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Terry T. Rice
Born Again and Again!!
Seventh Day Adventist
Still On Earth

Once when I was about seventeen years old I had had a hard day. I sat on the edge of my bed reflecting--What a fool I've been, frivolously wasting away my time! I'd been careless and wild. I had no concern with where I was going or where I'd been--typical teenager. "Oh well," I thought. "No problem." I layed down to sleep. Suddenly it hit me!! If I died right now, there would be no hope for me! I had always been taught about God and the Bible. For me life would not be the same if I didn't acknowledge my condition. I bolted up and rushed down the flight of stairs that led to my parent's room. "What do I do, Dad?" He told me to pray. Since then I have always had a relationship with God. It hasn't always been a good relationship, but nevertheless I have always found comfort knowing I have someone who watches over me. In every endeavour I try to include Him! As a result, I have always been satisfied with the results--negative or positive. Even when I fail I always find success in a short while if I trust in God. Usually the failure is dwarfed by the overwhelming increase I experience as a result. I am a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, although I find I am as open-minded as possible toward different beliefs. Lately I've joined with people who work twelve-step programs in order to help others find success in working out their problems through faith in God. He has helped me so much!! Praise Him!!

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