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Psionics in Tunnels and Trolls

By Brian Penn


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The information on this site is of an independent nature and is in no way affiliated to any specific gaming company, government agency, or any other business. Any reference to their products (and the information contained therein) has been used without their permission, and should not be viewed as a challenge or claim of their ownership. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments, and people (living or dead) are fictional, and any similarity (without satiric intent) is strictly coincidental.


Permission is granted to freely copy and reproduce this article. If mass distributed all I ask is that my name is left on the article, and any changes or additions are noted. If by some chance someone sees how to make money off the article, I ask is that I am emailed at to negotiate a very reasonable price (I am pretty easy going).


Psychic Abilities.. 2

Decreasing the Minimum Luck Requirement. 2

Psychic Combat and “Open” Minds.. 2

The Power of True Names. 3

“Closed” Minds.. 3

Psychic Costs.. 3

Psychic Ranges.. 3

Psychic Bonuses.. 3

Modifying Bonuses. 3

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). 4

Danger Sense (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 12  4

Mind Scan (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 30  4

Planarmetry (Cost: 5) Charisma   Minimum LUK 25  4

Psychic Scan (Occupy: Bonus) Luck   Minimum LUK 12  4

Precognition (Cost: 5) Perception   Minimum LUK 12  4

Psychometry (Cost: 4) Perception   Minimum LUK 20  4

Sight (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 12  4

Telemetry (Cost: 4) Charisma    Minimum LUK 20  5

Psychokinesis. 5

Equilibrium (Occupy: Bonus) Dexterity    Minimum LUK 20  5

Guidance (Cost: 3) Dexterity   Minimum LUK 15  5

Levitation (Occupy: Bonus) Charisma   Minimum LUK 20  5

Nimbleness (Occupy: Bonus) Strength    Minimum LUK 15  5

Psychic Transfer (Cost: Special Lost: Special) Luck   Minimum LUK 50  5

Shape Energy (Cost: 3 per 1d6) Charisma   Minimum LUK 40  5

Shape Matter (Cost: 3 per 1d6) Strength   Minimum LUK 50  6

Shield (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 30  6

Telekinesis (Cost: 1 per wt. possible unit) Charisma   Minimum LUK 20  6

Psychometabolism... 6

Body Control (Cost: Special) Constitution   Minimum LUK 15  6

Hidden Reserves (Cost: 4 per point) Constitution  Minimum LUK 12  6

Mind Over Body (Cost: Bonus in CON) Constitution  Minimum LUK 15  6

Mind Over Matter (Occupy: Bonus) Strength   Minimum LUK 20  6

Power Within (Cost: 1 CON per +4 LUK) Constitution  Minimum LUK 12  6

Psychic Healing (Cost: Special) Perception    Minimum LUK 30  7

Shape Body (Cost: Special) Charisma   Minimum LUK 50  7

Suspend Life (Occupy: Bonus) Constitution  Minimum LUK 20  7

Psychoportation.. 7

Planar Travel (Cost: 25 + 5 per person) Charisma  Minimum LUK 25  7

Spirit Travel (Occupy: Bonus) Luck    Minimum LUK 20  7

Teleportation (Cost: 10 + 5 per person) Perception  Minimum LUK 60  7

Telepathy. 7

Cloud Mind (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 15  8

Empathy (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 15  8

Invading Id (Cost: 2 × Bonus) Charisma   Minimum LUK 40  8

Invisibility (Cost: 5) Perception    Minimum LUK 30  8

Mental Blockade (Occupy: Bonus) Charisma   Minimum LUK 40  8

Mind Control (Occupy: Bonus) Dexterity   Minimum LUK 60  8

Mind Probe (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 30  8

Neural Strike (Cost: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 40  8

Psychic Shock (Cost: 4 × Bonus) Charisma   Minimum LUK 40  8

Sending (Occupy: Bonus) Perception   Minimum LUK 30  9

Shape Thought (Cost: Special) Perception   Minimum LUK 50  9

Suggestion (Cost: 4) Charisma     Minimum LUK 20  9


Psychic Abilities

Any character may have the potential for psychic abilities. Psychic abilities are grouped into disciplines: Extra Sensory Perception, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Telepathy. For most people, developing psychic abilities is unimportant. These abilities rarely function as reliably as good old physical exertion, especially those psychic abilities that reduce the character’s current Luck.


