columnist writing for the Grauniad!

When medicine, science and the public collide - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 9 November 2005

View from a Broad - from the Grauniad - Friday 11 November 2005

Say it loud, autistic and proud - from the Observer - Sunday 13 November 2005

Bid to reach autistic minorities - from BBC News Online - Monday 14 November 2005

Son denies pushing mum off bridge - from BBC News Online - Monday 14 November 2005

A loaded discussion - from the Grauniad - Monday 14 November 2005

Rain Men - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 15 November 2005 - Watch out, Beadle's about!

Autism help group faces closure - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 15 November 2005

Bridge mum rejects autism claims - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 15 November 2005

The curious incident of the follow-up - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 16 November 2005 - It's Asperger Syndrome - from The Talking Horse's Mouth!

'We give 110 per cent to the business' - from the Observer - Sunday 20 November 2005

Families share 'autistic traits' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 24 November 2005 - The connection between an autistic nephew and an Asperger Syndrome uncle? Christopher Gillberg had a good point a few years back when he made this connetion...

The bridge and the troubled water - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 27 October 2005

Trust me, I'm a junior doctor: under-informed patients should stop trying to heal themselves - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 28 October 2005

Let's end the sham debate about MMR right here - from the Grauniad - Thursday 1 December 2005

Teach the children well - from the Grauniad - Friday 2 December 2005

Scans of autistic children show faults in brain circuits - from the Grauniad - Monday 5 December 2005

'Copying' nerves broken in autism - from BBC News Online - Monday 5 December 2005

Rebels without a cause - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 6 December 2005

A curious phenomenon - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 7 December 2005 - It really annoys me when people cannot spell words properly, especially if they are in such a job that requires them to do so. When has the word "Asperger" ever had a "B" in it? Rant over.

Story of 'supermum' hits screens - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 13 December 2005

Teenager faces life for cricket girl's murder - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 16 December 2005 - These kind of news stories always seem to happen just before Christmas, don't they?

Tales of autism and exorcism at Berlin film festival - from the Grauniad - Thursday 22 December 2005

"If I was offered one wish, I'd ask not to have Tourette Syndrome for one week. But it won't happen, will it?" - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 3 January 2006 - Our first news story of 2006 and a very interesting one at that. As well as Tourette Syndrome, Jessica has also been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.

Man is pushed down shop escalator - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 3 January 2006

Special needs pupils to get fish oil supplements - from the Grauniad - Monday 9 January 2006 - There must be something fishy going on here! [That's enough puns on serious news stories - Ed.]

Asperger Syndrome call to boost business - from BBC News Online - Thursday 19 January 2006

Teenage killer must serve at least 15 years - from the Grauniad - Saturday 21 January 2006 - The Daily Telegraph got there first with this in December. Makes depressing reading. After reading the countless number of news articles like this, I wouldn't be too surprised if Asperger Syndrome was criminalised in parliament by 2010...

Another jab? No wonder parents get the jitters - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 25 January 2006

New autism drop-in centre opens - from BBC News Online - Sunday 29 January 2006

Parents' marriage choice may lead to autism - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 30 January 2006

Scientific brain linked to autism - from BBC News Online - Monday 30 January 2006

Inclusion debate treads new ground - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 31 January 2006

Growing Issue - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 7 February 2006

My son has had MMR jab, says Brown (in dig at Blair) - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 7 February 2006

Seven things you should know about omega oils - from the Grauniad - Saturday 11 February 2006

Meet Jane, Sue, Carole and Julie - the guerrilla mothers - from the Grauniad - Saturday 11 February 2006

Doctors angry at vaccine backlash - from the Observer - Sunday 12 February 2006

Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 12 February 2006

Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 13 February 2006

'My son's weakest subject is life' - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 13 February 2006

Off your head? - from the Observer - Sunday 19 February 2006 - I wonder how this article, which is about drugs can possibly be connected to Asperger Syndrome?

