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i'm seventeen years of age. i was born and raised in Vancouver BC, Canada. "Responsibility, what's that? Responsibility, not quite yet. Responsibility, what's that? I don't want to think about it, we'd be better off without it!" (MxPx) too bad that was a joke =\

judge me by the bands & songs i like!
Suicide Machines
The Guess Who
Kylie Minogue
Fiona Apple
click here for more

my 17 year old perspective: i am without a doubt an ignorant teen with no understanding of life. Eventually i will learn, if that's so hard to believe. sometimes i say or do things aren't right, but hey, at least i'm aware of my mistakes. anyway, if you think that i'm not arguementitive enough or that i'm not listening than your missing whats really going on. I can't skate, or snowboard, but I'd like to be able to. i can move through the water fairly quick though. i'm dangerous in the water! im possibly smarter than most people think, but that doesn't count for much.
i like laughing at people who take themselves and things too seriously. some people just don't realize how aggravating they can get. something about their reputation that leaves them to such a demeaning level. i mean come on. isn't there anything more interesting about them?
its just that i have such a short attention span and not enough time to gather all the facts up. but things get boring to me really fast... so what does your intellectual mind think about me now?? i'm sorry if i dont see the world exactly the way that you do. "The next time you get the urge to shut somebody up because they don't see the world exactly the same way you do, take a deep breath, get out your Bill of Rights, and count to the ten amendments."- Dennis Miller
And i wish i knew everyone's nickname, all their slang and all their saying. i dont know where im going and i dont know where i am and i wouldn't do it all again. life sucks, life is good. my attitude, my ways, my ambitions, my thoughts ...throw them all away because i am becoming less important each day and so are you believe it or not. when you wear your favorite shirt, you think it's important to show it off. but it's only just another body wearing another shirt. another body, another shirt. good things dont come easily and sometimes you gotta fight.