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Angelfire Home Page
Zelda 64 Domain- Your one-stop Zelda 64 source



Site Contents
Guestbook Submissions
Media Mart

Upcoming additions to this site:
--Redesigned pages
--Submission Form
--Java games
--A Zelda Club


Hi! Welcome to Zelda 64 Domain your one stop source of information. Make sure you go into the chat room Well have a fun time on the funnest game ever to grace the 64!


Hey, have all of you noticed the new home page? If you haven't, I recommend you see a doctor immediately. Anyway, you can expect all of the pages on this site to look like this soon. Expect the Cheats Page to be up tomorrow. Well, that's all for now!

Okay, well maybe I didn't get the cheats page up, but i got something better! I got up a real-time chat room! And I even got a submission form! Cool, huh?

I know i havn't updated this in a while, but today I got a ton of stuff up. Such as all of the FAQs, the FAQs page, and a redesigned submission form!

We got up the roumor and cheats pages today. If you have any Zelda 64 pictures please e-mail them to me. Have a nice day. Oh yeah, I have been trying to get a Guest Book up so it will be soon Ok you hafta check this page out The Coolest Angelfire Page 