Universities don't come much smaller than ours - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 21 February 2006

Fears voiced over 'noise' tactic - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 22 February 2006

Autistic man in care home battle - from BBC News Online - Thursday 23 February 2006

Autistic ability 'underestimated' - from BBC News Online - Friday 24 February 2006

The surprising side of autism - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 28 February 2006

'We want to have conversations, to do the things everybody else does' - from the Observer - Sunday 5 March 2006

Stop making sense - from the Observer - Sunday 5 March 2006 - Nothing that the Grauniad or the Observer publishes makes any sense to me!

Reverse psychology - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 7 March 2006

Autism community forges virtual haven - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 8 March 2006 - So now I know why Dustin Hoffman's film was callled Rain Man!

Mother's autism vaccine link bid - from BBC News Online - Thursday 9 March 2006

Obituary: Richard Wawro - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 11 March 2006 - Although this page is not usually associated with obituaries, we have an exception here. This is a tribute to Richard Wawro (who I had not heard of prior to reading this article) who was an autistic savant has passed away at the young age of 53 on Wednesday 22nd February 2006. He died as a result of having cancer, but at least one can easily say that autism did not play a part in his demise.

Laying down the lore - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 11 March 2006

Autistic boy's basketball dream becomes a reality - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 12 March 2006

America falls for J-Mac - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 15 March 2006

Letters - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 22 March 2006 - An interesting letter contributed by Karen Ide of Calderdale. (See the second letter down).

Skills for life - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 22 March 2006

Pesticides blamed as autism rate soars - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 25 March 2006

Letters: System Failure - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 29 March 2006 - See the third and final letter down.

Emotion sensor "detects boredom" - from BBC News Online - Thursday 30 March 2006

The Vines, Vision Valley - from the Grauniad - Friday 31 March 2006

The boy who made everything luminous - from the Grauniad - Saturday 1 April 2006

A death foretold - from the Grauniad - Saturday 1 April 2006 - Another person on the autistic spectrum who had been failed by the authorities...

Help at hand for autism families - from BBC News Online - Friday 7 April 2006

Film gives a bird's eye view of flying high - from the Warrnambol Standard (Australia) - Friday 7 April 2006 - The Daniel McDonald named here is one of the ASFTHM semi-regulars who has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome himself. Many thanks to Daniel for pointing the article out to me on an email. I doubt that we have featured an Australian news article here before as we use British articles for obvious reasons, so presumably here is our first one. They have spelt Asperger wrong again! Regulars and semi-regulars are those who visit the website and make occasional or frequent correspondence.

Loose ends - Whatever happened to ... the MMR debate? - from the Grauniad - Saturday 8 April 2006

Weak brain links 'explain autism' - from BBC News Online - Sunday 9 April 2006

We must do more for autistic children - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 12 April 2006 - Written by National Autistic Society president, Jane Asher.

Plea for adults with autistic disorders - from the Grauniad - (Good) Friday 14 April 2006 - Some feedback to Jane Asher's letter. Seems that not too many people actually agree with what she said...

Mother and son missing from home - from BBC News Online - (Good) Friday 14 April 2006 - A mother goes missing with her young autistic son.

Autistic couple bound to each other - and their art - from the Grauniad - Saturday 15 April 2006 - How can I possibly be jealous at reading this article about Gilles and Catherine? Gilles has autism and Catherine has Asperger Syndrome. It is a really special thing when one reads about two people with autism or Asperger Syndrome or both, who are making a go at a serious relationship. It takes a great effort if you have been diagnosed.

Sister's plea for mother and son - from BBC News Online - Saturday 15 April 2006

River body is that of missing boy - from BBC News Online - Monday 17 April 2006

Boy's body found in river - from the Grauniad - Monday 17 April 2006

Search on for mother of dead boy - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 18 April 2006

Police looking for 12-year-old boy find body in river - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 18 April 2006

A mother and son smiling at the station. Then two specks on the edge of a bridge... - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 18 April 2006

Hopes fade for dead boy's mother - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 18 April 2006

Fragile support - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 19 April 2006 - The "boss" of the National Autistic Society adds his observations on the Ryan Davies tragedy...

