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Study Facts About How a Doula Makes Labor Shorter, Easier, and Helps Mom Feel Closer to Her Husband or Partner!

According to the study entitled "Continuous Emotional Support during Labor in a U.S. Hospital." published in the Journal of the American Medical Association issue 265, in 1991. Pages 2197-2201, state that the presence of a doula decreases:

the average length of labor from 9.4 hours to 7.4 hours

cesarean rates from 18% to 8%

forceps usage from 26% to 8%

oxytocin usage from 44% to 17%

epidural rates from 55% to 8%
(This does not include epidurals for forceps or cesareans.)

According to the study entitled "Companion ship to Modify the Clinical Birth Environment: Effects on Progress and Perceptions of Labour and Breast Feeding." published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology issue 98, in 1991. Pages 756-764 states that the presence of a doula during labor and birth results in:

increased rate of breast feeding without supplementation at six weeks from 29% to 51%

decreased reports of feeding problems from 63% to 16%

increased reports of better relationship with spouse from 30% to 71%

There were also impressive differences in the average scores on psychological tests of the mothers. The doula group showed less anxiety, fewer signs of depression, and a higher level of self esteem.

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