Addiction and Recovery

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Here is a collection of essays and poems that are related to the disease of addiction that plagues people, today. Some are very tragic! Some are comical! All are interesting and enlightening. May you be blessed with some insight into this tragic world of dispair and may there be a prayer of hope for the dying.

The Serenity Prayer!!
The Heroin Psalm!!
Then There Was One!!
Gurus Anonymous!!
My Name Is Cocaine!!
Letter From An Addict!!
A Lesson In Unity And Diversity!!
Leaving The City Of Regret!!
A Thanksgiving Testimony!!
A Prayer For The Stressed!!
My Alcoholic Prayer!!
Breaking Up The Hard Way!!
An Old Friend!!
Relationships -- Till Death Do Us Part!!
No Way Are You As Bad As Me!!
Living The Life!!
Breathe In ... Breathe Out!!
Me, Incorporated!!
You're In The Right Place!!
I Thought You Were My Friend!!

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