Story of My Life
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I moved to Tularosa, NM sometime in the mid-eighties. Those carefree days had an everlasting effect on my personality. I had a hard time at first fitting in with the local crowd, most of which were a bit younger than me. My younger sister suggested I join a rock 'n' roll band that had a pretty good reputation around town. They'd won the 'Battle of the Bands' competition the year before but had subsequently lost a member who had taken with him a good portion of the electronic equipment. They had half a PA system and each of their individual amps. I agreed to sit in with them for a session. They then invited me to play with them for a gig that was happening at the end of that week. Whoa! That was a little quick, but we learned five songs and 'faked' a few more that we already knew. Classic rock is fairly easy to improvise. It was my first experience playing with a real band. I developed a shaky relationship with the group as time went on and became the expendable rythm guitarist. When they fired me from the band I remained friends with the members and one of them became the drummer for the band JAMBELT that had a very short lifespan in 1998/9. For a Powerglide member and song list click here!

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