All psychic abilities are based off of the character’s current Luck. All psychic abilities have a minimum Luck requirement. If the character does not have the minimum Luck needed, that character does not have that particular psychic ability. As long as a character’s current Luck is equal to or greater than the minimum requirement, the corresponding psychic ability can be used.

Decreasing the Minimum Luck Requirement

There are five ways to reduce the minimum Luck requirement.

1)        Permanently assign a minor limit to the psychic’s Bonus or scope of a single psychic ability (i.e. the limitation is an annoyance but easy enough to overcome). A minor limit reduces the minimum Luck required for that particular ability by 5%.

2)        Permanently assign a significant limit to the psychic’s Bonus or scope of a single psychic ability (i.e. the psychic ability is hampered but still fairly versatile). A significant limit reduces the minimum Luck required for that particular ability by 10%.

3)        Permanently assign a major limit to the psychic’s Bonus or scope of a single psychic ability (i.e. more than half the functionality of the ability is disabled). A significant limit reduces the minimum Luck required for that particular ability by 15%.

4)        Permanently block the psychic’s access to a single psychic ability (i.e. the psychic cannot use that ability). Blocking the psychic’s psychic ability reduces the minimum Luck required for all other abilities in that discipline by 5%.

5)        Permanently block the psychic’s access to a psychic discipline (i.e. the psychic cannot use any abilities from that discipline). Blocking a psychic discipline reduces the minimum Luck required for all other psychic abilities by 20%. For example: the psychic who can only use psychic abilities from the Telepathy discipline would have all Telepathy minimum Luck requirements reduced by 80%.

Psychic Combat and “Open” Minds

The whole purpose of psychic combat is to “open” the mind of the target to the will of the telepath. Psychic combat affect the characters’ Luck and Charisma. Once a mind is “opened” the target become less resistant subsequent psychic attacks.


1)        Determine Psychic Adds (P-Adds) using Perception, Luck, and Charisma. Each point over 12 is a +1 and each point under 9 is a -1. If the character has a Psychic Combat skill, the skill value may be added to the character’s Psychic Adds.

2)        The number of dice used in combat is equal to the character’s level.

3)        Everyone has natural mental barriers erected to help cope with life (sometimes referred to as emotional baggage). These barriers provide natural mental armor equivalent to the character’s level as hits taken.

4)        Combat runs similar to traditional T&T ed. 5 rules.

a.        If the attack total exceeds the defense the difference is damage done. The damage done must first penetrate the target’s mental armor and then the remaining damage value harms the opponent. If the damage value is less than or equal to the opponent’s Luck the damage is done to Luck. Otherwise, the character’s Luck is subtracted from the total and the remaining damage is done to Charisma.

b.        If Luck falls to zero or Charisma falls to less than 5, the mind is now considered “open”. The other combatant may inflict any psychic effect desired to the now defenseless victim (including possession for lost astral spirits). If the victor has no useable psychic abilities, psychic combat ends.

c.        If anyone’s Charisma falls to less than 0, that person’s mind is destroyed.


Mental damage is healed at a rate of 1 point per 10 minutes. Note: psychic combat can occur simultaneously as physical combat, but all psychic and physical attack totals are halved due to the distractions of the other combat.

The Power of True Names

An easier way to “open” a target’s mind is to know the target’s True Name (Private Name, Secret Name, Soul Name, etc.) Not all individuals are aware of their True Name, but once said out loud that individual instinctively knows it is their True Name.

“Closed” Minds

Psychic combat forces a mind “open” to further attacks, but a “closed” mind can still be infiltrated. The attacking psychic must make an Luck plus any appropriate psychic ability Bonus saving roll against the victim’s Luck plus mental armor as a target number.