CCTV shows bridge death plunges - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 19 April 2006

Humber bridge mother "did not get enough help" - from the Grauniad - Thursday 20 April 2006

Last journey of mother and son in bridge plunge - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 21 April 2006

I'm a human lie detector, honest - from the Observer - Sunday 23 April 2006

A small lie - but a big step - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 23 April 2006

"I have four autistic sons and no sleep" - from BBC News Online - Saturday 29 April 2006 - One of them is Luke Jackson of course.

Body discovered after bridge jump - from BBC News Online - Saturday 29 April 2006

Estuary body still not identified - from BBC News Online - Monday 1 May 2006

'Autistic' mice offer gene clue - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 3 May 2006 - No doubt that people like ourselves have been asked "are you a man or a mouse?" Well pass the cheese, please...

Body confirmed as bridge jump mum - from BBC News Online - Friday 5 May 2006

Tarred with the same brush - from the Grauniad - Monday 8 May 2006

'I wanted to rip the autism out of her' - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 8 May 2006

Large rise in pupils with autism - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 9 May 2006

Asperger Syndrome "has no link to crime" - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 10 May 2006

A new type of Conservative candidate? - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 10 May 2006

Autistic brains 'never daydream' - from BBC News Online - Friday 12 May 2006

How to chat to a cheetah - from the Grauniad - Saturday 13 May 2006

Meet James and Joshua: too difficult to teach in school? - from the Observer - Sunday 14 May 2006

Wrong image of Freud has entered the subconscious - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 14 May 2006

Calls for better autism schooling - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 23 May 2006

American scientists back autism link to MMR - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 28 May 2006

Curiouser and curiouser - from the Grauniad - Monday 29 May 2006

Publish or be damned - from the Grauniad - Saturday 3 June 2006

City sensory garden to be opened - from BBC News Online - Monday 5 June 2006 - I live locally to Rosehill. Never been a pupil there, thank goodness!

MMR doctor 'to face GMC charges' - from BBC News Online - Monday 12 June 2006

Crystal meth to get class A listing - from the Grauniad - Monday 12 June 2006

Caring for the carers - from the Grauniad - Monday 12 June 2006

Doctor behind MMR scare to face four charges of misconduct over research - from the Grauniad - Monday 12 June 2006

Is this doctor a hero or a health risk? - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 13 June 2006

Scare over MMR vaccine safety - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 13 June 2006

Doctor who sparked MMR scare could face misconduct charges - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 13 June 2006

Emotional rescue - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 13 June 2006

Misplaced autism worries fuel measles outbreak - from the Grauniad - Friday 16 June 2006

Ministers agree to MMR autism inquiry - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 18 June 2006

How babies can read minds from age of one - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 19 June 2006

Much more than just a plaything - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 20 June 2006

Autism centre offers day classes - from BBC News Online - Thursday 22 June 2006

Inquiry ordered after gay couple jailed for abusing foster children - from the Grauniad - Saturday 24 June 2006

Gay couple jailed for abusing their foster children - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 24 June 2006 - Don't worry - the person with Asperger Syndrome is one of the victims this time.

Computers that can read minds may help fight autism - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 26 June 2006

MMR research timeline - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 27 June 2006

Draw line under MMR scare, plead top doctors - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 27 June 2006

MMR confusion 'could lead to deaths' - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 27 June 2006

Bring on the eco-warriors - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 27 June 2006

What Maurice Hilleman did for us - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 28 June 2006

From Trumpton to the Taj Mahal - a week with the grandchildren - from Grauniad - Saturday 1 July 2006

Special needs education condemned - from the Observer - Sunday 2 July 2006

Summer books - from the Observer - Sunday 2 July 2006

Should I give my girl the MMR jab? - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 3 July 2006

Time to spell out the line on special needs - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 4 July 2006

New study shows no MMR link to autism - from the Grauniad - Thursday 6 July 2006

Report condemns 'confused' policy on special education needs - from the Grauniad - Thursday 6 July 2006

Parents will choose inclusion when it works - from Disability Now - July 2006

A life that is beginning to add up - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 10 July 2006

MMR scare 'may cause epidemics abroad' - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 10 July 2006

Is the precautionary principle risky? - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 11 July 2006

Diary - from the Grauniad - Friday 14 July 2006

Autism in children '10 times higher' than first thought - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 14 July 2006

