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"You've taken your first step into a larger world"

- the website of Bryan Erickson -

To see more stuff, click on the galaxies above; to see my adorable wife and children, see below. Sorry it's sort of out of date now. New pictures and info are being posted.


Click on any of the thumbnail images below to see the entire image.

Max plays with his friend Madison in April 2002.

Introducing the newest member of the family - Sophia Paige Erickson.
Born January 4, 2002, 8:20 PM, Concord Hospital, Concord, New Hampshire; 7 lbs. 6 oz., 21 inches.

Sophie gets a lot of attention from her big brother Max.

Max enjoys life.

Sophia at 1 day old.

Bryan, Stacey, and Maxwell just before Sophia's birth.

This is your world; these are your people. You can live for yourself today, or you can help build tomorrow for everyone.
- Sir Edward Elgar

To enter the website's larger world, click on the image of hundreds of galaxies at the top. Image courtesy of Hubble Space Telescope, NASA/STScI