Example: Phil the Psyclops has Perception 20 and Luck 50. He wishes to be invisible to an invading delver, Doug the Devious. Doug is a level 10 character with Luck 25 and has mind shield erected (+25/4 rounded down = +6 to his mental armor). So Phil must roll higher than 25 + 10 + 6 = 41 on 2d6 plus his Luck and Bonus (doubles add and re-roll). A simple level 0 saving roll where a ‘3’ or ‘4’ will be a failed roll.


After polishing off Doug the Devious, Phil encounters a level 15 dragon with Luck 60. Phil would have to roll 15 + 60 = 75 on 2d6 plus his Luck and Bonus (doubles add and re-roll) to be invisible to the dragon. He may have to resort to psychic combat or different tactics.

Psychic Costs

All abilities have some sort of cost. The cost is listed next to the psychic ability’s name. As long as the character can pay the cost, the character may have any number of psychic abilities active. There are three types of costs.

1)        Occupy Luck: The psychic ability just occupies Luck while active. The psychic cannot occupy more Luck than the characteristic’s value. It does not count against current Luck for the purposes of minimum Luck to use a psychic ability. The ability functions until the psychic chooses to stop or the psychic’s Luck falls below the required value.

2)        Costs temporary Luck: Other abilities function similarly to spells and reduce the Luck by the cost shown in parenthesis next to the ability’s name. Luck lost this way recovers over time (1 point per 10 minutes). Unlike magic users, for psychics there is no way to reduce this cost through practice. This base cost will maintain the ability for 10 minutes unless stated otherwise.

3)        Lose permanent attribute points: Finally, some abilities may cost permanent attribute points. Attribute points used this way is lost forever. The psychic ability will function until destroyed.


If a cost reduces the Luck below 0, the remaining balance may be applied as damage.

Psychic Ranges

Most psychic abilities are useable at a range. Unless stated otherwise, the base range is the psychic ability’s Bonus × 10 yards. This range is doubled for each 1 temporary Luck the psychic spends beyond the base cost.


Some psychic abilities are useable at the range of their aura. This is normally touch as the psychic’s aura has to come in contact with the target. For a powerful psychic with Shape Energy, the psychic could change the range of the personal aura. Treat each character’s Charisma plus Luck as the value of the personal aura.

Psychic Bonuses

The Psychic Bonus is the strength of the ability. All psychic abilities have an associated Bonus depending on the psychic ability’s cost and the functional attribute. The functional attribute is listed in Italics next to the psychic ability’s cost.

1)        Occupy: If the cost is to occupy Luck, the Bonus equals the functional attribute / 4.

2)        Costs: If the cost is spending temporary Luck, the Bonus equals the functional attribute / 2.

3)        Lose: If the cost is spending permanent attribute points, the Bonus equals the functional attribute.


All remainders are rounded down (i.e. 4.5 is a +4 bonus but 4.75 is a +5 bonus).

Modifying Bonuses

A Bonus is affected by the functional attribute’s current value. If the attribute increases or decreases the Bonus likewise changes. Any skill, including a language, may have a single psychic ability tied to it. When the skill is used in conjunction with the psychic ability, the assigned ability’s functional attribute becomes the original functional attribute plus the skill value.


Furthermore, the psychic can affect the Bonus by shifting the base psychic cost, but the psychic ability gains all the time limits of the new psychic cost.


Example: The gangster Lucky Lou usually manages to avoid being shot during his run-ins with other crime families. He has an LUK 16, SPD 12, and a skill Nimbleness (tied to Guidance) 8. His Guidance normally has a cost of -3 LUK that gives him a Bonus of (12+8)/2 = +10. The player says Lucky Lou uses his Guidance subconsciously. He is willing to lose 3 DEX permanently (reducing it to 9), in order to use the ability at a Bonus of 9+8 = +17 for the rest of his life.


The GM rules that Lucky Lou really uses the ability by occupying LUK. This changes the cost to occupying 3 LUK when active, providing a Bonus of (12+8)/4 = +5.

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

Danger Sense (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                          Minimum LUK 12

Danger Sense allows the psychic to sense danger moments before it befalls him. The danger in question can be natural, manmade, or even combat (ex. a trap and an ambush both qualify). In game terms, this power gives the psychic a Bonus to all saving rolls to avoid any danger or increases the saving rolls for those attacking).

