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Return back to the lobby and you will meet Quistis, Cid and Sue. The three are all talking about what a successful mission it was with no casulties.

Once all the talking is over, head right and you will see Seifer at the entrance path leading to the library. Seifer gets a roasting from Pricipal Cid for being to eager to fight and disobeying orders, only to be interrupted by the Garden Faculty to be made aware of the SeeD test results that are about to be announced.

Now head for the elevator and board it to go up the 2nd floor where the results will be read out. Now talk to everyone. Zell is walking back and forth as he is rather nervous about the results. A teacher will come up and talk to you all. Announcing those whom has passed the SeeD test.... Zell and Squall. The other students have all failed. The screen will then proceed to the awards ceremony with Cid.

Four other graduates will be lined up before Cid to receive their awards (badges of some sort), and in doing so he will tell them what SeeD is all about. You will be shown your SeeD ranking, from which Squall's pay is determined, and from now on you can do the tests at any time in the game (go in the 'Tutorial' menu and 'TEST'.

Once you have taken control over Squall, exit the area and head back to the second floor where you will meet Seifer's pals, Fuujin and Raijin. To everyone's surprisement, they will clap for those whom have passed the test . Now head back to the Dormitary to get changed for the ball.

Go to the bed and press the Circle button and, choosing the 2nd option, Squall will change into his graduation suit. Talk to Selphie, who complements you on how good you look, and leave. You may wished to use the Save Point.

Introducing.... Laguna Loire

The attention now switches to a different set of events, to Laguna and his colleagues.. The guy with long hair is Laguna Loire, the well built one is Ward Zaback, armed with a powerful Harpoon and the last one is Kiros Seagul, carrying two long swords. The three are in the area to fight soldiers of the Timber army...

NOTE: At this moment of time, you will be able to access your G.F. Cards, Monsters, Magic. Laguna will have all Squall's commands that you have equipped. Ward will have all Zell's commands that you have equipped while Kiros will have all the commands that you have equipped on Selphie. They will also be able to fight the Diablo that has been trapped inside the Magic Lantern, given by Cid. In this section, you will encounter random battles in the grasslands.

The path is rather straightforward. Just simply walk along the track and head northeast. The path is surrounded by high grasslands and there's a Magic stone found along the path, so draw some magic from it. Now keep heading up and they will start talking about what a waste of time this is, so they make their way back to Derring City. Make an anticlockwise turn and you will find a Magic stone. Drain magic from the stone and enter the truck.

The truck will transport you to Derring City. Exit from the truck and head south. As you reach the city, you will find a hotel called 'The Galbadia Hotel'. At the main hall you will find a Save Point, so save your game. Head down the stairs found on the right of the main hall into the restaurant/bar area. Talk to the waitress wearing a blue dress in front of the piano, and she will offer you a seat so choose the second option to say thank you.

A lady dressed in red will come out and play the piano. This is the girl who Laguna comes to watch, and her name is Julia. You will see Laguna talking to his pals, Kiros and Ward and they are telling him to say hello to her, but he is too nervous. Head across and talk to Julia and Laguna will suddenly get cramp in his leg (he always gets cramp when he becomes nervous). Next, Julia will approach Laguna and have a short chit-chat, offering to Laguna to come upstairs. Julia will move upstairs leaving Laguna in his thoughts. Now head back to the lady at the counter and pick the first option. There you will see a brief talk between Laguna and Julia (in her room!) where they talk about each other. The screen will then fade once again...

Meeting Once Again

Zell and Selphie will awake from their sleep, leaving Squall lying on the ground; you have regained control of your former self. Eventually, the train will arrive at the station. At Timber Station there is a member of the 'Forest Owls' (The local resistance movement to Galbadian rule who you have come to assist as members of SeeD) who requires the 'password'. Choose the third option (Still, there are owls), and he will show you to the other members.

Inside the train. There is one guy whom will usually vommit at one corner. Your party will stay there for a while. There are two other guys; one of them dressed in blue (Zaun), while the other is wearing a yellow cap (Watts). Zaun will usually have a stomach-ache and puke at a corner, while Watts is the resistance's intelligence man.

Go up the stairs on the far right. There is a Save Point at the left hand side of the train, so save your game. Now exit from the area and continue to head up and until you reach a highly-polished cabin. Inside the room is the person who we all know, and who Watts and Zaun called 'The Princess'. It's Rinoa, the girl who danced with Squall at the graduation ceremony.

She notices Squall and gives him a hug and chats for a while. You can choose a name for Rinoa. Her dog (Angelo) will enter the cabin later and you can name her too. Once she has left the room, head back to the cabin where your party was. Everyone will have a short chit-chat. Next you will be led to a room, which has the diagram of the tunnel. You're planning to attack the President whom is on board on the other train. You will have a sequence of the process showing how the trains are connected.

