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By: Domanic Valentino

Many Americans today wonder when the next world war will begin? It has already begun. This war comes in a parasitical fashion, slowly eroding your way of life until it finally destroys you along with your loved ones. It comes in the form of debt called “ANCIENT USURY” (Ezekiel 18) unbeknownst to most domestic bankers and Americans. This war is like a virus, spreading like a parasitcal leech destroying nations worldwide from within. Instead of military soldiers being slaughtered in the battlefield, there are children, mothers, fathers and whole families starving. A war that has already been heavily dispersed throughout the United States of America and into the rest of the world.

This war is not an “accidental” war. It was well perfectly plan 87 years ago by a group of RELIGIOUS FINANCIAL WIZARDS who see nothing more than a gain for themselves and their own kind. These individuals have the power to make, or break nations. You never hear anyone talk about them, or their power, why? Most professionals do not understand what that power is, and where it comes from, and where they dwell. This “Apex of Power” can originate world wars over night, pestilence, racial wars, hunger, weather warfare through modern day technology, population disorders, etc... God help us rid it out of our system.