Mind Scan (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                                  Minimum LUK 30

Mind Scan allows the psychic to detect other minds within range by making an Luck plus Bonus saving roll against the Luck plus mental armor of any target. A successful level 3 (Perception plus Bonus minus the target’s mental armor) saving roll identifies individuals.

Planarmetry (Cost: 5) Charisma                                                   Minimum LUK 25

Planarmetry allows the psychic to concentrate upon a location in another plane of existence and gather all information about what transpires within a 20-yard radius of that location.

Psychic Scan (Occupy: Bonus) Luck                                        Minimum LUK    12

Psychic Scan allows the psychic to detect anything with Luck by making an Luck plus Bonus saving roll against the Luck plus mental armor of any target. This assumes that there is no ongoing psychic activity within range at the time. If anyone is actively using psychic abilities, the chance to detect the activity is a level 0 saving roll. A successful level 3 (Perception plus Bonus minus the target’s mental armor) saving roll determines the exact psychic ability in use.

Precognition (Cost: 5) Perception                                               Minimum LUK 12

This ability allows the psychic to view a limited version of the future. The psychic cannot actually influence events, and can only views a possible future. The distance forward in time experienced is 10 minutes times the Bonus. The psychic may double this time spending an additional 1 temporary Luck.

Psychometry (Cost: 4) Perception                                              Minimum LUK 20

Psychometry allows the psychic to detect strong psychic impressions left on an object or place by its previous owners or occupants. Thus, by handling an object, the psychic could tell its previous owner’s kindred, any allegiances, and probable fate. It can also be used to receive visions of those who have suffered strong emotions or died in a particular place. However, not all objects or places give off such impressions.

Sight (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                                              Minimum LUK 12

Allows the psychic to view the aura of creatures, objects, and locations. The higher the psychic’s Bonus is the more distinct the auras.


Subject’s Aura

Required Bonus

Basic Aura (ex: detects presence, health, general personality, etc.)


Refined Aura (ex: detects magic)


Distinct Aura (ex: identify specific kindred and attribute modifiers)


Precise Aura (ex: identify specific individual, Charisma, Luck, and determine enchantments)


Exact Aura (ex: identify fake auras, see through illusions, identify plane of origin)


Beyond Sight (ex: may substitute for normal sight)



A level 3 (Perception plus Bonus minus the target’s mental armor) saving roll is required to determine exact information (enchantment’s spell and level or see the truth behind any illusion).

Telemetry (Cost: 4) Charisma                                                       Minimum LUK 20

Telemetry allows the psychic to concentrate upon a location and gather all information about what transpires within a 20-yard radius of that location.


Equilibrium (Occupy: Bonus) Dexterity                                    Minimum LUK 20

This ability allows the psychic to adjust the weight of his body to correspond to the surface upon which he transverses. The psychic may walk upon water, quicksand, or even climb a willow branch. If used while falling, the psychic can reduce the damage taken on impact by one point per Bonus point.

Guidance (Cost: 3) Dexterity                                                           Minimum LUK 15

A Psychic making a successful Dexterity saving roll plus Bonus while using this ability can catch and immobilize or avoid a single attack (in melee or ranged combat). The Psychic may also add the Bonus to any saving roll to strike a target.

Levitation (Occupy: Bonus) Charisma                                      Minimum LUK 20

Levitation allows the psychic to lift himself and up to 2.2 lb. per Bonus point. The psychic can lift or drop himself vertically at a rate of Bonus feet per second.

Nimbleness (Occupy: Bonus) Strength                                    Minimum LUK 15

Nimbleness allows the psychic to increase his vertical jump by 1 foot, his horizontal jump by 2 feet, or his running by 1 foot per second per Bonus point.