Child autism rate is 25 times accepted figure, study warns - from the Grauniad - Friday 14 July 2006

Child autism rate is 25 times accepted figure, study warns - from the Grauniad - Friday 14 July 2006

A writer's life: Mal Peet - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 16 July 2006

Autism in children '10 times higher' than first thought - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 17 July 2006

Jabs link to autism 'dispelled' - Wednesday 5 July 2006

Parents hail special needs report - from BBC News Online - Thursday 6 July 2006

Autism 'more common than thought' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 13 July 2006

Research links autism to brain abnormalities - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 18 July 2006

The climate-change deniers have now gone nuclear - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 18 July 2006

Yesterday in parliament - from the Grauniad - Thursday 20 July 2006

Depressed children deserve better treatment - from the Observer - Sunday 23 July 2006

NHS failing children on mental health - from the Observer - Sunday 23 July 2006

Man's centre claims over brothel - from BBC News Online - Monday 24 July 2006

US child expert quits Britain over 'hidden crisis' in special needs - from the Observer - Sunday 30 July 2006

Services 'failing' needy children - from BBC News Online - Thursday 3 August 2006

Scandal of the neglected children - from the Observer - Sunday 6 August 2006

Preview - from the Grauniad - Saturday 12 August 2006

Autism 'affects all of the brain' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 16 August 2006

A Woman of Substance - from the Observer - Sunday 20 August 2006

The additive-packed children's tea - from the Observer - Sunday 20 August 2006

War on youth crime is 'demonising teens' - from the Observer - Sunday 20 August 2006

Think of a number - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 22 August 2006

Youths drive man to suicide bid - from BBC News Online - Friday 25 August 2006

Judge attacks 'feral youths' over taunts - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 25 August 2006

Could we move into LazyTown? - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 28 October 2006

Adepta - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 30 Augist 2006

Caring Partners - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 30 Augist 2006

The Vines - from the Grauniad - Thursday 31 August 2006

All the colours of the spectrum - from the Grauniad - Saturday 2 September 2006

Middle age and middling life in Middle England - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 3 September 2006

Forever Young - from the Observer - Sunday 3 September 2006

Older fathers 'raise autism risk' - from BBC News Online - Monday 4 September 2006 - Question: How old was my father when I was born? Answer: Six weeks off his 58th birthday.

Study links autism to gut microbes - from the Grauniad - Monday 4 September 2006

More risk of autism with older fathers - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 5 September 2006

Study links autism to bacteria in the gut - from the Grauniad - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 5 September 2006

Speech therapy quietly sidelined - the Grauniad - Wednesday 6 September 2006

Cottle opening circus school to safeguard Big Top skills - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 8 September 2006

Primal Screen - from the Grauniad - Saturday 9 September 2006

They've scared us: it's the men's turn now - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 10 September 2006

A few beers after lunch, plus a curry – then the knives were out for Blair - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 11 September 2006

The power of positive thinking - from the Grauinad - Wednesday 13 September 2006

Eviction Evasion - from the Grauinad - Wednesday 13 September 2006

Schools 'fail autistic children' - from BBC News Online - Saturday 16 September 2006

How the system let my son down - from BBC News Online - Saturday 16 September 2006 - The system has let lots of vulnerable people down over the years.

Learning together for the better - from Disability Now - September 2006

Minister vows autism cash review - from BBC News Online - Saturday 16 September 2006

In the key of genius - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 17 September 2006

Schooling for autistic children is 'appalling' - from the Observer - Sunday 17 September 2006

Pendennis - from the Observer - Sunday 17 September 2006

Sacked fast-food worker stabbed boss to death - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 22 September 2006 - I've heard of Mac [sic] the Knife but this is ridiculous.

Sacked McDonald's worker killed boss in frenzied attack - from the Grauniad - Friday 22 September 2006 - I love my cheeseburgers, McChicken Sandwiches and Quarterpounder with Cheeses.

