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Deathrip's Fighter Maker Page


Pics: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- Fighter Maker Discussion Board - Moving Images- Game Shark Codes- Linx- RPG Maker
Requests,questions and concerns?:Direct them to:
Last Updated:
November 5th, 1999.
Come check out the up and coming RPG Maker Site! It's official! It's gunna' be released in the States actually!
November 2nd, 1999.
5:33pm-Check out this sponser to help yourself pull in some extra cash.
October 31st, 1999.
4:44am-Chattin' with Vampyress01. So phar away... Added a great money making deal at the bottom. Check it out!!!
3:39pm-Chattin' with Legionnpk at the moment. More moving gif's...picture section is all nice and up!
October 18th, 1999.
4:02pm-A counter...whatever good that does ya'...
October 17th, 1999.
11:16pm.I got my new banner up that I'm so proud of...updatin' all the sections...and I'm tryin' to spread the word to the search engines that this place is around.
October 16th, 1999.
Sorry I ain't got around to updatin' in so long...I don't mean to be makin' excuses but I've been workin' on a lot of other stuff; although I'll admit that this is one of my prime interests. I had a dream the other night where I wuz' this big ninja mutha' fucka' jumpin' outta' corners and flippin' all over so I started makin' my guy more like that...the panther's pride...I still ain't got a Dex-Drive but if I ever do I'll be sure to get him on here faster than I update...That's not sayin' a lot but this guy loox pretty fluid with 14 frames for a right punch...any new ideas from anyone?
September 27th, 1999. 2:18am
There we go guyz, it's phinally up and running. My Fighter Maker page. yeah, it looks kinda' crummy at the moment but I'm gonna' be updatin' this a lot! Hope you enjoy?!?

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