Psychic Transfer (Cost: Special Lost: Special) Luck        Minimum LUK 50

The psychic can bind permanent attribute points to or from a single object. Transfer enough Perception and Charisma can make any object self-aware. Perception without Charisma is a memory device that only telepaths using Mind Probe and Shape Thoughts can access and change. Temporary Luck or Strength can be transferred out of the object using Shape Energy. This power ability costs 3 temporary LUK and 1 permanent attribute point per corresponding attribute modified. The Bonus is Charisma × ¾. An unusual side effect, the attribute donor is mentally bonded to the receiving object for the duration of the donor or object’s existence on the same plane of existence (Constantly aware of its relative position, able to mentally contact the object regardless of range). The most the psychic can transfer at any single moment is equal to the Bonus.


Example: The psychic transfers 2 Luck and 1 Perception to his pet cat. The total cost is a temporary 9 Luck, 3 permanent Luck, and 2 permanent Perception. But he’ll be able to communicate with his pet cat and draw on its temporary Luck to fuel his abilities until either of their deaths.

Shape Energy (Cost: 3 per 1d6) Charisma                              Minimum LUK 40

This psychic gains a fair amount of control over all forms of energy: fire, electricity, magic, etc. For each point of the psychic’s Bonus, the psychic can control 1d6 worth of energy within 1 cubic yard of the source. The energy must already be present to be controlled. As the psychic’s Bonus increases, finer degrees of control are attained.


Energy Form

Required Bonus

Block the transmission of energy ex: slow or stop the spread of fire, slow the movement of elementals, prevent magic from powering spells or magic items, deflect kinetic energy (damage) from an attack.


Simple energy shaping ex: Shape energy into a bolt for attack (ex. Use a 2d6 campfire and create a bolt of fire that reaches 2 yards). Bind the energy into a specific location and shape (ex. Using that same 2d6 campfire to create a ward with a circumference equal to 2 yards around the campfire. When crossed, the line inflicts 2d6 fire damage). Damage an elemental by arching its energy away.


Complex energy shaping ex: Split a single energy source into smaller forms (taking a 3d6 lightning strike and splitting it into three 1d6 bolts or one 2d6 and one 1d6 bolt), Create complex shapes out of the energy.


Fine control energy shaping ex: Alter any being’s aura making it appear stronger or weaker (adjust the apparent Luck or Charisma of a creature by +/- 1d6 when viewed via Sight or identifying magic no actual change in attribute), Shape energy into any desired shape.


Energy transformation (energy is lost in the transformation by a 2:1 ratio) ex: Turn a 2d6 fire into a 1d6 electrical arc or a 1d6 electrical arc into a 1d3 point magic pool (to power spells). Alter an aura to appear as a different kindred or hide the aura (must use enough 1d6 to completely cover the existing Luck and Charisma or the cost of the enchantment).



Notes: Energy must have a fuel source to “feed” from. Shape fire into a bolt to throw at your enemies, and the bolt is deprived of fuel and cannot last more than one combat round. The energy can maintain its shape, form, and location as long as the energy has a fuel source. The psychic must pay 3 Luck per 1d6 energy shaped every 10 minutes to maintain the energy form.

Shape Matter (Cost: 3 per 1d6) Strength                                 Minimum LUK 50

Allows the psychic to alter the form and substance of inanimate matter into something else. For each point of the psychic’s Bonus, the psychic can control 1d6 cubic foot worth of matter within 1 cubic yard range. The maximum Luck spent in one effort is limited by the Bonus value.



Required Bonus

Alter the shape of material


Basic change of matter ex: from solid to liquid


Special form ex: creating a sharp edge, changing color


Advanced change of matter ex: solid to gas


Complex change of matter ex: change lead to gold


Tremendous change of matter example: diamond to plutonium



The changes must conserve mass. No matter what the change the mass must still remain the same. Shaping matter properly takes time equal to half the cost in minutes. Until the psychic has practiced a new form it will be unfamiliar. Shaping matter quickly takes a number of seconds equal to the cost, but unless shaping a familiar form, the resulting form will not be exactly what is desired and highly flawed.

Shield (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                                           Minimum LUK 30

The psychic surrounds himself with second skin “protective” field, deflecting all physical and energy damage equal to the psychic’s Bonus in hits taken. This shield can protect against liquid, but a blast of liquid with enough Strength to overcome the Bonus will penetrate. The psychic can decide if the shield will permit gasses to exit and enter (all gasses or no gasses). Range is limited to the psychic’s aura.

