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O Pardoner of David in Advertency

In Du'a Al Mashlool it is said "O Pardoner of David in advertency" In the Holy Qura'n in ch.38, Surah Sad, verse 24& 25, it said (24) ………Verily, most partners transgress against each other save those who believe and do good deeds, and few are they." And Dawud perceived that We had tried him; so he asked forgiveness of his Lord, and he fell down, bowing (in prostration), and turned (to Us in repentance) (25) "So we forgave him that (lapse), and verily for him is a near approach with Us, and an excellent place of return." Behind these Quranic verses and Du'a verse there is a story. Oriya the brother of Hazrat Dawud (A.S) had asked the hand of a woman in marriage to him. Everything was settled but at the last moment the guardians of the women decided they did not want to give their daughter to Oriya. So the marriage was broken. Hazrat Dawud (A.S) later asked for that same woman's hand. Because of his status the women's parents were influenced by, and gave Hazrat Dawud (A.S) their daughter away to him. Hazrat Dawud (A.S) already had 99 wives, and with this one added the number was a complete 100. Oriya was hurt. Hazrat Dawud (A.S) should have used his good service and somehow brought reconciliation between the girl's party and Oriya. What Prophet Hazrat Dawud (A.S) did, was not a sin, but Oriya wanted him to act otherwise, as a brother and also as a ruler or a father of the people. God sent two angels in the form of human beings to Hazrat Dawud (A.S). When the angels arrived at the gates of Hazrat Dawud (A.S) residents, the guards said it was the Day of prayer for Hazrat Dawud (A.S), and that they should return tomorrow. Hazrat Dawud (A.S) had set apart certain days in the week for attending the court of justice and for other works. On the day fixed for prayer, he used to shut himself into a guarded chamber and no one would be allowed in to approach or disturb him. The angels, since they could just penetrate into the walls entered Hazrat Dawud (A.S) chamber. The angels which were in the form of human beings, said that one of them had 99 sheep and the other only had one, but the one that had 99 wanted the other guys sheep as well. Hazrat Dawud (A.S) decided that the matter was unjust. The angels then left. After they left Hazrat Dawud (A.S) understood they were angels sent to him by God to prove his misjudgment. It is said Hazrat Dawud (A.S) lay prostrating for 40 days praying for forgiveness and God forgave him

The Human Self
There are 4 kinds of selves. They are soil self, plant self, animal self, and the human self. Man has all the selves except the Human Self. Man has to obtain the human self. Allah has given man the ability to chose, to make choices in this world. It depends on each person if those choices are going to be bad or good. For example: If a person keeps drinking then the desire to drink will control him. Allah still has power over man, but has given man a little freedom. Animals and all other creatures on this earth do not have the ability to choose. Only man has been given this freedom. Man is being tested in this life. The test result depends on your deeds.

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