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Holy God! Two things! ...obviously, it's been a WHILE since I updated, and I apologize folks...things have been, well, VERY hectic lately. What with my very bestest friend moving in with us, and dealing with the courts to make it legal. Much fun! But being able to sit up at 2:30 in the morning and talk about silly things, sneaking smokes together, and all that lovely sentimental horsecrap, makes it pretty worth it. Number two...Angelfire changed EVERYTHING around and I'm FREAKIN OUT HERE!!!! It used to be white and beige when I updated, now it's blue, and set up differently, and different rules for going about things, and all around just more complicated! Ok! I'm calm now!

So anyway, I just discovered something odd. The webmaster of another crow site that I love and visit all the time, just signed my guestbook. That was like, wow! Cool! You can't even imagine my impressed-like expression of smileys! ...then I calmed down, smacked myself for acting my age, and realized, people really DO read my ramblings. *peers out into the infinite, inky black depths of the cyber world* People out there know things about me...I gotta ask do I feel about this? Do I care? *chants inside her head...see dawn care. care dawn care!* Nope! Not at all!

As for cool updates and stuffs, they're not up as of yet, but they will be tonight. At the moment I'm being guilt-dragged into braiding my brother's hair. So one last but important thing before I go! Petition site is up, has been up actually, I was just a freak and didn't double-check to see if I had any mistakes in the url. Head beatings will now commence. Click!

Keep writing, peeps! Your webmistress,



Yeah, yeah. I know some of the pics don't work right now. But, oh well, I think you'll live right? Go to someone else's page to fill your mind with images you already saw from the movie and stuff. Cuz if you haven't seen the movie then why the hell are you here anyway??
Yeah...So, ok, I'm a junior at Eastland Career Center, where I get to draw for three hours straight in Commercial Arts. God it's so fuckin fun! And YOU don't go there! ...I'm mean. You love me.
Another comic book I'm in love with right now is Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, who was introduced to me by a cool gurl named Emily...(yeah, I know, this is a Crow page, but it's MY page, so shut up and keep reading) It's about a guy in his mid-twenties that hates this conformist society and proceeds to torture and kill a lot of people in funny ways, all while questioning his sanity and being suicidal. He also goes to heavan and hell and gets head-explody. I'd link to one of the many pages dedicated to this great guy, but I'm too lazy right now. Go surf the web for him. Really, do it, it's fun.

More rambling.

Recent Ramble.

Got a story? Wrote a poem? Wanna know how to submit it?
I'll tell you.

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Sign my Dreambook!
