Lindsay and Brittany's toTallY AwEsomely cool *NSYNC site!!!!!!!!!1111

HI!!! I'm Lindsay and this is Brittany and, like, welcom to our totally Awesomely cool NSYNC SIte!!1 We luv NSYNC SOOOO MUCH!!!! UM...I really don't know how to make a website, or any thing about the internet really so I'll just put up some amazingly cool and sexy NSyNc pics (but not Joey cuz he is a loooser).

Um......ok, i don't think I know how to put in pics. maybe i should learn how it works or something........

There we go...OOPS!!! wrong one. Britney!!Stop DrOOling at that pic!!! It's gross!!!11!

This pic is soooo cool and amazingly awesome. They're all so hott and sexy, exept for Joey cuz he is a looooser.

here's a totally amazingly awesomely cool pic of NSYNC in concErt!! a lot of people say NSYNC has no talent and are only popular cuz of their ultra sexy hott looks (but not JOey, he's a loooooser) but i say that they have a bunch of, like, really awesomely amazing songs that are really good that one where......umm.....or that song that.......ok, i can't name any off the top of my head right now but believe me they are really really AMAZINGLY gOOd!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!

Anyways, that's all i have time for right now cuz I have to go take my pills, but you can be sure that I'll be back to post more totally amazingly awesomely really cool amazing pics of the really totally hott and sexy guys of *NYSYC (except for Joey cuz...oh, you know).

My Favorite Web sites

Angelfire Home Pages
A really awesomely cool NSYNC site whose pics i stole
My cousin's weird and freaky site. i wouldn't go there if i were you

My Favorite Things About Angelfire