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Labor Day Song
A mother's song of preparation and confidence for labor

Today I am beginning a journey,
of strength and joy and life.
I am a mother beggining her labor,
and to the end I will press on with pride.

Though it won't be easy,
I believe I'll make it through.
Today will be your first day of life,
and my first day as mommy too.

And so my heart runs in circles,
I'm so close but so far away.
If I start to get weary,
come close to me and say-
"I know that you can make it!
And I believe in you"

I am strong today, I am ready,
I've prepared and the time is right.
And when I doubt,
please tell me with love,
"Everything is Alright"

What is most important,
is I know I'm not alone.
Many have gone before me,
and walked this journey strong,
climbing up the steepened slope
to a summit of glory,
singing their labor song.

Oh my child so safe within,
today we shall begin,
I have held you in my heart so long,
now today you'll be in my arms.

Inside me you've grown
with beauty unknown,
and soon we shall behold,
the creation of love,
the work of art,
a child of my very own

Written by: Stephanie Medearis CD DONA