How to play the (118) numbers game - from the Grauniad - Saturday 23 September 2006

Steal this film, read the article - from the Grauniad - Monday 25 September 2006

Rock On - from the Grauniad - Monday 25 September 2006

Man denies shop escalator attack - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 26 September 2006

Plagues of frogs and lice ... - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 26 September 2006

Man denies shop escalator attack again - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 27 September 2006

Grease is the Word - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 27 September 2006

Man convicted of escalator attack - from BBC News Online - Friday 29 September 2006

Osborne's autism jibe criticised - from BBC News Online - Monday 2 October 2006 - I would rather live next door to Mr Osborne than to live next door to a yob who hates vulnerable people. David Cameron will live next door to him of course (if we win the next General Election of course).

Osborne criticised for 'autistic Chancellor' jibe - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 3 October 2006 - It would be nice to have something in commion with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, I suppose...

Corrections and clarifications - from the Grauniad - Friday 6 October 2006 - They're always making mistakes...

To beat pain, find the right beat - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 7 October 2006

You'll have no regrets with our Gaffometer - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 8 October 2006

High level of male hormone in girls reveals autism clue - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 10 October 2006

'I realised that I was not physically correct' - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 10 October 2006

Catch of the day - from the Grauniad - Thursday 12 October 2006

The silence over new MMR research - from the Grauniad - Saturday 14 October 2006

Curzon heir is spared jail over cheque - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 14 October 2006

Clue to flaws in autistic brain - from BBC News Online - Saturday 14 October 2006

A system that abuses the whole family - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 19 October 2006

An expert in theory and in practice - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 17 October 2006

Salt, land and tears - from the Grauniad - Saturday 21 October 2006

Awfully big adventures - from the Grauniad - Saturday 21 October 2006

The best thing I'll ever do - from the Daily Telegraph - Monday 23 October 2006

Mother knows best - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 24 October 2006

"There's nothing he wouldn't eat" - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 24 October 2006

'If we died, someone would help her' - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 25 October 2006

Flu vaccine to be encouraged for women in late pregnancy - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 25 October 2006

Children born after IVF treatment "face higher health risks" - from the Grauniad - Thursday 26 October 2006

Infertility link to autism risk - from BBC News Online - Thursday 26 October 2006

Escalator attack man sent to jail - from BBC News Online - Friday 27 October 2006

Gene flaw increases autism risk - from BBC News Online - Saturday 28 October 2006

Drive to help autistic children - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 31 October 2006

The baby who was badly put together - from the Grauniad - Saturday 4 November 2006

Why I love Coronation Street - from the Observer - Sunday 5 November 2006 - Another observation on character Roy Cropper and a long overdue Asperger Syndrome disgnosis that Teletext first observed (excuse the pun) on back in May 2005. Of course the programme does not want to diagnose Mr Cropper as that would obviously mean bringing disability and autism into a soap opera storyline, which of course would affect the ratings as people do not want to relate to such a thing. ITV knows that the average viewer would rather see two able-bodied people screwing and bonking each other in every episode rather than more serious matters in the world such as the diagnosis of autism or Asperger Syndrome. (Mind you it didn't stop the President of the National Autistic Society appearing in a revival of Crossroads, did it?)

Teenager admits bus stop stabbing - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 8 November 2007

Special intelligence - from the Grauniad - Saturday 18 November 2006

Prejudice-driven bullies targeted - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 22 November 2006

'Bullied because I was different' - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 22 November 2006 - Son of John Muggleton, methinks?

'I am 80 and still my son's only carer' - from the Grauniad - Monday 27 November 2006

How bullies destroyed my brother - from BBC News Online - Monday 27 November 2006

About a Boy - from the Observer - Sunday 3 December 2006

Obituary: Bernard Rimland - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 6 December 2006

More brain used to recognise faces - from the Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 12 December 2006

"I felt like my head was exploding" - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 12 December 2006

A Boy's Best Friend - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 22 December 2006 - An insight into the real-life drama After Thomas, which was transmitted on ITV1 on Boxing Day. As it was based on a real-life story, some names were changed in the script but the main plot remained incumbent. Apart from The Queen's Christmas Message and the Midnight Mass, this was the highlight of my Christmas television viewing - one for the TDK E240 blank videotape. The drama featured a young boy with autism called Kyle, whose parents get him a dog that he communicates through, named after a certain children's Tank Engine (do you see?) Hats off to ITV1 for showing a drama about autism at Christmas time - one has to ask, do people stop having autism just because it's Christmas? No of course not. None of the soap operas bother for us, so what do you do? Oh, and it's Professor Elizabeth Newson, not Newsome.