(The mission is explained in enormous depth for such a simply task, simply follow the instructions here, and you'll be fine).

Once you're ready, talk to the punky guy and pick the first option. Exit from this area and talk to the man in cap and choose the 2nd option and the screen will fade...

You will now be at the top of the train and your characters will jump across to reach the other train [pressing Circle]. Next Rinoa will talk to Squall and the scene will switch to the man who you are chasing after. There you will have to the "Connection of Trains" section and followed by FMV showing the unlocking of train carriages. Now you will be on the other green train carriage and doing the " Connection of Trains" and followed by another FMV of the unlocking of trains.

SUB-GAME: Connecting Trains AIM: Enter the codes to unhook the train without being discovered by Galbadian soldiers.

Controls Triangle [Enters #1]

Square [Enters #3]

Circle [Enters #2]

X [Enters #4]

L1: Look left

R1: Look Right

Up: Move Up

Down: Move down

First of all, Squall will set up the device vertically onto the train. Rinoa will tell you the code. The code panel is shown in the top right-hand corner. You have to enter the number shown on the panel. For example, let's say the code to input is 1333, press Triangle, Square, Square, Square.

However, it's not that simple, you will be caught if you are spotted by the patrolling Galbadian soldiers. For the first train carriage, you have to input 3 codes within the given time limit. Note that you can't move up while inputing codes on the panel so only enter the code if the coast is clear (R1 and L1 to look). If a soldier is coming towards you, press up and Squall will jump back to the top of the train.

For the first mission, press L1 to look left to see the Galbadian soldiers are approaching you. For the second time, you will have to input 5 codes with the same time limit. Press R2 to view to your right to check if Galbadian soldiers are moving towards you.

Now you will back at the place where you first entered this train. The punky guy will have another stomach ache , while your SeeD level rises by one. Once you've gain control of Squall, head back to the place where you find the Save Point and save your game. Return and talk to the man wearing a cap; when Rinoa asks if you're ready, pick the second option (ok).

Now you are in the carriage where President Derring is. Rinoa approaches the desk, only to be told by him he's not the real President! A battle ensues...


Name: President Deling Level 8 HP: 458

Monster Deling: Level 8 HP: 2,450

Attacks: President Deling: Charge and Life Drain

Monster Deling: Claw Swipe, Fire, Bolt, Flood Breath, Blind, Berserk

Facts: Monster Deling: Weak against Fire, Earth and

Holy. Poison has no effect on the BOSS

Draw: President Deling: Heal

Utoku: Cure, Double, Berserk, Drain

AP gained: 20.


Just deal 400+ HP on him and it will change into a Zombie (called Utoku)! Use fire-based attacks and your G.F, while using Heal or items such as Hi-Potions and Potion to restore lost HP. The flood breath will sometimes cause Sadness, use Cure to remove this status. You can kill him instantly with a Phoenix Down.

When you have defeated the fake president, you will be back at the place where you were shown the train diagram. The punky haired guy will squat down and puke (boy, he needs a new stomach). Talk to Rinoa who is so 'ashamed' at being tricked.

Continue talking to Rinoa and she will give him 2 letters, basically telling him that he (SeeD) is stuck with the Forest Owls until they are finished with them (until Timber gains its independance from Galbadia!), signed by Cid.

Rinoa will join you and you will have to form a party of three ready to head to Timber to stop the broadcast. Next exit from the area, through south, and head up the stairs and use the Save Point. Now talk to the man dressed in a cap (Watts) and choose the second option to tell him that you're ready. The train will now return back to the Timber Station

You will now find yourself and the dance hall. There Zell will approach Squall and offer a victory handshake as they are now SeeD colleagues. The ever cold Squall refuses this gesture. Selphie will ask you whether you want to be on some sort of committee after Zell abruptly leaves.

When the pair finally leave Squall be, he gets a glimpse of a girl dressed in a pale yellow dress.... hmm I wonder who that could be? This is followed by a awesome FMV sequence:

** FMV **

Squall looks at the glass roof. A shooting star passes through the night sky. Rinoa approaches Squall...

Squall is invited to dance with her, at his reluctance. A beautiful FMV follows of the dance. This really shows that when it comes to FMV, Square truly are the masters.

The dance will stop after the area has become darker and the fireworks appear in the sky.. Rinoa notices the person she was looking for (Cid) and bids farewell leaving Squall.

The scene then switches to the balcony where Squall will have a short conversation with Quistis. Quistis will congratulate Squall on his superb test results and tell you to change back to your clothes and meet her at the hall of the Training Center. Now head up and enter the door on the left...

At the training center..... It looks like Square have been watching a few films, this area looks like its been ripped right from Jurassic Park! Most of the time, you will encounter plant-type monsters and occasionally, you will fight the T-rex. If you encounter one, I suggest that you run away at such an eary point in the game (Press and hold R2 + L2). The T-Rex has about 10,000+ HP (Click here for some tips on beating the T-Rex).