Telekinesis (Cost: 1 per wt. possible unit) Charisma       Minimum LUK 20

This ability allows the psychic to mentally move objects. For each 1 Luck spent the psychic can lift a total weight possible of Bonus × 4.4 lb. Objects being moved must always be within view of the psychic regardless of range. If moving an unwilling creature, the psychic must be able to lift the total weight of the target and overcome the “closed” mind (unless the mind has been recently “opened”). A telekinetic can move an object 1 yard per second for every 2.2 lb. difference between the weight of the object and the weight lifted.


This assumes that only gross movement is sought. Careful movement (Hanging a grapple iron, throwing a rock, etc.) would double the cost, and precise movement (turning a key in a lock, tying shoelaces, etc.) would triple the cost.


Example: Lyren has an LUK of 35 and a Charisma of 25, allowing him to lift 12 (Bonus) ×4.4 lb. or 53 lb. with his Telekinesis for only 1 LUK. If he were to attempt to lift a rock weighing 50 pounds, he could move it at a rate of 1 yard per second. Spending 2 LUK, he could move it at the rate of 25 yards per second


Body Control (Cost: Special) Constitution                              Minimum LUK 15

Allows the psychic to exist in hostile environments and withstand radiation destructive to his body. The psychic can negate 1d6 points of damage to his body per Bonus point from a single exposure. The cost of Luck is equal to the total damage that would be taken. Note that this power allows the psychic to function without air. Naturally, this ability is useable on the psychic alone.

Hidden Reserves (Cost: 4 per point) Constitution             Minimum LUK 12

This ability allows the psychic to temporarily increase a physical characteristic: Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. For each additional 10 minutes beyond the first 10, the cost is 2 Luck per physical attribute point. The psychic is limited to a maximum attribute increase equal to the Bonus. Naturally, this ability is useable on the psychic alone.

Mind Over Body (Cost: Bonus in CON) Constitution         Minimum LUK 15

This ability allows the psychic to suppress or mentally satisfy the need for food, water, rest, and/or sleep for a number of days equal to the Bonus. This ability has an unusual cost requiring Constitution instead of Luck. Constitution heals normally like any other injury. A psychic can only deny physical needs for so long. Naturally, this ability is useable on the psychic alone.

Mind Over Matter (Occupy: Bonus) Strength                        Minimum LUK 20

Mind over matter allows the psychic to harden his own cells or weaken a target’s cells by touch. The psychic may increase the psychic’s hits taken or damage done to a target by 1 point per point of the psychic’s Bonus. Range is limited to the psychic’s aura.

Power Within (Cost: 1 CON per +4 LUK) Constitution      Minimum LUK 12

Allows the psychic to use his Constitution directly to fuel his powers. Points used in this manner are converted to Luck at a rate of 1 Constitution to +4 Luck. This loss of Constitution and addition of Luck is not permanent (although healing the damage will take twice as long). The maximum amount of Constitution that can be sacrificed this way at any one time is equal the psychic’s Bonus. Naturally, this ability is useable on the psychic alone.

Psychic Healing (Cost: Special) Perception                           Minimum LUK 30

Allows the psychic to heal an injured creature or cure non-magical diseases. The cost is 5 temporary Luck per 1 Bonus point required. Range is limited to the psychic’s aura.



Required Bonus

Simple healing ex: heal 1 point Constitution


Basic cures ex: curing the flu or heal 1 point Strength


Simple neurological healing ex: healing Dexterity or stopping the shakes


Advanced cures ex: curing the bubonic plague or knitting bones


Complex neurological healing ex: curing blindness or deafness


Tremendous cures ex: curing the Ebola virus or altering aging



Shape Body (Cost: Special) Charisma                                      Minimum LUK 50

Allows the psychic to alter the form and substance of living tissue into something else.