Neil Midgley's top 10 Christmas TV shows - from the Daily Telegraph - Saturday 23 December 2006 - How come that thucking [sic] E***E***** is higher in the list than After Thomas?

Fortified by Love - from the Observer - Sunday 24 December 2006

The learning support assistant - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 9 January 2007 - Not a million miles away from where I am at the moment...

Special delivery for postbox boy - from BBC News Online - Thursday 4 January 2007 - Wonder if he likes Postman Pat?

Bacharach daughter kills herself - from BBC News Online - Saturday 6 January 2007 - Very sad news indeed.

News in Brief - from the Observer - Sunday 7 January 2007 - The daughter of Bert Bacharach's death is reported, which is ironically listed under a news story about Baron Cohen. (Sacha, not Simon, I'm afraid...)

Assembly to debate NI autism act - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 9 January 2007

Cartoons to aid autistic children - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 9 January 2007 - I have to say that the characters remind me so much of Thomas the Tank Engine, already hit with children. (Look at the how the main characters have human faces on them and you will see what I mean).

"I had to try to glue her back together" - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 10 January 2007

Diet and exercise "transformed our children" - from the Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 10 January 2007

This charming vision of inclusion isn't working - from the Grauniad - Thursday 11 January 2007

"The good that comes of being raised in a loony bin" - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 14 January 2007 - Controversial title, methinks.

How best to cater for special needs - from the Grauniad - Monday 15 January 2007

Murder inquiry blames police muddle and lack of openness - from the Grauniad - Thursday 18 January 2007

Family rift kept killer's past under wraps - from the Daily Telegraph - Thursday 18 January 2007

Breaking down barriers - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 23 January 2007

Public inquiry - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 24 January 2007

Obituary: Sybil Elgar - from the Grauniad - Wednesday 24 January 2007

Boy inundated with personal post - from BBC News Online - Friday 26 January 2007

It's 'experts' who actually make us miserable - from the Observer - Sunday 28 January 2007

'Prozac for autism' firm ponders £50m listing - from the Sunday Telegraph - Sunday 28 Janaury 2007

Imelda: the nightclub years - from the Grauniad - Monday 29 January 2007

'Bullying video' posted onto web - from BBC News Online - Monday 29 January 2007 - Typical of how modern life treats disabled people, isn't it?

New autism strategy is welcomed - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 30 January 2007

Study shows increase in mental disorders among children - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 6 February 2007

Autism-like disorder 'reversible' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 8 February 2007

Symptoms of autism 'can be reversed' - from the Daily Telegraph - Friday 9 February 2007

Trevor Phillips has it all to prove as he takes on this most delicate of tasks - from the Grauniad - Monday 12 February 2007

In search of lost boys - from the Grauniad - Tuesday 13 February 2007

Knife attacker sent to Broadmoor - from BBC News Online - Thursday 22 March 2007

Baby 'name test' may spot autism - from BBC News Online - Monday 2 April 2007

Judge quashes exclusion decision - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 4 April 2007 - Umm... A person who has just one letter in his name (just in case you have difficulty spelling it - think H from the pop group Steps). There were some teachers at my old school that I would have loved to have given a "good hiding" to, for giving me a hard time, and failing to protect me. The trouble was, I was never going to become the next Lennox Lewis, was I?

'Double blow' for autistic pupils - from BBC News Online - Monday 16 April 2007

Special school opens £2m complex - from BBC News Online - Friday 20 April 2007

Autism blue badge delay attacked - from BBC News Online - Monday 23 April 2007

Home tutors 'help autistic young' - from BBC News Online - Thursday 26 April 2007

Autistic pupils' playtime boost - from BBC News Online - Monday 11 May 2007

Autistic teen family 'must' move - from BBC News Online - Monday 14 May 2007

Row over pupil's autism T-shirt - from BBC News Online - Saturday 19 May 2007 - It's Political Correctness gone mad! Where's my T-shirt that says on the front "I am not a criminal stereotype"?

