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So, if you have questions about: the meaning of life and where you'll spend eternity - I hope this site is a stepping stone for you on an "amazing journey"
"A Brief History of Mine"
by Jeane Rogers
I was raised in a family of 11 children of which I was the ninth. It was a comfortable spot. Lots of brothers and sisters to play with and no undue expectations from my parents. My fondest memories are of going on picnics...we would pile in the car and our father would stop at a small river where we would build a causeway of stones to cross the brook and then have a delicious meal of sardines, crackers and soda refreshingly cool from being kept in the water.
In Grade One I was taught from the Catholic Catechism that God made me "to know, love and serve Him in this world" in order to live with Him forever. It answered my unspoken questions and imprinted inself into my memory.....the trouble was that I never really heard those words again....about God's love....what followed in the way of religious education consisted more of theology and doctrine and the complexities of the sacramental system...NO LIFE. I am, though, most grateful, that there was a very apparent reverence for the things of God.
Our church was beautiful and the doors were kept any time of the day or night you could make your way there and spend some quiet moments in prayer. It is something that I did fairly often (especially before exams). I went on to a Catholic University. The professor of theology, a priest, who later became the president of the University....taught the demythologization of the bible.....I remember thinking that if, as he said, for example, that the Israelites never crossed the Red Sea...if that was untrue then he might as well throw the entire bible in the trashcan located nearby. The teaching of theology was existentialist prattle...NO LIFE.
My eldest brother and his wife phoned home (Nova Scotia) from Vancouver one evening. My father took the mother and a few of us were nearby. (Long distance phone calls were an event in those days). My father, with excitement in his voice,turned to us and said, "He says that he and Sue met Jesus and that Jesus is ALIVE and they "talk" to Him!" - I felt my heart leap within me...and I said in my inner being...."this is true....this is what I've been looking for".Today, I go to a Baptist Church and the pastor has a photo of Mother Teresa on the wall in his office. The truth is that there are followers of Christ within all Christian churches. The Body of Christ is One.
Click here to go to Part 2 of My Story
It is no less true today. Jesus is Alive. He made us. He wants us to KNOW Him just as we are known by Him. Philosophy, Denominalization and even the outward form of Religion are dead but JESUS CHRIST is ALIVE and He loves you and wants nothing more than for you to get to know Him.
If all else failed then why not try asking Jesus for help. Like the scripture above says, God knows how to give good gifts to His children. Afterall, Jesus submitted Himself to death on the cross, in order to pay the penalty for our sins so that we might have LIFE and have it abundantly !
The links below are amazing Christian sites that will be of much benefit on your journey towards healing freedom, and joythat are the inheritance of those who know the giver of LIFE
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April 9, 2000 07:45 AM