From that area, you will find red pipes and material used for building. Head north. In this area, there is a Save Point and a path that leads to the roof of the training center. There is a short conversation with Garden at night clearly visable in the background. Quistis will tell Squall that she has been sacked as a teacher at Garden for not being strict enough, yet Squall offers no soldier to cry on.

When the pair have finished talking, head right and absorb the magic from the Draw Point located near the river. Head right and cross the bridge. Now head south and you will see a girl cornered by a huge Dragon Fly! (remember the girl that peeped into infirmary at the beginning?). Squall draws his sword and starts to attack the BOSS.


Name: Granald Level 8 HP: 1456

Raid [3] Level 8 HP: 223

Attacks: Granald: Kick the Raid, Fire Throw, Fire, Attack

Raid: Claw Swipe

Facts: Granald: Weak against Wind

Draw: Granald: Sleepel, Darkness, Shield

Raid: Fire, Bolt, Barrier

AP gained: 14


This BOSS isn't that tough as there is Raid whom will not attack you when the main BOSS is around. He's pretty weak when faced with physical attacks. Just use the magic that you have already drawn from the other monsters. Note that the BOSS can make use of the Raid and use as its weapon. Make full use of your Guardian Forces and Magic. Cast Heal or use Potions to restore lost HP. You will get 14 AP when you defeat all three. The battle will only end when all of them are killed.

After the battle, the girl is accompanyed by two Guards who tell the girl off for being here. Now exit from the training center and Quistis will tell Squall to meet the Principal and others at the Central Gate the next morning.

Head back to the Dormitory to get some sleep ready for the next day, and you will find Zell along the way who will tell you that you have your own private room now that you are a SeeD member. Head near the bed and Squall will have some well earned sleep.

NOTE: You can get a copy of Weapon Upgrading Guide from the desk located in his room.

The Next Mission

Next morning Selphie tells you that their first mission as members of SeeD is at a place called Timber and you should go in plain clothes. Make your way to the front gate of the Garden, don't forget to save your game if you feel the need.

At the front, push open the red panel and you will see Cid with a Garden Faculty and Selphie. Talk to Cid and you will see Zell come from the distance on his hoverboard , but it is confiscated by the Garden Faculty. Notice that everyone has changed into their own personal clothes, a standard practice for SeeD members.

Cid will brief you all on the mission that lies ahead; to assist the resistance in Timber. When you gain control of Squall, trying to exit the area will make Cid give you a Magic Lantern that summons a Guardian Force, Diablo. Simply go to the item menu and click on the newly gained lantern to defeat him.


Name: Diablo Level 9 HP: 8,000

Attacks: Charge, Demi, Demi-All

Facts: Weak against Wind, Sometimes very weak against Demi.

Draw: Heal, Demi

AP gained: 20


This BOSS is pretty tough if you have generally low levels. You can save it until you have reached a double-digit level, but if you're good, you may as well fight him now. He has a high tendency to use Demi magic before he starts to attack. His attacks are strong which does about 100+ damage.

Firstly you must have obtained the double magic spell (the one that lets you to do magic in a turn) and Blind. As you begin the fight, cast double magic to your characters and Blind magic to Diablo. It may requires some luck, which will result the BOSS from miss attacking you. Remember to have lots of cure magics available as he will use Demi on you and has quite strong attacks; his 'Demi All' will never KILL your party even if your HP is at 10. Use your Guardian Force's as much as possible, and keep trying at drawing Demi and using it on him - sometimes it can deal a lot a damage.

Now exit from Garden and you are back on the World Map. Head towards Balamb City (where you went to Dollet from) As you arrive at the city entrance, head south from the Gas Station. Now walk down and make a left turn, there you will meet Zell's friend sitting on the bench. Continue walking left from him and you will reach the train station. There is a shop situated at the right side of the station, which sells items. After this, talk to the man at the station and pay him 3,000 gil for a train ticket.

Inside the Train

There is a Save Point inside the train. Next Zell will talk to Squall and Selphie about how good the travelling in trains is, and points out the fact that it's a transcontinental railway. They will leave the room, so follow them. Talk to Zell and he will enter the room on the left, impressed that SeeD have their own cabin!. Selphie will remain in the corridor and starts to sing a song because see likes trains so much I like riding trains...

Train, train... Run so fast...

Take us far... far away...

Lead us to the future...

After that piece from Selphie, head inside the cabin that Zell went in and talk to him. You'll find him bouncing on the coach. Move towards Zell and he will ask you whether you know much about Timber. Pick any option. Selphie will enter the room, looking unwell. Suddenly, Selphie passes out, followed by Zell. Squall, the last one standing, tries to approach them but suddenly falls unconsicious, lying on the ground. The screen fades....

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