Robot helps develop social skills - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 29 May 2007 - I see some irony here - K-ASP-AR!

Families trial autism alert card - from BBC News Online - Thursday 31 May 2007 - Hopefully it will be a card that will be welcome at more places than your average Visa or Mastercard - don't leave home without it!

Schooldays inspire young artists - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 19 June 2007

Schooldays art win for Laura, 11 - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 20 June 2007 - Why I go to school... To get bullied, to get the piss taken out of you for being different... That's what it was like for me...

Protein mutations link to autism - from BBC News Online - Thursday 21 June 2007

Autism symptoms reversed in lab - BBC News Online - Wednesday 27 June 2007

Mentally ill or a cold-blooded murderer? - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 June 2007 - Remember the murder of nurse Cheryl Moss in early 2007? Well her killer had... You might as well click on the link and read it for yourself.

New 'benchmark' for autism care - from BBC News Online - Thursday 28 June 2007

Boy, 15, jailed for raping child - from BBC News Online - Friday 6 July 2007 - I heard this news story on a local radio news bulletin that day. The news story preceding this on the bulletin was an unrelated one about people who were dealing drugs in the same area that I am living at! Bloody charming! That news bulletin has seemed to have given me a stereotype of a drug-dealing child rapist! Now where did I put my sawn-off shotgun and balaclava for my planned armed robbery at my local Alliance and Leicester? [SARCASM ALERT]

Sentencing delay for bus attacker - from BBC News Online - Monday 9 July 2007

Autistic teenagers 'lack support' - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 10 July 2007

Autism 'has big impact on adults' - from BBC News Online - Saturday 14 July 2007 - I don't live with my parents anymore...

MMR doctor on misconduct charges - from BBC News Online - Monday 16 July 2007 - Dr Wakefield, I presume...

MMR scare doctor 'paid children' - from BBC News Online - Monday 16 July 2007 - Eat your heart out, Dracula! £5? I hardly got 10p as weekly pocket money as a five-year-old, with a bonus from the Tooth Fairy if I had a tooth out earlier on that day - but that was the 1980s, folks - 10p was a lot of money back then!

Q&A: The MMR debate - from BBC News Online - Monday 16 July 2007

Young boy conquers flame phobia - from BBC News Online - Wednesday 18 July 2007 - Childs by name, child by nature!

Mother calls for autism awareness - from BBC News Online - Monday 30 July 2007 - I even signed the 10 Downing Street petition prior to adding this link, (which you can sign for yourselves if you click on the link on the page). I have signed a number of autism and Asperger Syndrome-related petitions on the 10 Downing Street website over the past few months. Please make sure sign this one before Wednesday 30 July 2008! (Please also let me know if any other similar petitions are on the website so that I can sign them...)

Academy special schools requested - from BBC News Online - Monday 6 August 2007

Bus attacker detained for tests - from BBC News Online - Monday 6 August 2007

Girl stuck in mud saved from tide - from BBC News Online - (Bank Holiday) Monday 27 August 2007

Pair remortgage for autism school - from BBC News Online - Thursday 30 August 2007

MMR jab take-up below UK average - from BBC News Online - Saturday 1 September 2007

Autism charity finalist for award - from BBC News Online - Monday 10 September 2007

Hormone linked to autistic traits - from BBC News Online - Tuesday 11 September 2007

Autism campus opens in Ayrshire - from BBC News Online - Friday 21 September 2007

Alert card for autism is launched - from BBC News Online - Monday 1 October 2007 - I am used to carrying cards in my wallet, so how about making this Alert Card a nationwide thing?

More tests on bus stab attacker - from BBC News Online - Monday 1 October 2007

Man who stabbed girls is detained - from BBC News Online - Monday 26 November 2007 - The "denim skirt" generation (i.e. some teenage girls) humiliate a vulnerable man so much that he "hits" back and ends up in Broadmoor, which is a cross between a hospital and a prison. Can you guess what the man in question had been diagnosed with? That's right - arthritis! [ANOTHER SARCASM ALERT]