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Justyn-Robert - v. 4.8

~Im lying here...on the floor, where you left me...I think I took too much...

~Im crying here, what have you done...I thought it would be fun...

~I cant stay on your life support, theres a shortage in the switch...I cant stay on your morphine, cause its making me itch...

~I tried to call the nurse again, but she's being a little bitch...I think I'll get out of here....

~Where I can run, just as fast as I the middle of the middle of my frustrated fears, and I're just like a pill...

~..instead of making me better, you keep makin me ill...

"PINK - PILL" Track 2, Missundaztood Album

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General info:

Stats: 6'0 , 150 lbs, thin-medium toned build

Ethnicity: 3/4 Irish-Norwegian (dominant), 1/4 Hispanic

Hair: Blond/Red/Brown Eyes: Blue-green

Status: single, but dating people.

Hobbies: mountain biking, swimming, white water, pool, dancing, reading, sitting online actin da fool, auto body / car rebuilding.

Employed: Hotel Management

Vehicles: 1994 Pontiac, 1987 Eurosport

Hits to my site

DJSmack2000 Productions LTD.