Physical Form


Simple Change ex: move one attribute point, change color, or alter a feature


Basic metabolic change ex: from carnivore to herbivore


Special form ex: adding claws or longer teeth


Special ability ex: adding wings for flight or adding venom sacks


Advanced metabolic change ex: from biped to quadruped


Tremendous metabolic change ex: from animal to vegetable



Each attribute point added must reduce another attribute by 1 point. Adding natural abilities or organs will cost physical material from another location. Unfortunately, damage will be inflicted on the target equal to the cost divided by the Psychic Bonus. Shaping a body properly takes time equal to the cost divided by the Psychic Bonus in minutes. Shaping a body quickly can take time equal to the cost in seconds, but the target must make a Constitution saving roll plus the Psychic Bonus against the total cost or die during the change (regardless of damage inflicted). Range is limited to the psychic’s aura. Duration is permanent.

Suspend Life (Occupy: Bonus) Constitution                         Minimum LUK 20

Allows the psychic to virtually cease all life functions (as far as any but the most detailed examination can tell, the psychic is dead). The psychic is able to set himself to awaken again after a period of time, resuming normal function. This amount of time is limited to 10 minutes for each point of the psychic’s Bonus. While active, the psychic is completely helpless. Naturally, this ability is useable on the psychic alone.


Planar Travel (Cost: 25 + 5 per person) Charisma              Minimum LUK 25

This ability allows the psychic to travel to other “nearby” planes of existence in physical form. The cost to bring others along is 5 per person. The maximum number of people brought along is equal to the Bonus.

Spirit Travel (Occupy: Bonus) Luck                                           Minimum LUK 20

The ability to mentally separate the body and mind, the freed astral spirit may view the physical world and the astral world simultaneously. Other spirits and entities can be seen, and the physical world has no awareness of the astral spirit. The astral spirit can view the physical world for days equal to the Bonus. After which, the astral spirit can only view the astral world and loses track of the physical body. Once the astral spirit becomes lost, it cannot reunite with the body without outside assistance.


Note: The abandoned body cannot fend for itself. The body is a mental vegetable. Death of the physical body (destruction, age, or starvation) leaves the astral spirit limited time to find another body to possess or be forced to leave the physical world behind forever.

Teleportation (Cost: 10 + 5 per person) Perception           Minimum LUK 60

Allows the psychic to travel between two points instantaneously without crossing intervening space. A psychic may teleport 10 yards. For each 2 Luck spent, the psychic may double this distance. The psychic may carry along 2.2 lb. per point of the Bonus. The psychic must know the destination to reach it safely. Blind teleporting results in a cumulative 10% chance of missing the intended location per point of Luck used. The cost to bring others along is 5 per person. The maximum number of people brought along is equal to the Bonus.



The mind is a tricky place to tread. Any ability able to pierce others’ minds is limited by the associated Bonus. The higher the psychic’s Bonus the easier it is to contact the minds of different forms of life:


Subject’s Mind

Required Bonus

Biologically the Same ex: A human sensing another human


Biologically Similar ex: A human sensing another mammal


Biologically Different ex: A human sensing a reptile or bird


Biologically Distant ex: A human sensing a fish


Biologically Foreign ex: A human sensing an insect


Biologically Alien ex: A human sensing a plant


Beyond Biology ex: A human sensing an energy based being


Cloud Mind (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                                Minimum LUK 15

Allows the psychic to cloud his mind from mental contact. In psychic combat, it provides the psychic’s Bonus as extra mental hits taken.

Empathy (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                                     Minimum LUK 15

Allows the psychic to sense the basic emotions generated by any mind. The higher the psychic’s Bonus the more alien type of emotions can be sensed.

Invading Id (Cost: 2 × Bonus) Charisma                                   Minimum LUK 40

This form of psychic attack seeks to turn the victim’s id against his superego, basically driving him crazy. This attack form adds 2 times the psychic’s Bonus to the psychic attack total. When used on an “open” mind, the victim must make an immediate level 1 Perception minus the psychic’s Bonus saving roll, failure costing him 2d6-2 Perception (zero or negative Perception does not mean death just probable insanity). Perception can be restored only with treatment. The victim is also driven berserk for a number of minutes equal to the psychic’s Bonus.

