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Infinity Amusements

We Have Competitions!

Latest update 11/29/00

There will be no more updates to this site ever do not e-mail me, I will not post your link, it has been good, and thanks for the support.

The Comptetition has ended and I have posted the winners, there are none because no one sent in any coasters. Well I have started a new competition, and it is to build the best park you can. the due date is February 7th. I have finished my latest park, it is called Infinity Gardens, I am working I will have it up very soon, if you like original parks this is just about the best you will get. However it requires corkscrew follies.

I have put Infinity Towers into the park download section, however I have run into problems downloading it for AOL, it might work for other servers however.

I have put links to sites that will enable you to get mega parks in the Corkscrew Follies.

I have put new park in other parks section of this site remember send my a park you have made and I will put it on this site.

The Rules For the competitions are as follows, make the best rollercoaster you can and sent it to me, you can use any scenerio and map. The roller coaster needs a entrance and exit that work and a intensity under ten, those are all the rules, Themeing the coaster helps too, after you have completed the park/coaster send the saved game to me I will review the design. The top three will be put on this site to download.

If you have any really good looking parks that you would like to send me I would be happy to put them on this site for download. When you send them to me make sure to give me your name so I can give you credit for the park. I will make a logo for your park and put it up in a new section of the site.

I have decided to make my next Mega Park Infinity Amusements Japan. It will be great, however I will be using the expansion pack to make it.

I have decided to add a links section to my site so if anyone would like to give me a link to their site then I will gladly put it on this one. I also will be making a new place where other people can give me there parks and I will put it on my site. Remember my e-mail adress is

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