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Please Take A Look At The Sites That I Am Making

Cold Moon - This is a site for the world's only "NIGHTMARE METAL" band
Wishdoctor - This another one of Denver's hottest local bands.
Jim And Treez How To Home On The Net - This is a Site that me and my friend are making. It tells you how to do just about anything, while you drink your beer!
Sundance - This is Sundance. The best blues/classic rock that I have ever seen!
Click Here if you want to get paid for checking out my sites

Here Are The Pay To Surf Programs

AllAdvantage - This is probably the best Pay To Surf Program. They pay you money by simply surfing the net. You are surfing the net right this second, so why not get paid for it!? If you refer people to them, you also get a percentage of the money they make.

Below are some more "Pay To Surf" Programs

CashSurfers UtopiAD Get Paid to Surf @
ClickDough! Make Money!
AllCommunity - MAKE MONEY!

When you have finished signing up for 2 or more programs,
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Here Are Some Ways To Make Money With Your Web Site

click here! where will this take you?!?! click here! where will this take you?!?!
AllClicks - is a great program, in MY mind anyway. They allow you to use blind links! Yes I said blind links. Go ahead and click on one of the buttons above, and see where it takes you. You can link anything you want to their site. This is good if you are sick of sending people to sites like,, or Just link it to them! They only pay 3 cents per click though. But it's not bad. I like it!

NetFlip - This one pays you cash each time you perform a search. They also give you cash back when you shop! You can also form a downline, and earn off of that as well. How can you go wrong with this one? You are searching the net for anything everything. So why not get paid for it? Give it a try.

ProcessTree Network TM
For-pay Internet distributed processing.

ProcessTree.Com - I dont know anything about this program. All I know is that they pay you for referals, and it has something to do with getting paid while you are idle. the only reason i signed up for this program, was the name. My nickname is Tree (In Case Ya Don't know man!).

Personals Logo
CLICK HERE to go to Treez Match Maker Site

A Proud Member of the One & Only Associate Network

OneAndOnly.Com - This is the One And Only Network. It's an internet dating srvice. They pay you money for the people that sign up for the service, and they also pay you $$$ for people that you refer to their affiliate program.
- is a company that helps people find a job. They pay you money each time some goes there from your link and searches. The main thing I like about this program is the fact that they pay you for the amount of pages that are surfed.
Free E-Mail @ - is a good program to me mainly because, well everybody uses e-mail these days, and they pay you money whenever someone that you refferred to sends, and reads mail. They only pay you 1/2 a cent per mail though, but hey, it adds up because they allow you 16 levels of referrals. You can at least make enough money to pay your ISP bill every month. Give it a try.

RadioFreeCa$h - RadioFreeCash is a lot like the Pay To Surf programs. The only difference is, they pay you money to listen to music over the internet. Now how can you go wrong with that?!? Also, like the Pay To Surf Programs, they also pay you for refferals. And they have an added bonus for the amount of refferals you have under you! This program, I deffinetly HIGHLY recommend. - is one of the largest online stores. They sell books about anything you can think of, and also movies, and music as well. As an affiliate, they offer you up to 30% of the sales, and sometimes they offer more. -! They pay you money everytime someone signs up to receive jokes in their e-mail box, or they can sign up for a trivia. They also help bring traffic to your web site! Now how can you beat that? They pay you, and give you traffic! They just raised the payout from 20 cents to 25 cents for some things, and it goes up to 50 cents per sign up. They may even pay MORE to!

Here Are Some Cool Places If You Like To Shop

Everything Under The Stars - The title says it all

Here Are Some "Pay To Read" Programs

$ - pays you to read your e-mail. They send you only what you want them to send you. This program also has a downline so the more people you refer the more money you make. Below is some more "Pay To Read" programs.

Money For Mail