Invisibility (Cost: 5) Perception                                                     Minimum LUK 30

Invisibility allows the psychic to render one object mentally invisible. When successfully used, the victim will literally be unable to perceive the psychic in question for as long as the psychic maintains this ability. (Of course, if the psychic attacks the victim in any way, the victim is allowed to make a level 1 Perception minus the psychic’s Bonus saving roll to realize the source of the attack). Psychic detection will reveal only that someone is present and using this ability, not his location. It is important to note that this power affects minds, not light waves or similar manifestations, people affected by this ability simply will not believe the user is present.

Mental Blockade (Occupy: Bonus) Charisma                        Minimum LUK 40

This ability allows a psychic to erect an area of mental protection. Within 3 yards of the psychic, this ability provides the psychic’s Bonus as extra mental hits taken for everyone the psychic desires to protect, a number of beings up to the psychic’s Bonus.

Mind Control (Occupy: Bonus) Dexterity                                 Minimum LUK 60

The psychic can “possess” the victim. The psychic retains his/her own body, but effectively controls the victim by remote. The psychic may only control one body at a time, including his/her own. Full control is only possible on “open” minds. “Closed” minds may continue to resist any command.

Mind Probe (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                                Minimum LUK 30

A telepathic probe of the subject’s memories, any of the subject’s general recollections are open to the reader. With mind probes, the psychic can detect the general intent and lies, but can only detect the fine details and exact truth probing an “open” mind. With an “open” mind, the psychic may read long-term memories, and can perceive the motives, private information, etc. Thoughts are typically a combination of pictorial and in the thinker’s native tongue. Unless, the psychic understands the language, the thoughts will be difficult to understand. The more alien the mind being read, the more difficult it is to understand. The higher the psychic’s Bonus the easier for the psychic to contact different forms of life:


It is possible to take advantage of understanding an opponent’s intent during combat. The Bonus may be added to any saving rolls and all attack totals made during combat.

Neural Strike (Cost: Bonus) Perception                                   Minimum LUK 40

This psychic attack assaults the victim’s ego. When used on an “open” mind, it makes the target unwilling to engage in activity (i.e. an attack, go for a walk, pick a lock, etc.). If forced into activity the target will only put in half effort (i.e. defend against attacks, walk real slowly, or only try to unlock a door with half skill). When used in psychic combat, it adds the Bonus to the attack total.

Psychic Shock (Cost: 4 × Bonus) Charisma                           Minimum LUK 40

When a psychic uses this ability on an “open” mind, the victim is paralyzed with fear and indecision for a number of combat rounds equal to the psychic’s Bonus. When used in psychic combat, it adds the 4 times Bonus to the attack total.

Sending (Occupy: Bonus) Perception                                       Minimum LUK 30

Allows sending of a telepathic message to the subject’s mind. Unless the psychic sends the message in a language understood by the receiver any thoughts received would be unintelligible. The more alien the mind being contacted, the more difficult it is to send a clear message.

Shape Thought (Cost: Special) Perception                             Minimum LUK 50

Thoughts are typically a combination of pictographs and in the thinker’s native tongue. Unless, the psychic understands the language, the altered thoughts will be unintelligible to the target. Furthermore, the more alien the mind being altered, the more difficult it is to accomplish. The higher the psychic’s Bonus the more different forms of life can be affected. The maximum Luck spent in one effort is limited by the Bonus value.


Thought Form


Write/erase simple emotions ex: Cause or remove an inhibition


Write/erase simple information ex: Cause the subject to forget or recall some fact, or create a fake memory.


Write/erase basic information ex: Restores 1 point lost permanent Perception, or change memories


Write a “trigger” ex: Put a “trigger” in a subject’s mind so that if tampered with in a certain way (like reading memories), a change of personality or death will occur. Costs an additional 1 permanent Luck.


Write/erase personality ex: Alter basic personality; adjust actual Perception and/or Charisma by +/- 1d6 (plus an additional cost of 1 permanent Luck per 1d6 change).


Suggestion (Cost: 4) Charisma                                                     Minimum LUK 20

Allows the psychic to make direct mental suggestions to a chosen victim. Any reasonable suggestion (intellectual or emotional) will be carried out. Orders to kill self, associates, etc. will be ignored unless made to sound reasonable... (Look! A doppleganger is impersonating the King!).